
The wildlife at Yosemite National Park is beautiful and diverse. There are a variety of amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, and plants to explore. Check out all the incredible species this park has to offer!
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Yosemite National Park Species List


Amphibian Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Arboreal Salamander | Aneides lugubris | Uncommon | Native |
Bullfrog | Lithobates catesbeianus | Uncommon | Non-native |
California Toad (Western Toad) | Anaxyrus boreas halophilus | Unknown | Native |
Gregarius Slender Salamander | Batrachoseps gregarius | Unknown | Native |
Hell Hollow Slender Salamander | Batrachoseps diabolicus | Unknown | Native |
Mount Lyell Salamander | Hydromantes platycephalus | Rare | Native |
Northern Pacific Treefrog, Pacific Chorus Frog, Pacific Treefrog | Pseudacris regilla | Common | Native |
Sierra Nevada Ensatina | Ensatina eschscholtzii platensis | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog | Rana sierrae | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra Newt | Taricha sierrae | Common | Native |
Yellow-eyed Ensatina | Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica | Uncommon | Native |
Yosemite Toad | Anaxyrus canorus | Uncommon | Native |


Bird Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Acorn Woodpecker | Melanerpes formicivorus | Abundant | Native |
Allen’s Hummingbird | Selasphorus sasin | Rare | Native |
American Avocet | Recurvirostra americana | Occasional | Native |
American Bittern | Botaurus lentiginosus | Occasional | Native |
American Coot | Fulica americana | Rare | Native |
American Crow | Corvus brachyrhynchos | Rare | Native |
American Dipper | Cinclus mexicanus | Uncommon | Native |
American Goldfinch | Spinus tristis | Uncommon | Native |
American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | Uncommon | Native |
American Pipit | Anthus rubescens | Uncommon | Native |
American Redstart | Setophaga ruticilla | Occasional | Native |
American Robin | Turdus migratorius | Abundant | Native |
American White Pelican | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos | Rare | Native |
American Wigeon | Anas americana | Occasional | Native |
Anna’s Hummingbird | Calypte anna | Common | Native |
Ash-throated Flycatcher | Myiarchus cinerascens | Rare | Native |
Audubon’s Warbler | Setophaga coronata auduboni | Abundant | Native |
Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Rare | Native |
Band-tailed Pigeon | Patagioenas fasciata | Common | Native |
Bank Swallow | Riparia riparia | Occasional | Native |
Barn Owl | Tyto alba | Occasional | Native |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Uncommon | Native |
Barrow’s Goldeneye | Bucephala islandica | Occasional | Native |
Belted Kingfisher | Megaceryle alcyon | Rare | Native |
Bewick’s Wren | Thryomanes bewickii | Uncommon | Native |
Black Phoebe | Sayornis nigricans | Common | Native |
Black Swift | Cypseloides niger | Common | Native |
Black-and-white Warbler | Mniotilta varia | Occasional | Native |
Black-backed Woodpecker | Picoides arcticus | Rare | Native |
Black-billed Magpie | Pica hudsonia | Occasional | Native |
Black-chinned Hummingbird | Archilochus alexandri | Rare | Native |
Black-chinned Sparrow | Spizella atrogularis | Rare | Native |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | Occasional | Native |
Black-headed Grosbeak | Pheucticus melanocephalus | Common | Native |
Black-necked Stilt | Himantopus mexicanus | Occasional | Native |
Blackpoll Warbler | Setophaga striata | Occasional | Native |
Black-throated Gray Warbler | Setophaga nigrescens | Common | Native |
Black-throated Sparrow | Amphispiza bilineata | Occasional | Native |
Blue Grosbeak | Passerina caerulea | Rare | Native |
blue-gray gnatcatcher | Polioptila caerulea | Rare | Native |
Blue-winged Teal | Anas discors | Rare | Native |
Bobolink | Dolichonyx oryzivorus | Occasional | Native |
Bohemian Waxwing | Bombycilla garrulus | Occasional | Native |
Brewer’s Blackbird | Euphagus cyanocephalus | Abundant | Native |
Brewer’s Sparrow | Spizella breweri | Occasional | Native |
Broad-tailed Hummingbird | Selasphorus platycercus | Occasional | Native |
Brown Creeper | Certhia americana | Common | Native |
brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis | Occasional | Unknown |
Brown-headed Cowbird | Molothrus ater | Common | Non-native |
Bufflehead | Bucephala albeola | Rare | Native |
Bullock’s oriole | Icterus bullockii | Common | Native |
Burrowing Owl | Athene cunicularia | Occasional | Native |
bushtit | Psaltriparus minimus | Common | Native |
California Gull | Larus californicus | Uncommon | Native |
California quail | Callipepla californica | Common | Native |
California Thrasher | Toxostoma redivivum | Uncommon | Native |
California towhee | Melozone crissalis | Rare | Native |
calliope hummingbird | Selasphorus calliope | Common | Native |
Canada Goose | Branta canadensis | Common | Native |
Canvasback | Aythya valisineria | Occasional | Native |
Canyon Wren | Catherpes mexicanus | Common | Native |
Caspian tern | Hydroprogne caspia | Occasional | Non-native |
Cassin’s finch | Haemorhous cassinii | Common | Native |
Cassin’s vireo | Vireo cassinii | Common | Native |
Cedar Waxwing | Bombycilla cedrorum | Rare | Native |
Cerulean Warbler | Setophaga cerulea | Occasional | Native |
chestnut-backed chickadee | Poecile rufescens | Uncommon | Native |
Chestnut-collared Longspur | Calcarius ornatus | Occasional | Native |
Chipping Sparrow | Spizella passerina | Common | Native |
Cinnamon Teal | Anas cyanoptera | Rare | Native |
Clark’s Grebe | Aechmophorus clarkii | Rare | Native |
Clark’s Nutcracker | Nucifraga columbiana | Common | Native |
Clay-colored Sparrow | Spizella pallida | Occasional | Non-native |
cliff swallow | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | Uncommon | Native |
Common Goldeneye | Bucephala clangula | Occasional | Native |
common loon | Gavia immer | Occasional | Native |
Common Merganser | Mergus merganser | Common | Native |
Common Nighthawk | Chordeiles minor | Rare | Native |
Common Poorwill | Phalaenoptilus nuttallii | Uncommon | Native |
common raven | Corvus corax | Abundant | Unknown |
Common Yellowthroat | Geothlypis trichas | Occasional | Native |
Cooper’s Hawk | Accipiter cooperii | Uncommon | Native |
Double-crested Cormorant | Phalacrocorax auritus | Occasional | Native |
Downy Woodpecker | Picoides pubescens | Uncommon | Native |
Dusky Flycatcher | Empidonax oberholseri | Uncommon | Native |
eared grebe | Podiceps nigricollis | Occasional | Native |
Eastern kingbird | Tyrannus tyrannus | Rare | Unknown |
Eurasian collared dove | Streptopelia decaocto | Rare | Non-native |
European starling | Sturnus vulgaris | Common | Non-native |
Evening Grosbeak | Coccothraustes vespertinus | Uncommon | Native |
Ferruginous Hawk | Buteo regalis | Occasional | Native |
Flammulated Owl | Otus flammeolus | Uncommon | Native |
Fox Sparrow, Red Fox Sparrow | Passerella iliaