The wildlife at the National Park of Samoa is beautiful and diverse. It’s a great place to view animals in the ocean, land, and sky including, but not limited to, turtles, whales, dolphins, coral, birds, bats, rodents and even feral pigs! Don’t forget your underwater gear while you’re here. About 4,000 acres of the national park is underwater and you won’t want to miss seeing the amazing marine life and coral reefs!
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National Park of American Samoa Species List

Amphibian Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Large, Marine Toad | Bufo marinus | Uncommon | Non-native |

Bird Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Aleva, Long-tailed Cuckoo | Eudynamys taitensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Atafa, Great Frigatebird | Fregata minor | Uncommon | Native |
Atafa, Lesser Frigatebird | Fregata ariel | Uncommon | Native |
Audubon’s Shearwater, Ta`i`o | Puffinus lherminieri | Uncommon | Native |
Banded Rail, Ve`a | Gallirallus philippensis | Common | Native |
Barn Owl, Common Barn Owl, Lulu | Tyto alba | Uncommon | Non-native |
Black Noddy, Gogo | Anous minutus | Uncommon | Native |
Blue-crowned Lory, Sega | Vini australis | Common | Native |
Blue-grey Noddy, Laia | Procelsterna cerulea | Uncommon | Native |
Bridled Tern | Sterna anaethetus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Brown Booby, Fua`o | Sula leucogaster | Uncommon | Native |
Brown Noddy, Gogo | Anous stolidus | Common | Native |
Cardinal Honeyeater, Segasegamau`u | Myzomela cardinalis | Common | Native |
Christmas Shearwater, Ta`i`o | Puffinus nativitatis | Rare | Native |
Collared Petrel, Ta`i`o | Pterodroma leucoptera | Uncommon | Native |
Fiji Shrikebill | Clytorhynchus vitiensis | Uncommon | Native |
Friendly Ground-dove, Tu`aimeo | Gallicolumba stairi | Rare | Native |
Fua`o, Masked Booby | Sula dactylatra | Uncommon | Native |
Fua`o, Red-footed Booby | Sula sula | Uncommon | Native |
Fuia, Samoan Starling | Aplonis atrifusca | Common | Native |
Gogosina, Gray-backed Tern | Sterna lunata | Rare | Native |
Golden Plover, Pacific Golden Plover, Tuli | Pluvialis fulva | Common | Native |
Herald Petrel, Ta`i`o | Pterodroma arminjoniana | Rare | Native |
Lupe, Pacific Pigeon | Ducula pacifica | Uncommon | Native |
Manu Ali`i, Purple Swamphen | Porphyrio porphyrio | Uncommon | Native |
Manu Sina, White Tern | Gygis alba | Common | Native |
Manuma, Many-colored Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus perousii | Rare | Native |
Manutagi, Purple-capped Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus porphyraceus | Common | Native |
Miti Vao, Polynesian Starling | Aplonis tabuensis | Common | Native |
Pacific Reef-heron, Reef heron, Matu`u | Egretta sacra | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pe`ape`a, White-rumped Swiftlet | Aerodramus spodiopygius | Common | Native |
Red Junglefowl | Gallus gallus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Sooty Rail, Spotless Crake | Porzana tabuensis | Rare | Native |
Ta`i`o, Tahiti Petrel | Pterodroma rostrata | Uncommon | Native |
Tava ‘esina, White-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethon lepturus | Common | Native |
Tuli, Wandering Tattler | Heteroscelus incanus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Wattled Honeyeater, Iao | Foulehaio carunculatus | Common | Native |
White-Collared Kingfisher, Ti`otala | Todiramphus chloris | Uncommon | Native |
White-faced Heron | Ardea novaehollandiae | Occasional | Non-native |

Fish Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liza seheli | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liza subviridis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Serola dumerili | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Anampses chrysocephalus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hoplolatilus starcki | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pristigenys meyeri | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Canthidermis maculatus | Rare | Native |
Achilles Tang, Redspot Surgeonfish, Redspot Tang, Redtail Surgeonfish | Acanthurus achilles | Uncommon | Native |
Acute-jawed Mullet | Neomyxus leuciscus | Common | Native |
Agile | Chromis agilis | Uncommon | Native |
Almaco Scad | Seriola rivoliana | Rare | Native |
Ambon Chromis | Chromis amboinensis | Uncommon | Native |
Ambon Toby | Canthigaster amboinensis | Common | Native |
Arc-eye | Paracirrhites arcatus | Abundant | Native |
Arenatus Wrasse | Oxycheilinus arenatus | Uncommon | Native |
Arrowhead Soapfish | Belonoperca chabanaudi | Uncommon | Native |
Atoll Butteryflyfish | Chaetodon mertensii | Uncommon | Native |
Axilspot Hogfish | Bodianus axillaris | Abundant | Native |
Banda Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus bandanensis | Common | Native |
Bandcheek, Cheeklined | Oxycheilinus digramma | Abundant | Native |
Banded Goby | Amblygobius phalaena | Abundant | Native |
Banded Humbug, Black and White Damselfish, Black-and-white Damselfish, Humbug Damselfish, Threestripe Damselfish, Whitetail Dascyllus | Dascyllus aruanus | Common | Native |
Banded Sergeant | Abudefduf septemfasciatus | Common | Native |
Barred Blenny | Cirripectes polyzona | Common | Native |
Barred Flagtail | Kuhlia mugil | Abundant | Native |
Barred Moray | Echidna polyzona | Uncommon | Native |
Barred Thicklip Wrasse | Hemigymnus fasciatus | Common | Native |
Barred-fin Moray | Gymnothorax zonipectis | Uncommon | Native |
Bearded Silverside | Atherion elymus | Common | Native |
Beautiful Goby | Exyrias belissimus | Common | Native |
Beautiful Rockskipper | Istiblennius bellus | Common | Native |
Bicolor Angelfish | Centropyge bicolor | Abundant | Native |
Bicolor Blenny | Ecsenius bicolor | Abundant | Native |
Bicolor Chromis | Chromis margaritifer | Abundant | Native |
Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides bicolor | Abundant | Native |
Bicolor Fangblenny | Plagiotremus laudandus | Common | Native |
Bicolor Goatfish | Parupeneus barberinoides | Uncommon | Native |
Bicolor Parrotfish | Cetoscarus ocellatus | Common | Native |
Big Longnose Butterflyfish, Forcepsfish | Forcipiger flavissimus | Uncommon | Native |
Bigeye Barracuda | Sphyraena forsteri | Uncommon | Native |
Bigeye Dwarfgoby | Trimma macrophthalma | Common | Native |
Bigeye Emperor | Monotaxis grandoculis | Abundant | Native |
Bigeye Scad | Selar crumenophthalmus | Common | Native |
Bigeye Trevally, Great Trevally | Caranx sexfasciatus | Uncommon | Native |
Bignose Unicornfish | Naso vlamingii | Uncommon | Native |
Bigscale Soldierfish | Myripristis berndti | Common | Native |
Biocellate Wrasse, False-eyed Wrasse, Red-lined Wrasse, Two-spotted Wrasse | Halichoeres biocellatus | Abundant | Native |
Bird | Gomphosus varius | Abundant | Native |
Black Durgon, Black Durgon, Black Triggerfish | Melichthys niger | Common | Native |
Black Jack | Caranx lugubris | Uncommon | Native |
Black Rockcod, Brown-marbled Grouper | Epinephelus fuscoguttatus | Rare | Native |
Black Snapper | Macolor niger | Common | Native |
Black Spotted Pufferfish | Arothron nigropunctatus | Common | Native |
Black Wrasse | Macropharyngodon negrosensis | Uncommon | Native |
Black-axil Chromis | Chromis atripectoralis | Uncommon | Native |
Black-backed Butterflyfish | Chaetodon melannotus | Rare | Native |
Blackbar Damsel | Plectroglyphidodon dickii | Common | Native |
Blackbar Filefish | Pervagor janthinosoma | Uncommon | Native |
Blackbar Wrasse | Thalassoma nigrofasciatum | Uncommon | Native |
Black-barred Halfbeak | Hemiramphus far | Uncommon | Native |
Blackbelt Hogfish | Bodianus mesothorax | Uncommon | Native |
Blackblotch Lizardfish | Synodus jaculum | Common | Native |
Black-blotched Porcupinefish | Diodon liturosus | Uncommon | Native |
Blackeye Thicklip | Hemigymnus melapterus | Common | Native |
Blackfin Dartfish | Ptereleotris evides | Abundant | Native |
Blackfin Hogfish | Bodianus loxozonus | Uncommon | Native |
blackfin Mullet, Diamondscale Mullet, Diamond-scale Mullet, Squaretail Mullet | Liza vaigiensis | Common | Native |
Blackmargin Barracuda | Sphyraena qenie | Uncommon | Native |
Blacksaddle Coral Grouper | Plectropomus laevis | Uncommon | Native |
Blacksaddle Grouper | Epinephelus howlandi | Rare | Native |
Black-saddled Toby | Canthigaster valentini | Common | Native |
Blackside | Paracirrhites forsteri | Abundant | Native |
Blackspot Emperor, Thumbprint Emperor | Lethrinus harak | Uncommon | Native |
Blackspot Grouper | Epinephelus melanostigma | Uncommon | Native |
Blackspot Sergeant, Blackspot Sergeant Major, Kupipi, Spot Pom | Abudefduf sordidus | Common | Native |
Blackspot Snapper | Lutjanus ehrenbergii | Rare | Native |
Blackspotted Wrasse | Macropharyngodon meleagris | Common | Native |
Blackstreak Surgeonfish | Acanthurus nigricauda | Uncommon | Native |
Blackstripe Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus nigrofasciatus | Abundant | Native |
Blacktail | Lutjanus fulvus | Abundant | Native |
Blacktip Grouper | Epinephelus fasciatus | Uncommon | Native |
Blacktip Reef Shark | Carcharhinus melanopterus | Uncommon | Native |
Blacktip Silver Biddy | Gerres oyena | Uncommon | Native |
Blacktipped Fusilier, Goldband Fusilier | Pterocaesio chrysozona | Rare | Native |
Bloody Bigeye | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | Uncommon | Native |
Blotched Goby | Coryphopterus inframaculatus | Uncommon | Native |
Blotch-eye Soldierfish, Pinecone Soldierfish | Myripristis murdjan | Abundant | Native |
Blue and Gold Fusilier | Caesio caerulaurea | Common | Native |
Blue and Yellow Fusilier | Caesio teres | Abundant | Native |
Blue Blanquillo | Malacanthus latovittatus | Common | Native |
Blue Damsel, Sapphire Damsel, Peacock Damsel | Pomacentrus pavo | Common | Native |
Blue Devil, Cornflower Sargeantmajor, Sapphire Devil | Chrysiptera cyanea | Uncommon | Native |
Blue Goatfish | Parupeneus cyclostomus | Common | Native |
Blueband Goby | Valenciennea strigata | Common | Native |
Blue-barred Parrotfish | Scarus ghobban | Uncommon | Native |
Blue-dashed Rockskipper | Blenniella paula | Common | Native |
Blue-eye | Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus | Common | Native |
Bluefin Trevally | Caranx melampygus | Abundant | Native |
Blue-green Chromis | Chromis viridis | Common | Native |
Bluelashed Butteryfish | Chaetodon bennetti | Rare | Native |
Blueline Damsel | Chrysiptera caeruleolineata | Uncommon | Native |
Blueline Large-eye Bream | Gymnocranius grandoculis | Common | Native |
Bluelined | Acanthurus nigroris | Uncommon | Native |
Bluelip Bristletooth | Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus | Abundant | Native |
Bluepatch Parrotfish, Forsten’s Parrotfish | Scarus forsteni | Abundant | Native |
Bluespine | Naso unicornis | Common | Native |
Blue-spotted | Cephalopholis argus | Common | Native |
Blue-spotted Stingray | Dasyatis kuhlii | Uncommon | Native |
Blue-spotted Wrasse | Anampses caeruleopunctatus | Uncommon | Native |
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides dimidiatus | Abundant | Native |
Bluestripe | Lutjanus kasmira | Common | Native |
Bluestriped Triggerfish | Pseudobalistes fuscus | Rare | Native |
Bluntheaded Wrasse | Thalassoma amblycephalum | Common | Native |
Bluntsnout Gregory | Stegastes punctatus | Uncommon | Native |
Bonnetray, Spotted Eagle Ray | Aetobatus narinari | Uncommon | Native |
Brass Striped Barracuda | Sphyraena helleri | Uncommon | Native |
Brassy Trevally | Caranx papuensis | Uncommon | Native |
Brick Soldierfish | Myripristis amaena | Uncommon | Native |
Bridled Parrotfish | Scarus frenatus | Common | Native |
Brighteye Damsel | Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis | Uncommon | Native |
Broad-banded Shrimpgoby | Amblyeleotris periophthalma | Abundant | Native |
Broadbarred Firefish | Pterois antennata | Common | Native |
Broom Filefish | Amanses scopas | Common | Native |
Brown | Acanthurus nigrofuscus | Common | Native |
Brown-banded Pipefish | Corythoichthys amplexus | Rare | Native |
Brushtail Tang | Zebrasoma scopas | Common | Native |
Bullethead | Chlorurus sordidus | Abundant | Native |
Bullethead Rockskipper, Eyespot Blenny | Blenniella periophthalmus | Uncommon | Native |
Button Snapper | Lutjanus boutton | Rare | Native |
Caesiura Dwarfgoby | Trimma caesiura | Common | Native |
Candystripe Cardinalfish | Apogon endekataenia | Rare | Native |
Celebes Razorfish | Iniistius celebicus | Uncommon | Native |
Charcoal Damsel | Pomacentrus brachialis | Common | Native |
Checkerboard Wrasse | Halichoeres hortulanus | Abundant | Native |
Chestnut Blenny | Cirripectes castaneus | Common | Native |
Chevroned Butterflyfish | Chaetodon trifascialis | Uncommon | Native |
Chiseltooth Wrasse | Pseudodax moluccanus | Uncommon | Native |
Christmas | Thalassoma trilobatum | Uncommon | Native |
Cigar Wrasse | Cheilio inermis | Uncommon | Native |
Circular Spadefish | Platax orbicularis | Rare | Native |
Cleaner Mimic | Aspidontus taeniatus | Uncommon | Native |
Clearfin Lionfish | Pterois radiata | Common | Native |
Clearfin Lizardfish | Synodus dermatogenys | Common | Native |
Clearfin Squirrelfish | Neoniphon argenteus | Common | Native |
Clown Triggerfish | Balistoides conspicillum | Common | Native |
Comical Blenny | Ecsenius opsifrontalis | Abundant | Native |
Common Lionfish | Pterois volitans | Abundant | Native |
Comouflage Grouper, Small Toothed Rockcod | Epinephelus polyphekadion | Rare | Native |
Convict Surgeonfish, Convict Tang, Convictfish | Acanthurus triostegus | Common | Native |
Copper Sweeper | Pempheris oualensis | Abundant | Native |
Cornet | Fistularia commersonii | Common | Native |
Coronation Grouper | Variola louti | Common | Native |
Crescent-banded Grunter | Terapon jarbua | Common | Native |
Crown Squirrelfish | Sargocentron diadema | Common | Native |
Crown-of-thorns Siphonfish | Siphamia fuscolineata | Rare | Native |
Cryptic Wrasse | Pteragogus cryptus | Uncommon | Native |
Dapple Coris, Clown Wrasse | Coris aygula | Common | Native |
Dark-banded Fusilier | Pterocaesio tile | Abundant | Native |
Darkfin Hind | Cephalopholis urodeta | Abundant | Native |
Dark-margined Flagtail | Kuhlia marginata | Common | Native |
Dash-dot Goatfish, Dash-and-dot Goatfish | Parupeneus barberinus | Uncommon | Native |
Dashed-line Blenny | Blenniella interrupta | Uncommon | Native |
Decorated Goby | Istigobius decoratus | Abundant | Native |
Deep-bodied Silver Biddy | Gerres erythrourus | Uncommon | Native |
Delicate Blenny | Glyptoparus delicatulus | Rare | Native |
Devil Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis diabolus | Uncommon | Native |
Diamondfish | Monodactylus argenteus | Uncommon | Native |
Disappearing | Pseudocheilinus evanidus | Abundant | Native |
Dot & Dash Butterflyfish | Chaetodon pelewensis | Abundant | Native |
Dotted Butterflyfish | Chaetodon semeion | Uncommon | Native |
Dotted Fairy Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus punctatus | Uncommon | Native |
Dotted Pygmygoby | Eviota punctulata | Abundant | Native |
Dotted Sweetlips | Plectorhinchus picus | Rare | Native |
Doublebar Goatfish | Parupeneus crassilabris | Common | Native |
Double-spotted Queenfish | Scomberoides lysan | Common | Native |
Dusky Clownfish | Amphiprion melanopus | Common | Native |
Dusky Gregory | Stegastes nigricans | Common | Native |
Dusky Rabbitfish | Siganus fuscescens | Uncommon | Native |
Dusky Wrasse | Halichoeres marginatus | Abundant | Native |
Dussumier’s Halfbeak | Hyporhamphus dussumieri | Uncommon | Native |
Dwarf Hawkfish | Cirrhitichthys falco | Common | Native |
Dwarf Mullet | Moolgarda engeli | Common | Native |
Egghead Parrotfish, Dark-capped | Scarus oviceps | Common | Native |
Eightstripe Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus octotaenia | Abundant | Native |
Ellipse Shrimpgoby | Amblyeleotris ellipse | Rare | Native |
Emporer Angelfish | Pomacanthus imperator | Uncommon | Native |
Epaulette Soldierfish | Myripristis kuntee | Abundant | Native |
Eyebar Goby | Gnatholepis anjerensis | Common | Native |
Eyebar Goby | Gnatholepis cauerensis | Common | Native |
Festive Parrotfish | Scarus festivus | Uncommon | Native |
Fiji Damselfish | Amphiprion bartbadensis | Rare | Native |
Fijian Silverside | Hypoatherina ovalaua | Common | Native |
Filament-fin Parrotfish | Scarus altipinnis | Uncommon | Native |
Fine-scaled Dottyback | Lubbockichthys multisquamatus | Rare | Native |
Fine-spotted Blenny | Salarias guttatus | Uncommon | Native |
Fire Dartfish | Nemateleotris magnifica | Abundant | Native |
Five-lined Cardinalfish | Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus | Abundant | Native |
Fivestripe | Thalassoma quinquevittatum | Abundant | Native |
Flagtail Triggerfish, Halfmoon Triggerfish | Sufflamen chrysopterum | Common | Native |
Flame Angelfish | Centropyge loricula | Uncommon | Native |
Flasher Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis macrochir | Uncommon | Native |
Floral Wrasse | Cheilinus chlorourus | Common | Native |
Flowery Flounder | Bothus mancus | Common | Native |
Forktail Blenny | Meiacanthus atrodorsalis | Abundant | Native |
Forktail Rabbitfish, Streamlined Spinefoot | Siganus argenteus | Uncommon | Native |
Fourline Wrasse | Stethojulis trilineata | Uncommon | Native |
Fourmanoiri’s Blenny | Ecsenius fourmanoiri | Uncommon | Native |
Foursaddle Grouper | Epinephelus spilotoceps | Rare | Native |
Fourspot Butterflyfish | Chaetodon quadrimaculatus | Common | Native |
Fourstripe Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia | Uncommon | Native |
Fowler’s Scorpionfish | Sebastapistes fowleri | Uncommon | Native |
Fragile Cardinalfish | Apogon fragilis | Common | Native |
Frail Cardinalfish | Cercamia cladara | Rare | Native |
Fringelip Mullet, Thicklip Mullet, Wartynosed Mullet | Crenimugil crenilabis | Common | Native |
Fusilier Damselfish | Lepidozygus tapeinosoma | Rare | Native |
Giant Grouper | Epinephelus lanceolatus | Occasional | Native |
Giant Moray | Gymnothorax javanicus | Common | Native |
Giant Trevally | Caranx ignobilis | Uncommon | Native |
Gilded Trigger | Xanthichthys auromarginatus | Uncommon | Native |
Goldbelly Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus apogonides | Common | Native |
Golden Chromis, Ternate Chromis | Chromis ternatensis | Common | Native |
Golden Sweeper | Parapriacanthus ransonneti | Common | Native |
Golden Trevally, Yellow Jack | Gnathanodon speciosus | Uncommon | Native |
Gold-speckled Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops pomastictus | Common | Native |
Gold-streaked Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops aurocingulus | Common | Native |
Goram Dragonet | Diplogrammus goramensis | Uncommon | Native |
Gorgeous Shrimpgoby | Amblyeleotris fasciata | Common | Native |
Gracile Lizardfish, Slender Lizardfish | Saurida gracilis | Common | Native |
Gray Humbug, Reticulate Dascyllus, Twostriped Damselfish | Dascyllus reticulatus | Common | Native |
Gray Unicornfish | Naso caesius | Uncommon | Native |
Greasy Grouper | Epinephelus tauvina | Rare | Native |
Great Barracuda | Sphyraena barracuda | Uncommon | Native |
Green Jobfish | Aprion virescens | Rare | Native |
Greensnout Parrotfish | Scarus spinus | Common | Native |
Grey Demoiselle | Chrysiptera glauca | Common | Native |
Guam Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus guamensis | Uncommon | Native |
Guam Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes guamensis | Uncommon | Native |
Guineafowl Puffer, Guineafowl Puffer, ‘Opu Hue | Arothron meleagris | Common | Native |
Hairy Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes hirsutus | Uncommon | Native |
Half-and-half Chromis | Chromis iomelas | Abundant | Native |
Halfmoon Triggerfish | Rhinecanthus lunula | Uncommon | Native |
Halfspotted Hawkfish | Paracirrhites hemistictus | Common | Native |
Hawaiian Bristletooth | Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis | Rare | Native |
Hexagon Grouper | Epinephelus hexagonatus | Abundant | Native |
Highfin Chub | Kyphosus cinerascens | Uncommon | Native |
Highfin Fangblenny | Petroscirtes mitratus | Uncommon | Native |
Highfin Grouper | Epinephelus maculatus | Uncommon | Native |
Highhat Triplefin | Enneapterygius tutuilae | Common | Native |
Honeycomb Grouper | Epinephelus merra | Abundant | Native |
Honeycomb Toby | Canthigaster janthinoptera | Uncommon | Native |
Horned Bannerfish | Heniochus varius | Abundant | Native |
Houndfish | Tylosurus crocodilus | Uncommon | Native |
Hudson’s Triplefin | Helcogramma hudsoni | Uncommon | Native |
Humpback Snapper | Lutjanus gibbus | Common | Native |
Humpback Unicornfish | Naso brachycentron | Rare | Native |
Humphead Parrotfish | Bolbometopon muricatum | Occasional | Native |
Humphead Wrasse | Cheilinus undulatus | Occasional | Native |
Humpnose Unicornfish | Naso tonganus | Rare | Native |
Indian Goatfish | Parupeneus indicus | Uncommon | Native |
Indigo Dartfish, Indigo Hover Goby | Ptereleotris heteroptera | Common | Native |
Indo-Pacific Sergeant | Abudefduf vaigiensis | Common | Native |
Intermediate Flounder | Asterorhombus intermedius | Uncommon | Native |
Iridescent Cardinalfish | Pristiapogon kallopterus | Common | Native |
Jewelled Blenny | Salarias fasciatus | Uncommon | Native |
Katherine’s Shrimpgoby | Amblyeleotris katherine | Abundant | Native |
Keeltail Needlefish | Platybelone argalus | Uncommon | Native |
Knife Razorfish | Cymolutes praetextatus | Uncommon | Native |
Largescale Mullet | Liza macrolepis | Uncommon | Native |
Largetooth Goby | Macrodontogobius wilburi | Uncommon | Native |
Latticed Butterflyfish | Chaetodon rafflesii | Rare | Native |
Latticed Sandperch | Parapercis clathrata | Abundant | Native |
Lemon Coralgoby | Priolepis cinctus | Uncommon | Native |
Lemonpeel Angelfish | Centropyge flavissima | Abundant | Native |
Leopard Blenny, Shortbodied | Exallias brevis | Rare | Native |
Leopard Coral Grouper | Plectropomus leopardus | Uncommon | Native |
Leopard Flounder, Panther Flounder | Bothus pantherinus | Common | Native |
Leopard Grouper | Cephalopholis leopardus | Rare | Native |
Leslie’s Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus leslie | Abundant | Native |
Lined Butterflyfish | Chaetodon lineolatus | Uncommon | Native |
Lined Rabbitfish | Siganus lineatus | Uncommon | Native |
Longfin Bannerfish | Heniochus acuminatus | Uncommon | Native |
Longhorn Cowfish | Lactoria cornuta | Rare | Native |
Longnose | Forcipiger longirostris | Common | Native |
Longnose Filefish | Oxymonacanthus longirostris | Common | Native |
Longnose Tang | Zebrasoma rostratum | Uncommon | Native |
Longtail Cardinalfish | Pseudamiops gracilicauda | Rare | Native |
Lowfin Drummer | Kyphosus vaigiensis | Common | Native |
Lyre-tail Grouper | Variola albimarginata | Rare | Native |
Lyre-tail Grouper | Variola albomarginata | Uncommon | Native |
Lyretail Hogfish | Bodianus anthioides | Rare | Native |
Mackerel Scad | Decapterus macarellus | Uncommon | Native |
Magenta Dottyback | Pictichromis porphyreus | Abundant | Native |
Maiden Goby | Valenciennea puellaris | Uncommon | Native |
Mangrove Jack, Mangrove Red Snapper, River Snapper | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Rare | Native |
Manybar | Parupeneus multifasciatus | Abundant | Native |
Map Puffer | Arothron mappa | Uncommon | Native |
Marbled Hawkfish | Cirrhitus pinnulatus | Common | Native |
Marbled Stingray, Round Ribbontail Ray | Taeniura meyeni | Uncommon | Native |
Masked Bannerfish | Heniochus monoceros | Uncommon | Native |
Masked Grouper, Thinspine Grouper, White-margined Grouper | Gracila albomarginata | Rare | Native |
Maybe P. Mossambica | Pleurosicya muscarum | Uncommon | Native |
Melasma Pygmygoby | Eviota melasma | Common | Native |
Metallic Damsel | Neopomacentrus metallicus | Uncommon | Native |
Midget Chromis | Chromis acares | Abundant | Native |
Midnight Snapper | Macolor macularis | Uncommon | Native |
Mimic Surgeonfish | Acanthurus pyroferus | Common | Native |
Monocle Blenny | Ecsenius monoculus | Uncommon | Native |
Monster Shrimpgoby | Tomiyamichthys oni | Uncommon | Native |
Moontail Bullseye | Priacanthus hamrur | Uncommon | Native |
Moorish Idol | Zanclus cornutus | Abundant | Native |
Narrowstripe Cardinalfish | Pristiapogon exostigma | Common | Native |
Neon Damsel | Pomacentrus coelestis | Common | Native |
Neophyte Goby | Coryphopterus neophytus | Uncommon | Native |
Network Pipefish | Corythoichthys flavofasciatus | Abundant | Native |
Nocturn Goby | Amblygobius nocturnus | Common | Native |
Nosestripe Anemonefish, Skunk Clownfish, Skunk-stripe Anemonefish, Whitebacked Clownfish | Amphiprion akallopisos | Common | Native |
Oblong Silver Biddy | Gerres oblongus | Uncommon | Native |
Ocellated Dragonet | Synchiropus ocellatus | Uncommon | Native |
Ocellated Wrasse | Halichoeres melasmapomus | Rare | Native |
Onespot Demoiselle | Chrysiptera unimaculata | Uncommon | Native |
Onespot Snapper | Lutjanus monostigma | Common | Native |
Onestripe Wormfish | Gunnellichthys pleurotaenia | Uncommon | Native |
One-striped Emperor | Lethrinus obsoletus | Rare | Native |
Orangeband | Acanthurus olivaceus | Common | Native |
Orangefin Anemonefish | Amphiprion chrysopterus | Common | Native |
Orangelined Cardinalfish | Archamia fucata | Abundant | Native |
Orange-lined Triggerfish | Balistapus undulatus | Abundant | Native |
Orangespine | Naso lituratus | Abundant | Native |
Orangespotted Goby | Istigobius rigilius | Uncommon | Native |
Orangespotted Goby, Rippled Coralgoby | Gobiodon rivulatus | Common | Native |
Orbicular Damsel | Amblyglyphidodon orbicularis | Uncommon | Native |
Oriental Sweetlips | Plectorhinchus vittatus | Common | Native |
Oriental Wrasse | Oxycheilinus rhodochrous | Common | Native |
Ornate | Chaetodon ornatissimus | Abundant | Native |
Ornate | Halichoeres ornatissimus | Abundant | Native |
Ornate Goby | Istigobius ornatus | Uncommon | Native |
Ornate Shrimpgoby | Vanderhorstia ornatissima | Uncommon | Native |
Oval | Chaetodon lunulatus | Common | Native |
Pacific Double-saddle Butterflyfish | Chaetodon ulietensis | Common | Native |
Pacific Halfbeak | Hyporhamphus acutus | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific Longnose Parrotfish | Hipposcarus longiceps | Uncommon | Native |
Pale-lipped Surgeonfish | Acanthurus leucocheilus | Uncommon | Native |
Palenose | Scarus psittacus | Common | Native |
Paletail Chromis | Chromis xanthura | Common | Native |
Pale-tailed Bristletooth, Whitetail Bristletooth | Ctenochaetus flavicauda | Rare | Native |
Palette Tang | Paracanthurus hepatus | Occasional | Native |
Parva Goby | Valenciennea parva | Rare | Native |
Pastel ring Wrasse | Hologymnosus doliatus | Common | Native |
Pearl-spotted Wrasse, Pearly Wrasse, Pink-belly Wrasse, Reef-flat Wrasse, Weedy Surge Wrasse | Halichoeres margaritaceus | Abundant | Native |
Pearly Dartfish | Ptereleotris microlepis | Common | Native |
Pearly Rockskipper | Praealticus margaritatus | Uncommon | Native |
Peppered Moray | Gymnothorax pictus | Rare | Native |
Phillipine Damsel | Pomacentrus philippinus | Abundant | Native |
Phoenix Damsel | Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis | Uncommon | Native |
Piano Fangblenny | Plagiotremus tapeinosoma | Abundant | Native |
Picasso Triggerfish | Rhinecanthus aculeatus | Common | Native |
Pink Squirrelfish | Sargocentron tiereoides | Uncommon | Native |
Pink-spotted Shrimpgoby | Cryptocentrus leptocephalus | Uncommon | Native |
Pinktail Durgon | Melichthys vidua | Abundant | Native |
Pinstripe Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus lateralis | Uncommon | Native |
Pinstripe Cardinalfish | Pseudamia hayashii | Rare | Native |
Poison Coralgoby | Gobiodon citrinus | Common | Native |
Porcupine | Diodon hystrix | Rare | Native |
Portenoy’s Blenny | Ecsenius portenoyi | Uncommon | Native |
Princess Damsel | Pomacentrus vaiuli | Abundant | Native |
Puntang Goby | Exyrias puntang | Uncommon | Native |
Purple Queen | Pseudanthias pascalus | Abundant | Native |
Pygmy coral croucher | Caracanthus unipinna | Uncommon | Native |
Pyramid | Hemitaurichthys polylepis | Rare | Native |
Quakerfish | Malacanthus brevirostris | Common | Native |
Raccoon Butterflyfish | Chaetodon lunula | Abundant | Native |
Raggy Scorpionfish | Scorpaenopsis venosa | Uncommon | Native |
Rainbow Runner | Elegatis bipinnulata | Common | Native |
Randall’s Soldierfish | Myripristis randalli | Uncommon | Native |
Red & white Pygmygoby | Eviota prasites | Common | Native |
Red Shoulder Wrasse | Stethojulis bandanensis | Common | Native |
Red Snapper | Lutjanus bohar | Abundant | Native |
Redbreast Wrasse | Cheilinus fasciatus | Common | Native |
Redeye Hovering Goby | Bryaninops natans | Uncommon | Native |
Redhead Coralgoby | Paragobiodon echinocephalus | Common | Native |
Redlip Cleaner Wrasse | Labroides rubrolabiatus | Abundant | Native |
Redlip Parrotfish | Scarus rubroviolaceus | Common | Native |
Redspot Goatfish | Parupeneus heptacanthus | Uncommon | Native |
Redspot Wrasse | Pseudocoris yamashiroi | Uncommon | Native |
Redspotted Blenny | Blenniella chrysospilos | Abundant | Native |
Redspotted Pygmygoby | Eviota albolineata | Common | Native |
Red-streaked Blenny | Cirripectes stigmaticus | Abundant | Native |
Redtail Parrotfish | Chlorurus japanensis | Abundant | Native |
Redtoothed Triggerfish | Odonus niger | Abundant | Native |
Reef Needlefish | Strongylura incisa | Common | Native |
Reef, Rectangle, Wedge-tail | Rhinecanthus rectangulus | Common | Native |
Reef-flat Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus taeniophorus | Uncommon | Native |
Reefmargin Rockskipper | Entomacrodus thalassinus | Common | Native |
Regal Angelfish, Royal Angelfish | Pygoplites diacanthus | Abundant | Native |
Reticulated | Chaetodon reticulatus | Abundant | Native |
Reticulated Moray | Gymnothorax richardsonii | Rare | Native |
Reticulated Spinefoot, Vermiculate Rabbitfish | Siganus vermiculatus | Uncommon | Native |
Ribbon Eel | Rhinomuraena quaesita | Rare | Native |
Richardson’s Reef-damsel | Pomachromis richardsoni | Uncommon | Native |
Ringeye Dwarfgoby | Trimma benjamini | Uncommon | Native |
Ringtail | Oxycheilinus unifasciatus | Common | Native |
Ringtail Surgeonfish, Whitetail Surgeonfish | Acanthurus blochii | Common | Native |
Rippled Rockskipper | Istiblennius edentulus | Common | Native |
Rockmover | Novaculichthys taeniourus | Uncommon | Native |
Rusty Jobfish | Aphareus rutilans | Uncommon | Native |
Saber Squirrelfish | Sargocentron spiniferum | Common | Native |
Saddleback | Chaetodon ephippium | Abundant | Native |
Saddled Shrimpgoby | Cryptocentrus leucostictus | Common | Native |
Sailfin Tang | Zebrasoma velifer | Uncommon | Native |
Samoan Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus savayensis | Common | Native |
Sand Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops feroculus | Common | Native |
Scarlet Soldierfish | Myripristis pralinia | Abundant | Native |
Scissortail Sergeant | Abudefduf sexfasciatus | Common | Native |
Scott’s Fairy Wrasse | Cirrhilabrus scottorum | Uncommon | Native |
Scrawled Filefish, Scrawled Filefish, Unicornfish | Aluterus scriptus | Uncommon | Native |
Scribbled Pipefish | Corythoichthys intestinalis | Abundant | Native |
Scribbled Rabbitfish | Siganus spinus | Uncommon | Native |
Scythe Triggerfish, Lei | Sufflamen bursa | Abundant | Native |
Sevenstripe Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus novemfasciatus | Abundant | Native |
Shadow Goby | Yongeichthys nebulosus | Uncommon | Native |
Shadowfin Soldierfish | Myripristis adusta | Common | Native |
Sharpnose Wrasse | Wetmorella nigropinnata | Rare | Native |
Shortfin Scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes parvipinnis | Uncommon | Native |
Shortstripe Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus cookii | Uncommon | Native |
Silver Sweeper | Pempheris schwenkii | Uncommon | Native |
Silverlined Mudskipper | Periophthalmus argentilineatus | Uncommon | Native |
Silverside | Atherinomorus lacunosus | Common | Native |
Silverside | Hypoatherina temminckii | Common | Native |
Silverspot Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops crocineus | Common | Native |
Simple-spined Dragonet | Callionymus simplicicornis | Uncommon | Native |
Singular Bannerfish | Heniochus singularius | Common | Native |
Sixbar Wrasse | Thalassoma hardwicke | Abundant | Native |
Sixline Wrasse | Pseudocheilinus hexataenia | Abundant | Native |
Six-lined Soapfish | Grammistes sexlineatus | Uncommon | Native |
Sixspot Goby | Valenciennea sexguttata | Common | Native |
Sleek Unicornfish | Naso hexacanthus | Uncommon | Native |
Slender Grouper | Anyperodon leucogrammicus | Uncommon | Native |
Slender Sabertooth Blenny | Aspidontus dussumieri | Uncommon | Native |
Slender Wrasse | Oxycheilinus orientalis | Uncommon | Native |
Slendertail Moray | Gymnothorax gracilicauda | Rare | Native |
Sling-jaw Wrasse | Epibulus insidiator | Abundant | Native |
Smallmouth Squirrelfish | Sargocentron microstoma | Uncommon | Native |
Small-spotted Dart | Trachinotus baillonii | Rare | Native |
Smalltooth Jobfish | Aphareus furca | Abundant | Native |
Smoky Chromis | Chromis fumea | Abundant | Native |
Smooth Fangblenny | Petroscirtes xestus | Uncommon | Native |
Snooty Wrasse | Cheilinus oxycephalus | Common | Native |
Snowflake | Echidna nebulosa | Uncommon | Native |
South Pacific Gregory, Pacific Gregory | Stegastes fasciolatus | Common | Native |
South Seas Devil | Chrysiptera taupou | Abundant | Native |
Southern Tubelip | Labropsis australis | Uncommon | Native |
Speckled | Chaetodon citrinellus | Common | Native |
Spinecheek Goby | Oplopomus oplopomus | Common | Native |
Split-banded Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus compressus | Uncommon | Native |
Spotcheek Emporer | Lethrinus rubrioperculatus | Rare | Native |
Spotfin Squirrelfish | Neoniphon sammara | Common | Native |
Spot-tailed Dottyback | Pseudochromis jamesi | Common | Native |
Spotted | Ostracion meleagris | Common | Native |
Spotted Croucher | Caracanthus typicus | Common | Native |
Spotted Prawn-goby | Amblyeleotris guttata | Abundant | Native |
Spotted Pygmygoby | Eviota guttata | Abundant | Native |
Spotted Sandperch | Parapercis millipunctata | Common | Native |
Spotted Sharpnose | Canthigaster solandri | Abundant | Native |
Spotted Snake Eel | Myricthys maculosus | Uncommon | Native |
Spotted Soapfish | Pogonoperca punctata | Uncommon | Native |
Spotted Unicornfish | Naso brevirostris | Rare | Native |
Spotted Wrasse | Anampses meleagrides | Rare | Native |
Springer’s Blenny | Cirripectes springeri | Uncommon | Native |
Spurcheek Cardinalfish | Pristiapogon fraenatus | Uncommon | Native |
Squarespot Anthias | Pseudanthias pleurotaenia | Uncommon | Native |
Squaretail Coral Grouper | Plectropomus areolatus | Rare | Native |
Star Puffer | Arothron stellatus | Common | Native |
Stareye | Calotomus carolinus | Rare | Native |
Steephead Parrotfish | Chlorurus microrhinos | Common | Native |
Steinitz’ Shrimpgoby | Amblyeleotris steinitzi | Uncommon | Native |
Strawberry Grouper | Cephalopholis spiloparaea | Rare | Native |
Striated Surgeonfish | Ctenochaetus striatus | Abundant | Native |
Striped Basslet | Liopropoma susumi | Rare | Native |
Striped Cardinalfish | Ostorhinchus angustatus | Uncommon | Native |
Striped Goby | Asterropteryx striata | Common | Native |
Striped Large-eye Bream | Gnathodentex aureolineatus | Abundant | Native |
Striped Monocle Bream | Scolopsis lineata | Abundant | Native |
Striped Pygmygoby | Eviota sebreei | Uncommon | Native |
Striped Surgeonfish | Acanthurus lineatus | Abundant | Native |
Stubnose Pompano | Trachinotus blochii | Rare | Native |
Surf-fish | Iso nesiotes | Rare | Native |
Surge | Thalassoma purpureum | Common | Native |
Surge Damselfish | Chrysiptera brownriggii | Common | Native |
Swarthy Parrotfish | Scarus niger | Uncommon | Native |
Tahitian Squirrelfish | Sargocentron tiere | Abundant | Native |
Tahitian Stingray | Himantura fai | Uncommon | Native |
Tailspot Squirrelfish, Silverspot Squirrelfish | Sargocentron caudimaculatum | Common | Native |
Tail-spot Wrasse | Halichoeres melanurus | Abundant | Native |
Tan-faced Parrotfish | Chlorurus frontalis | Common | Native |
Tangaroa Shrimpgoby | Ctenogobiops tangaroai | Uncommon | Native |
Target Shrimpgoby | Cryptocentrus strigilliceps | Common | Native |
Teardrop | Chaetodon unimaculatus | Common | Native |
Ternate Damsel | Amblygyphidodon ternatensis | Uncommon | Native |
Thomas’ Triplefin | Norfolkia thomasi | Common | Native |
Thompson’s | Acanthurus thompsoni | Common | Native |
Thorny Stingray | Urogymnus asperrimus | Uncommon | Native |
Threadfin | Chaetodon auriga | Uncommon | Native |
Threadfin Dartfish | Ptereleotris hanae | Uncommon | Native |
Threeband Demoiselle | Chrysiptera tricincta | Uncommon | Native |
Threeband Pennantfish | Heniochus chrysostomus | Abundant | Native |
Three-line Wrasse, Three-ribbon Wrasse | Stethojulis strigiventer | Uncommon | Native |
Three-spot Angelfish | Apolemichthys trimaculatus | Common | Native |
Threespot Cardinalfish | Pristicon trimaculatus | Common | Native |
Three-spot Damselfish | Dascyllus trimaculatus | Abundant | Native |
Three-spot Wrasse | Halichoeres trimaculatus | Common | Native |
Threestripe Fusilier | Pterocaesio trilineata | Common | Native |
Three-striped Monocle Bream | Scolopsis trilineata | Abundant | Native |
Tiger Cardinalfish | Cheilodipterus macrodon | Common | Native |
Timor Snapper | Lutjanus timorensis | Uncommon | Native |
Titan Triggerfish | Balistoides viridescens | Uncommon | Native |
Tomato Grouper | Cephalopholis sonnerati | Uncommon | Native |
Torpedo Scad | Megalaspis cordyla | Rare | Native |
Tricolor Parrotfish | Scarus tricolor | Uncommon | Native |
Tripletail Wrasse | Cheilinus trilobatus | Common | Native |
Trumpet | Aulostomus chinensis | Common | Native |
Trunkspotted Moray | Gymnothorax margaritophorus | Uncommon | Native |
Tubelip Wrasse | Labrichthys unilineatus | Uncommon | Native |
Twinspot Cardinalfish | Archamia biguttata | Common | Native |
Twinstripe Fusilier | Pterocaesio marri | Common | Native |
Twofin Flashlight Fish | Anomalops katoptron | Rare | Native |
Two-spined Angelfish | Centropyge bispinosa | Abundant | Native |
Twospot | Synodus binotatus | Common | Native |
Twospot Demoiselle | Chrysiptera biocellata | Uncommon | Native |
Twospot Goby | Coryphopterus duospilus | Uncommon | Native |
Twospot Pygmygoby | Eviota distigma | Common | Native |
Twospot Surgeonfish | Ctenochaetus binotatus | Uncommon | Native |
Twotone Wrasse | Halichoeres prosopeion | Common | Native |
Umpire Triplefin | Enneapterygius rhabdotus | Uncommon | Native |
Undulated Moray | Gymnothorax undulatus | Uncommon | Native |
Vagabond Butterflyfish | Chaetodon vagabundus | Abundant | Native |
Vanderbilt’s Chromis, Blackfin | Chromis vanderbilti | Uncommon | Native |
Vanikoro Sweeper | Pempheris vanicolensis | Common | Native |
Variegated Lizardfish | Synodus variegatus | Common | Native |
Violet Soldierfish | Myripristis violacea | Uncommon | Native |
Violet Squirrelfish | Sargocentron violaceum | Uncommon | Native |
Violet-lined Parrotfish, Globeheaded | Scarus globiceps | Uncommon | Native |
Weber’s Chromis | Chromis weberi | Rare | Native |
Whiteband Damsel | Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus | Common | Native |
Whitebar Gregory | Stegastes albifasciatus | Common | Native |
Whitebelly Toby | Canthigaster bennetti | Common | Native |
Whitecap Shrimpgoby | Lotilia graciliosa | Uncommon | Native |
Whitecheek, Goldrim | Acanthurus nigricans | Abundant | Native |
White-eyed Moray | Siderea thyrsoidea | Rare | Native |
Whitefin Surgeonfish | Acanthurus albipectoralis | Uncommon | Native |
White-freckled Surgeonfish | Acanthurus maculiceps | Rare | Native |
White-jawed Cardinalfish | Pseudamia amblyuroptera | Rare | Native |
Whitelined Goatfish | Parupeneus ciliatus | Uncommon | Native |
Whitemargin Unicornfish | Naso annulatus | Uncommon | Native |
Whitemouth Moray | Gymnothorax meleagris | Common | Native |
White-spotted Blenny | Salarias alboguttatus | Uncommon | Native |
Whitespotted Devil | Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus | Abundant | Native |
Whitespotted Longfin | Plesiops nigricans | Uncommon | Native |
White-spotted Puffer | Arothron hispidus | Uncommon | Native |
White-spotted Surgeofish | Acanthurus guttatus | Common | Native |
White-spotted Triplefin | Enneapterygius triserialis | Common | Native |
White-spotted Wrasse, Blacktail Wrasse | Anampses melanurus | Uncommon | Native |
Whitetip Reef Shark | Triaenodon obesus | Uncommon | Native |
Whitetip Soldierfish | Myripristis vittata | Uncommon | Native |
Wolf Cardinalfish | Cheilodipterus artus | Common | Native |
Yellow Boxfish | Ostracion cubicus | Common | Native |
Yellow Pygmy Angelfish | Centropyge heraldi | Common | Native |
Yellowback Tubelip | Labropsis xanthonota | Common | Native |
Yellowband Parrotfish | Scarus schlegeli | Common | Native |
Yellow-barred Parrotfish | Scarus dimidiatus | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowbreated Wrasse | Anampses twistii | Common | Native |
Yellow-brown Wrasse | Thalassoma lutescens | Abundant | Native |
Yellow-edged Cardinalfish | Ostorhincus fuscus | Uncommon | Native |
Yelloweye Filefish, Barred | Cantherhines dumerilii | Common | Native |
Yellowfin | Acanthurus xanthopterus | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowfin | Mulloidichthys vanicolensis | Abundant | Native |
Yellowfin Damsel | Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus | Common | Native |
Yellowfin Emporer | Lethrinus erythracanthus | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowfin Soldierfish | Myripristis chryseres | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowlip Emporer | Lethrinus xanthochilus | Rare | Native |
Yellowmargin Moray | Gymnothorax flavimarginatus | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowmargin Triggerfish | Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus | Common | Native |
Yellowmask Surgeonfish | Acanthurus mata | Rare | Native |
Yellow-speckled Chromis, Alpha Chromis, Yellow-spotted Puller | Chromis alpha | Rare | Native |
Yellowspotted Gouper | Epinephelus timorensis | Occasional | Native |
Yellow-spotted Trevally | Carangoides orthogrammus | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowstripe, Samoan Goatfish | Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | Abundant | Native |
Yellowtail Coris | Coris gaimard | Common | Native |
Yellowtail Emporer | Letrinus atkinsoni | Uncommon | Native |
Yellowtail False Fusilier | Paracaesio xanthura | Rare | Native |
Yellowtail Scad | Atule mate | Uncommon | Native |
Zebra Dartfish | Ptereleotris zebra | Abundant | Native |
Zebra Lionfish | Dendrochirus zebra | Uncommon | Native |

Mammal Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Black Rat, Isumu, Roof Rat | Rattus rattus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Domestic Cat | Felis catus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Feral Pig, Pig, Pua`a | Sus scrofa | Uncommon | Non-native |
House Mouse, Isumu | Mus musculus | Common | Non-native |
Humpback Whale, Ia Maanu, Tafola | Megaptera novaeangliae | Rare | Native |
Insular Flying Fox, Pacific Flying Fox, Pe`a Fanua, White-naped Flying Fox, White-necked Fruit Bat | Pteropus tonganus | Uncommon | Native |
Isumu, Norway Rat | Rattus norvegicus | Common | Non-native |
Isumu, Polynesian Rat | Rattus exulans | Common | Non-native |
Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin, Spinner Dolphin | Stenella longirostris | Common | Native |
Pe`a Vao, Samoan Flying Fox, Samoan Fruit Bat | Pteropus samoensis | Rare | Native |
Other Non-vertebrate

Other Non-Vertebrate Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acanthastrea echinata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora abrotanoides | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora austera | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora clathrata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora cytherea | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora digitifera | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora gemmifera | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora globiceps | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora humilis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora hyacinthus | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora intermedia | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora monticulosa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora robusta | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acropora verweyi | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Astrea curta | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Astreopora eliptica | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Astreopora myriophthalma | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Coscinaraea columna | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diploastrea heliopora | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Echinopora lamellosa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Favites abdita | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Fungia fungites | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Galaxea fascicularis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Goniastrea edwardsi | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Goniastrea favulus | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Goniastrea pectinata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Goniastrea retiformis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Goniastrea stelligera | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Heliopora coerulea | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hydnophora exesa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hydnophora microconos | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Isopora crateriformis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Leptastrea purpurea | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Leptoria phrygia | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Leptoseris mycetoseroides | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Linckia laevigata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lobactis scutaria | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lobophyllia hemprichii | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Millepora dichotoma | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Millepora exaesa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Millepora platyphylla | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Montipora foveolata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Montipora grisea | Abundant | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Montipora informis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Montipora tuberculosa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Montipora turgescens | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Mycedium elephantotus | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pavona chiriquiensis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pavona decussata | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pavona minuta | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pavona venosa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Platygyra daedalea | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Platygyra pini | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pocillopora damicornis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pocillopora verrucosa | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Porites annae | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Porites arnaudi | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Porites cylindrica | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Porites lichen | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Porites rus | Abundant | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Psammocora profundacella | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Turbinaria reniformis | Unknown | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Turbinaria stellulata | Unknown | Native |
Cauliflower | Pocillopora meandrina | Unknown | Native |
Crown-of-thorns | Acanthaster planci | Unknown | Native |
Elkhorn | Pocillopora grandis | Unknown | Native |
False Brain | Pavona varians | Unknown | Native |

Reptile Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Azure-tailed Skink, Pili | Emoia cyanura | Common | Native |
Black Skink, Pili Uli | Emoia nigra | Common | Native |
Fonu, Green Sea Turtle, I’a Sa, Laumei Ena’ena | Chelonia mydas | Rare | Native |
Gata, Pacific Boa | Candoia bibroni | Rare | Native |
Hawksbill Sea Turtle, I’a Sa, Laumei Uga | Eretmochelys imbricata | Rare | Native |
Lawes Skink, Pili Oua | Emoia lawesii | Uncommon | Native |
Mo`o, Mourning Gecko | Lepidodactylus lugubris | Uncommon | Native |
Mo`o, Polynesian Gecko | Gehyra oceanica | Common | Native |
Moth Skink, Pili | Lipinia noctua | Uncommon | Native |
Pili Lape, Samoan Skink | Emoia samoensis | Common | Native |
Vascular Plants

Vascular Plant Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chamaesyce chamissonis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phymatosaurus commutatus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Planchonella grayana | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pneumatopteris bryanii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pneumatopteris costata | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Erythrospermum acuminatissimum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calymmodon latealatus | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ctenopteris blechnoides | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ctenopteris contigua | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ctenopteris seemannii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ctenopteris tenuisecta | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Prosaptia alata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Citronella samoensis | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Haplopteris elongata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Haplopteris scolopendrina | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vaginularia angustissima | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Clinostigma samoense | Unknown | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Agrostophyllum megalurum | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Appendicula bracteosa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum apodum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum betchei | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum distichobulbum | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum longiscapum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum membranaceum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum pachyanthum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum samoanum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bulbophyllum savaiiense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calanthe hololeuca | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calanthe triplicata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Coelogyne lycastoides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cryptostylis arachnites | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium biflorum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium calcaratum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium dactylodes | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium glomeriflorum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium goldfinchii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium lepidochilum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium samoense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrobium sladei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Didymoplexis micradenia | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diplocaulobium fililobum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Epiblastus sciadanthus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eria robusta | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Erythrodes oxyglossa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Erythrodes parvula | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Flickingeria comata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Glomera montana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hetaeria oblongifolia | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hetaeria whitmeei | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liparis alavaensis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liparis condylobulbon | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liparis gibbosa | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Liparis layardii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Luisia teretifolia | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Malaxis resupinata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Malaxis samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Malaxis taurina | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Moerenhoutia heteromorpha | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Nervilia aragoana | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Oberonia equitans | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Oberonia heliophila | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Peristylus tradescantifolius | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Peristylus whistleri | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phaius tankervilleae | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phaius terrestris | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phreatia matthewsii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phreatia micrantha | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phreatia paleata | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pseuderia ramosa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Taeniophyllum fasciola | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Taeniophyllum whistleri | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Thrixspermum graeffei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vrydagznea samoana | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vrydagznea vitiensis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acmella uliginosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Boerhavia albiflora | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Portulaca samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Maytenus vitiensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aneilima vitiense | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Zehneria mucronata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Zehneria samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyathea medullaris | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dicksonia brackenridgei | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eurya pickeringii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Embelia vaupelii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Maesa tabacifolia | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dendrolobium umbellatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Derris malaccensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Alstonia pacifica | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hoya australis | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hoya samoensis | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Tabernaemontana pandacaqui | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calycosia sessilis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gynochtodes epiphytica | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hedyotis biflora | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Morinda myrtifolia | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Psychotria forsteriana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Psychotria garberiana | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Psydrax merrillii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hymenophyllum feejeense | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hymenophyllum imbricatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes apiifolium | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes asae-grayi | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes assimile | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes bipunctatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes boryanum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes dentatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes endlicherianum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes humile | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes intermedium | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trichomanes tahitense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Justicia procumbens | Common | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyrtandra angustivenosa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyrtandra pulchella | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chionanthus vitiensis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Jasminum didymum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Limnophila rugosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Endiandra elaeocarpa | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lycopodium carinatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lycopodium phlegmaria | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lycopodium squarrosum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lycopodium verticillatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Myristica inutilis | Abundant | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Acalypha grandis | Rare | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Antidesma sphaerocarpum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Baccaurea taitensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phyllanthus virgatus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Drypetes vitiensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Casearia samoense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Homalium whitmeeanum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Melicytus samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hibiscus X archeri | Unknown | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Triumfetta procumbens | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Angiopteris opaca | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Astronidium pickeringii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Medinilla samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Syzygium brevifolium | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Syzygium carolinense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ophioglossum reticulatum var. pacifica | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Rourea minor | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Spiraeanthemum samoense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Weinmannia affinis | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aristolochia cortinata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Peperomia blanda var. floribunda | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Peperomia reineckei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyperus seemannianus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyperus stoloniferus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Mapania macrocephala | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Joinvillea plicata | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Brachiaria paspaloides | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyrtococcum oxyphyllum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyrtococcum trigonum | Common | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eriochloa procera | Common | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ischaemum murinum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sporobolus diandrus | Common | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Stenotaphrum micranthum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium australasicum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium feejeense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium laserpitiifolium | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium marattioides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium multifidum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Asplenium tenerum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Blechnum orientale | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Arthropteris repens | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Davallia graeffei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Davallia sessilifolia | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Davallia solida | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Humata heterophylla | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Leucostegia pallida | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Orthiopteris tenuis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Arachniodes aristata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bolbitis palustris | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ctenitis samoensis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dryopteris arborescens | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Elaphoglossum feejeense | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Elaphoglossum reineckei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lastreopsis davallioides | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lomagramma cordipinna | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pleocnemia cumingiana | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pleocnemia leuzeana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Polystichum aculeatum | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lindsaea ensifolia ssp. agatii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lindsaea harveyi | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lindsaea pacifica | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lindsaea pulchra | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lindsaea tetragona | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lomariopsis setchellii | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Oleandra neriiformis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Grammitis conformis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Grammitis graminella | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phymatosorus nigrescens | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Polypodium subauriculatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pyrrosia lanceolata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Antrophyum alatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Antrophyum plantagineum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Doryopteris concolor | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pityrogramma brackenridgei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pteris littoralis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pteris vaupelii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Tectaria decurrens | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Tectaria dissecta | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Tectaria setchellii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Coryphopteris pubirachis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyclosorus dentatus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cyclosorus harveyi | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Macrothelypteris polypodioides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Plesioneuron attenuatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sphaerostephanos heterocarpus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sphaerostephanos pycnosorus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sphaerostephanos reineckei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sphaerostephanos unitus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diplazium dilatatum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diplazium harpeodes | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diplazium proliferum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Diplazium sylvaticum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ficus uniauriculata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Streblus anthropophagorum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Elatostema cupreo-viride | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Elatostema grandifolium | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Elatostema scabriusculum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Decaisnina forsteriana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Korthalsella horneana | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Buchanania merrillii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Melicope retusa | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Melicope vatiana | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Allophylus timoriensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Guioa rhoifolia | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Schizaea dichotoma | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Selaginella laxa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Selaginella whitmeei | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Alpinia samoensis | Rare | Native |
‘Anume | Metrosideros polymorpha var. polymorpha | Uncommon | Native |
A`amati`e | Elaeocarpus floridanus | Common | Native |
A’amati’e | Elaeocarpus ulianus | Common | Native |
Afa | Neonauclea forsteri | Common | Native |
Agaliya, Castor Bean, Castorbean, Lama Palagi, Maskerekur, Toto Ni Vavalagi, Uluchula Skoki | Ricinus communis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Ageratum | Ageratum conyzoides | Common | Non-native |
Akia, Kauhi, Molokai Osmanthus | Wikstroemia foetida | Uncommon | Native |
Ala’a | Planchonella garberi | Uncommon | Native |
Ala’alatoa | Leucosyke corymbulosa | Uncommon | Native |
Aloalo Tai | Clerodendrum inerme | Common | Native |
Aloalo Vao | Mussaenda raiateensis | Uncommon | Native |
Aloalo, Aloalo Fanua | Premna serratifolia | Common | Native |
Ambarella, Jewish Plum | Spondias dulcis | Common | Non-native |
American Evergreen, Arrowhead Vine | Syngonium podophyllum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Anoso, Se’u Pe’a, Yellow Nickers, ‘Anaoso | Caesalpinia major | Uncommon | Native |
Anume | Diospyros elliptica | Common | Native |
Arrocillo | Paspalum paniculatum | Common | Non-native |
Asi Vai | Syzygium clusiifolium | Common | Native |
Asi Vai | Syzygium dealatum | Uncommon | Native |
Asi, Asi Toa | Syzygium inophylloides | Abundant | Native |
Asian Ticktrefoil | Desmodium heterocarpon | Uncommon | Non-native |
Asiatic Pennywort, Togo | Centella asiatica | Common | Non-native |
Ateate, Beach Sunflower | Wedelia biflora | Abundant | Native |
Atone, ‘Atone ‘Ulu | Myristica hypargyraea | Common | Native |
Au’auli, Au’auli | Diospyros samoensis | Common | Native |
Australian Beardgrass, Caucasian Bluestem | Bothriochloa bladhii | Uncommon | Non-native |
Ava’avaaitu | Macropiper puberulum | Uncommon | Native |
Ava’avaaitu | Macropiper timothianum | Common | Native |
Ava’avaaitu Sosolo, Fue Manogi | Piper graeffei | Common | Native |
Avapui Vao | Etlingera cevuga | Rare | Native |
Balsam Pear | Momordica charantia | Common | Non-native |
Bamboo, Ofe, Ofe Samoa | Schizostachyum glaucifolium | Uncommon | Non-native |
Banyan, Aoa | Ficus obliqua | Common | Native |
Banyan, Aoa | Ficus prolixa | Uncommon | Native |
Barbwire Grass | Cymbopogon refractus | Rare | Native |
Barnyard Grass, Jungle Rice | Echinochloa colona | Common | Non-native |
Barrelier’s Woodsorrel | Oxalis barrelieri | Uncommon | Non-native |
Basketgrass | Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. hirtellus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Batwing Fern | Histiopteris incisa | Uncommon | Native |
Beach Heliotrope, Tausuni | Tournefortia argentea | Uncommon | Native |
Beach Hibiscus, Fau | Hibiscus tiliaceus | Common | Native |
Beach Moonflower, Heavenlyblue Morningglory, Heavenlyblue Morning-glory, Ololiuqui, Sea Moonflower | Ipomoea violacea | Occasional | Native |
Beach Morning-glory, Fue Moa | Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis | Abundant | Native |
Beach Pea, Fue Sina | Vigna marina | Common | Native |
Beach Wiregrass | Dactyloctenium aegyptium | Uncommon | Non-native |
Beggar’s Tick, Beggar’s-tick | Bidens alba | Abundant | Non-native |
Beggar’s Tick, Beggar’s-tick | Bidens pilosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Bermuda Grass | Cynodon dactylon | Common | Non-native |
Bird’s Nest Fern, Laugapapa | Asplenium nidus | Common | Native |
Bitter Yam, Soi | Dioscorea bulbifera | Common | Non-native |
Black Nightshade, Magalo | Solanum americanum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Breadfruit | Artocarpus altilis | Common | Non-native |
Broadleaf Carpetgrass | Axonopus compressus | Common | Non-native |
Broadleaf False Buttonweed | Spermacoce ovalifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Browne’s Blechum | Ruellia blechum | Common | Non-native |
Buffalo Grass, California Grass, Mauritius Grass, Para Grass, Puakatau | Urochloa mutica | Common | Non-native |
Bur Bush, Mautofu | Triumfetta rhomboidea | Uncommon | Non-native |
Calopo | Calopogonium mucunoides | Uncommon | Non-native |
Candelabra Plant, La’au Fai Lafa | Senna alata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Canna, Indian Shot, Fanamanu | Canna indica | Uncommon | Non-native |
Carpetgrass | Axonopus fissifolius | Common | Non-native |
Carry Me Seed | Phyllanthus amarus | Common | Non-native |
Cassava, Manioka, Tapioka | Manihot esculenta | Common | Non-native |
Cencilla, Shoreline Seapurslane | Sesuvium portulacastrum | Rare | Native |
Chamber Bitter | Phyllanthus urinaria | Uncommon | Non-native |
Chinese Creepingfern | Odontosoria chinensis | Rare | Native |
Chinese Lantern Tree, Pu’a | Hernandia nymphaeifolia | Common | Native |
Cinnamon | Cinnamomum verum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Coco Yam, Wild Taro | Colocasia esculenta | Uncommon | Non-native |
Coconut, Niu | Cocos nucifera | Abundant | Native |
Colombian Waxweed | Cuphea carthagenensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Comb Brake | Pteris pacifica | Common | Native |
Comb Bushmint, Comb Hyptis, Mint Weed, Mumutun Lahe, Purple Top, Timothi Ni Vavalangi | Hyptis pectinata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Common Guava, Ku’ava | Psidium guajava | Common | Non-native |
Common Medicineplant | Adenostemma lavenia | Rare | Native |
Coral Tree, Gatae | Erythrina variegata | Uncommon | Native |
Crab Grass | Digitaria ciliaris | Common | Non-native |
Creeping Necklace Fern | Lindsaea repens | Rare | Native |
Crepe Ginger | Costus speciosus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Cuba Jute, Mautofu | Sida rhombifolia | Common | Non-native |
Dixie Tick Trefoil, Dixie Ticktrefoil | Desmodium tortuosum | Common | Non-native |
Dumbcane | Dieffenbachia seguine | Unknown | Non-native |
Dyer’s Fig, Mati | Ficus tinctoria | Common | Native |
East Indian Crabgrass | Digitaria setigera | Common | Native |
Fa`i | Musa X paradisiaca | Common | Non-native |
Falaga | Barringtonia samoensis | Common | Native |
False Spleenwort | Deparia petersenii | Uncommon | Native |
False-staghorn Fern, Saua | Dicranopteris linearis | Abundant | Native |
Fana’io | Sterculia fanaiho | Uncommon | Native |
Fanua Mamala, Foga Mamala | Homalanthus nutans | Common | Native |
Fatimatao | Hedycarya denticulata | Common | Native |
Fauui | Grewia crenata | Uncommon | Native |
Fauuta | Maoutia australis | Uncommon | Native |
Fega Vao, Fena Vao | Syzygium samoense | Common | Native |
Fetai | Cassytha filiformis | Uncommon | Native |
Fetau | Calophyllum inophyllum | Common | Native |
Fijian Sawsedge | Gahnia vitiensis | Rare | Native |
Filimoto | Flacourtia rukam | Common | Native |
Filofiloa | Ixora samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Fimbriate Paspalum | Paspalum fimbriatum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Fingergrass | Chloris barbata | Common | Non-native |
Fish-poison Tree, Futu | Barringtonia asiatica | Common | Native |
Fisoa | Colubrina asiatica | Uncommon | Native |
Five-fingered Yam, Pilita | Dioscorea pentaphylla | Uncommon | Non-native |
Flatfork Fern | Psilotum complanatum | Uncommon | Native |
Florida Keys Nutrush | Scleria lithosperma | Common | Native |
Forked Fimbry | Fimbristylis dichotoma | Common | Non-native |
Forster’s Maiden Fern | Thelypteris forsteri | Uncommon | Native |
Fringeleaf Paspalum, Sand Paspalum, Slender Crown Grass, Thin Paspalum | Paspalum setaceum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Fua Lele | Crassocephalum crepidioides | Common | Non-native |
Fua Lele | Emilia sonchifolia | Common | Non-native |
Fua Lele, Fireweed | Erechtites valerianifolia | Common | Non-native |
Fua Lole | Melastoma denticulatum | Common | Native |
Fua Lole | Procris pedunculata | Uncommon | Native |
Fua Pepe, Mautofu | Stachytarpheta cayennensis | Common | Non-native |
Fu’afu’a | Kleinhovia hospita | Uncommon | Native |
Fue Fai Va’a | Canavalia rosea | Uncommon | Native |
Fue Inu | Mucuna gigantea | Common | Native |
Fue Inu | Mucuna glabra | Uncommon | Native |
Fue Laufao | Epipremnum pinnatum | Common | Native |
Fue Laufao | Rhaphidophora graeffei | Common | Native |
Fue O’ona | Derris trifoliata | Uncommon | Native |
Fue Saina, Mile-a-minute Vine | Mikania micrantha | Abundant | Non-native |
Fue Selela | Hoya pottsii | Common | Native |
Fue Selela | Hoya vitiensis | Uncommon | Native |
Fue Vae, Fue Lautetele | Merremia peltata | Abundant | Native |
Garcinia | Garcinia myrtifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Garden Croton | Codiaeum variegatum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Gase | Angiopteris evecta | Common | Native |
Gasu | Palaquium stehlinii | Uncommon | Native |
Gatae Palagi | Erythrina subumbrans | Uncommon | Non-native |
Giant Brake | Pteris tripartita | Uncommon | Native |
Giant False Sensitive Plant | Mimosa diplotricha | Uncommon | Non-native |
Giant Swordfern | Nephrolepis biserrata | Common | Native |
Giant Taro | Alocasia macrorrhizos | Common | Non-native |
Golden Beardgrass | Chrysopogon aciculatus | Common | Non-native |
Golden Trumpet | Allamanda cathartica | Common | Non-native |
Goose Grass, Ta’ata’a, Goosegrass, Ta’ata’a | Eleusine indica | Common | Non-native |
Graceful Spurge | Euphorbia hypericifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Hairy Spurge | Euphorbia hirta | Common | Non-native |
Hawai’i Lopleaf | Cypholophus moluccanus | Rare | Native |
Hilo Grass, T-grass, Vaolima | Paspalum conjugatum | Common | Non-native |
Hogvine | Merremia umbellata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Hooker’s Dwarf Polypody | Grammitis hookeri | Uncommon | Native |
Hyssop Spurge, Hyssopleaf Sandmat, Leafy Spurge | Chamaesyce hyssopifolia | Common | Non-native |
Ie’ie | Freycinetia reineckei | Common | Native |
Ie’ie, Ie’ie | Freycinetia storckii | Common | Native |
Ifiifi | Atuna racemosa | Rare | Non-native |
Ifilele | Intsia bijuga | Uncommon | Native |
Ilanglang, Moso’oi | Cananga odorata | Common | Non-native |
Indian Mulberry, Nonu | Morinda citrifolia | Common | Non-native |
Indigo | Indigofera suffruticosa | Common | Non-native |
Ironweed | Cyanthillium cinereum | Common | Non-native |
Jamaican Crabgrass | Digitaria horizontalis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Japanese Silvergrass, Miscanthus, Miscanthus, Japanese Silvergrass, Pacific Island Silvergrass, Sawgrass, Swordgrass, Tupon Nette | Miscanthus floridulus | Common | Native |
Java Glorybower, Pagoda Flower | Clerodendrum buchananii var. fallax | Uncommon | Non-native |
Job’s Tears, Sagasaga | Coix lacryma-jobi | Uncommon | Non-native |
Kapoktree, Silk Cotton Tree, White Silk-cotton Tree | Ceiba pentandra | Uncommon | Non-native |
Kodomillet, Kodo-millet, Ricegrass, Ricegrass Paspalum | Paspalum scrobiculatum | Common | Native |
Korokio, Mountain Hard Fern | Blechnum vulcanicum | Uncommon | Native |
Koster’s Curse | Clidemia hirta | Common | Non-native |
Kudzu, A’a | Pueraria montana var. lobata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Kukui | Aleurites moluccana | Uncommon | Non-native |
Kuroiwa Grass | Thuarea involuta | Uncommon | Native |
La`ua Samasama, Lau Samasama | Pseuderanthemum carruthersii | Uncommon | Non-native |
Lacy Spleenwort | Asplenium horridum | Uncommon | Native |
Laga’ali | Aglaia samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Lalatai | Sophora tomentosa | Rare | Native |
Largeleaf Lantana | Lantana camara | Uncommon | Non-native |
Lau Afia, Afia | Ascarina diffusa | Uncommon | Native |
Lau Fatu, Patafatu | Macaranga stipulosa | Common | Native |
Lau Maile | Alyxia bracteolosa | Common | Native |
Lau Pata, Pata | Macaranga harveyana | Common | Native |
Laua‘e | Phymatosorus grossus | Common | Native |
Laufao | Heliconia laufao | Uncommon | Native |
Laugasēsē, Rabbit’s-foot | Davallia denticulata | Common | Native |
Laukahi | Ophioglossum pendulum | Uncommon | Native |
Leva | Cerbera manghas | Uncommon | Native |
Limpleaf Fern | Microlepia speluncae | Uncommon | Native |
Lopa | Adenanthera pavonina | Uncommon | Non-native |
Losa Honolulu | Clerodendrum chinense | Uncommon | Non-native |
Lovegrass | Eragrostis amabilis | Common | Non-native |
Love-in-a-mist, Pasio Vao | Passiflora foetida | Common | Non-native |
Ma ‘Ali | Canarium vitiense | Uncommon | Native |
Ma’anunu | Tarenna sambucina | Uncommon | Native |
Mafoa | Canarium mafoa | Common | Non-native |
Magele | Trema cannabina | Uncommon | Native |
Mago | Mangifera indica | Common | Non-native |
Maidenhair Fern | Adiantum philippense | Uncommon | Native |
Malaysian Apple | Syzygium malaccense | Uncommon | Non-native |
Malaysian False Pimpernel | Lindernia crustacea | Uncommon | Native |
Malili | Terminalia richii | Uncommon | Native |
Mamala, Maota Mamala, Tufaso, Maota | Dysoxylum samoense | Abundant | Native |
Mamalupe | Planchonella samoensis | Common | Native |
Mamalupe, Polynesian Chesnut | Faradaya amicorum | Common | Native |
Manapau | Mammea glauca | Uncommon | Native |
Manyspike Flatsedge | Cyperus polystachyos | Common | Non-native |
Ma’o | Melochia aristata | Uncommon | Native |
Ma’o Sina | Trichospermum richii | Common | Native |
Maota | Dysoxylum maota | Common | Native |
Maota Mea | Dysoxylum huntii | Common | Native |
Masame | Glochidion cuspidatum | Uncommon | Native |
Masame Vao | Glochidion ramiflorum | Common | Native |
Matalafi | Psychotria insularum | Common | Native |
Matamo | Medusanthera samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Mati | Ficus godeffroyi | Common | Native |
Mati Vao, Mati, Matiata | Ficus scabra | Common | Native |
Ma’ulu’ulu, Fagufagu | Meryta macrophylla | Common | Native |
Maunaloa | Canavalia cathartica | Common | Native |
Mautofu | Urena lobata | Rare | Non-native |
Mau’utoga | Commelina diffusa | Common | Non-native |
Minnieroot | Ruellia tuberosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Moli U’u | Citrus macroptera | Uncommon | Non-native |
Momolea | Cyrtandra samoensis | Common | Native |
Mutia | Fimbristylis cymosa | Uncommon | Native |
Namulega | Vitex trifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Napier Grass | Cenchrus purpureus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Nase | Marattia smithii | Uncommon | Native |
Nau | Alyxia stellata | Common | Native |
Netted Adderstongue, Netted Adder’s-tongue | Ophioglossum reticulatum | Rare | Native |
Niruri | Phyllanthus debilis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Nonu Vao | Syzygium samarangense | Common | Non-native |
Nu’anu’a | Decaspermum fruticosum | Uncommon | Native |
Nut Sedge, Mumuta | Cyperus rotundus | Common | Non-native |
O’a, O’a | Bischofia javanica | Uncommon | Native |
Ogiera | Eleutheranthera ruderalis | Common | Non-native |
Ogoogo | Laportea interrupta | Rare | Non-native |
Ogoogo Sina | Leucas decemdentata | Rare | Native |
Ogoogo Sina | Acalypha lanceolata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Ola | Cyclophyllum barbatum | Uncommon | Native |
Old World Flatsedge | Cyperus cyperinus | Uncommon | Native |
Oriental Hawksbeard | Youngia japonica | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pacific Caper | Capparis cordifolia | Rare | Native |
Pacific False Buttonweed | Spermacoce exilis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pacific Island Flatsedge | Cyperus cyperoides | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific Island Thintail | Lepturus repens | Common | Native |
Pacific Rosewood, Milo | Thespesia populnea | Uncommon | Native |
Palulu, Tagamimi | Ipomoea littoralis | Uncommon | Native |
Pamohe | Asplenium unilaterale | Rare | Native |
Pani | Manilkara dissecta | Rare | Native |
Papaono | Litsea samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Papaono | Celtis harperi | Rare | Native |
Papaya, Esi | Carica papaya | Common | Non-native |
Pastureweed | Cyathula prostrata | Rare | Non-native |
Peacocksplume | Falcataria moluccana | Common | Non-native |
Philippine Ground Orchid | Spathoglottis plicata | Common | Native |
Pineapple | Ananas comosus | Common | Non-native |
Pinklady | Dissotis rotundifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pipi, Pu’a | Hernandia moerenhoutiana | Uncommon | Native |
Poisonbulb | Crinum asiaticum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Polo Iti | Solanum viride | Rare | Non-native |
Polynesian Arrowroot, Masoa | Tacca leontopetaloides | Common | Native |
Polynesian Cress, A’atasi | Rorippa sarmentosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Poorland Flatsedge | Cyperus compressus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Poumuli | Flueggea flexuosa | Common | Non-native |
Prostrate Spurge | Euphorbia prostrata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pua Lulu | Fagraea berteroana | Common | Native |
Pu’a Vai | Pisonia grandis | Uncommon | Native |
Pua, Pua Samoa | Plumeria rubra | Common | Non-native |
Puapua | Guettarda speciosa | Common | Native |
Puerto Rico Fimbry | Fimbristylis complanata | Common | Non-native |
Pulu Mamoe | Castilla elastica | Rare | Non-native |
Pulunamulole | Polygala paniculata | Common | Non-native |
Pupu Elo | Crateva religiosa | Rare | Native |
Purplestem Taro | Xanthosoma violaceum | Common | Non-native |
Purslane, Tamole | Portulaca oleracea | Common | Non-native |
Red Ginger, Teiula | Alpinia atropurpurea | Uncommon | Non-native |
Redivy | Hemigraphis alternata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Rockweed | Pilea microphylla | Uncommon | Non-native |
Rosary Pea, Matamoso | Abrus precatorius | Uncommon | Native |
Royal Spleenwort | Asplenium insiticium | Uncommon | Native |
Running Mountaingrass | Oplismenus compositus | Common | Non-native |
Saitamu | Crossostylis biflora | Uncommon | Native |
Sand Bur, Vao Tuitui | Cenchrus echinatus | Common | Non-native |
Screwpine, Fasa | Pandanus tectorius | Common | Native |
Seashore Paspalum | Paspalum vaginatum | Common | Non-native |
Seedbox | Ludwigia hyssopifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Sefa | Centotheca lappacea | Common | Native |
Selesele | Cyperus javanicus | Common | Native |
Selesele | Rhynchospora corymbosa | Common | Native |
Sessile Joyweed | Alternanthera sessilis | Common | Non-native |
Shameplant | Mimosa pudica | Common | Non-native |
Shampoo Ginger, ‘Avapui | Zingiber zerumbet | Common | Non-native |
Sickle Speenwort | Asplenium polyodon | Common | Native |
Slender Amaranth | Amaranthus viridis | Common | Non-native |
Slender Brake | Pteris ensiformis | Uncommon | Native |
Smooth Filmy Fern | Hymenophyllum polyanthos | Common | Native |
Soga, Fau Soga | Pipturus argenteus | Common | Native |
So’opine | Melicope latifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Spanish Clover | Desmodium incanum | Common | Non-native |
Sponge Gourd | Luffa aegyptiaca | Uncommon | Native |
St. Thomas Lidpod | Operculina turpethum | Uncommon | Native |
St. Thomas Lidpod | Operculina turpethum var. ventricosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Staghorn clubmoss | Lycopodiella cernua var. cernua | Uncommon | Native |
Starviolet | Hedyotis foetida | Uncommon | Native |
Stinging-nettle Tree, Salato | Dendrocnide harveyi | Rare | Native |
Suni Vao | Phaleria glabra | Uncommon | Native |
Swamp Fern, Sa’ato | Acrostichum aureum | Common | Native |
Swordfern | Macrothelypteris torresiana | Uncommon | Native |
Tae’oti | Synedrella nodiflora | Common | Non-native |
Tafatolu, Selesele | Scleria polycarpa | Common | Native |
Tagamimi, Palulu | Stictocardia tiliifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Tagitagi Vao, Tagitagi, Afia | Polyscias samoensis | Common | Native |
Tahitian Chestnut, Ifi | Inocarpus fagifer | Uncommon | Non-native |
Taipoipo, Lau Mafatifati | Geniostoma rupestre | Common | Native |
Talafalu | Micromelum minutum | Common | Native |
Talie | Terminalia catappa | Uncommon | Native |
Talie | Terminalia samoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Tamatama | Achyranthes aspera | Uncommon | Native |
Tamole | Portulaca lutea | Uncommon | Native |
Tanlanu | Calophyllum neo-ebudicum | Abundant | Native |
Taputo’, Tapumatau | Elattostachys falcata | Common | Native |
Taputo’i | Arytera brackenridgei | Uncommon | Native |
Tava | Pometia pinnata | Common | Native |
Tavai | Rhus taitensis | Abundant | Native |
Temple Grass | Zoysia tenuifolia | Common | Non-native |
Teve | Amorphophallus paeoniifolius | Rare | Non-native |
Three-flowered Beggarweed | Desmodium triflorum | Common | Non-native |
Thyme-leaved Spurge | Chamaesyce thymifolia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Ti, Lau Ti | Cordyline fruticosa | Common | Non-native |
Tiny Bristle Fern | Trichomanes minutum | Common | Native |
To‘ito‘i | Scaevola taccada | Abundant | Native |
Togo | Geophila repens | Uncommon | Native |
Toi | Alphitonia zizyphoides | Common | Native |
Tou | Cordia aspera | Rare | Non-native |
Trailing Crabgrass | Digitaria radicosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Tree Fern, Olioli | Cyathea decurrens | Uncommon | Native |
Tree Fern, Olioli | Cyathea lunulata | Common | Native |
Tree Fern, Olioli | Cyathea vaupelii | Uncommon | Native |
Tropical Cup Grass, Tropical Cupgrass | Eriochloa fatmensis | Common | Non-native |
Tropical Signalgrass | Urochloa subquadripara | Uncommon | Non-native |
Tuise, Shortleaf Spikesedge | Kyllinga brevifolia | Common | Non-native |
Ufi | Dioscorea alata | Common | Non-native |
Ufi Viole, Ufi Atuli | Boerhavia repens | Uncommon | Non-native |
Umbrella Catchbirdtree | Pisonia umbellifera | Uncommon | Native |
Understory Fern | Pneumatopteris glandulifera | Uncommon | Native |
Usi | Euodia hortensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
U’unu | Sarcopygme pacifica | Common | Native |
Vao Malini | Pseudelephantopus spicatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Vao Tuaniu | Nephrolepis hirsutula | Common | Native |
Vao Vai | Peperomia pellucida | Common | Non-native |
Vaouli | Ruellia prostrata | Common | Non-native |
Vī Vao | Polyscias lanutoensis | Common | Native |
Violet Crabgrass | Digitaria violascens | Uncommon | Non-native |
Vivao | Garuga floribunda | Uncommon | Native |
Wedgeleaf Spleenwort | Asplenium cuneatum | Uncommon | Native |
Western Soapberry, Wingleaf Soapberry | Sapindus saponaria | Rare | Native |
Whisk Fern | Psilotum nudum | Common | Native |
White Moneywort | Alysicarpus vaginalis | Common | Non-native |
Whitehead Spikesedge | Kyllinga nemoralis | Common | Non-native |
Wild Bushbean | Macroptilium lathyroides | Common | Non-native |
Wild Cape Gooseberry, Vivao, Wild Capegooseberry, Vi Vao | Physalis angulata | Common | Non-native |
Wild Leadwort | Plumbago zeylanica | Rare | Native |
Wild Tamarind, Fuapepe | Leucaena leucocephala | Common | Non-native |
Willow Primrose | Ludwigia octovalvis | Common | Non-native |
Wingleaf Passionfruit | Passiflora pulchella | Unknown | Non-native |
Woodland False Buttonweed | Spermacoce assurgens | Common | Non-native |
Yam | Dioscorea nummularia | Uncommon | Non-native |
Yellow Wood Sorrel, ‘Ii | Oxalis corniculata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Note: The wildlife species included in the lists above have been confirmed with the National Park Service to be present in the National Park of American Samoa. Other species may exist in the park that are currently under review or not yet known.
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- National Park Species List
- Featured Photo Credit: Pola Islands and Booby in National Park of American Samoa, by NPS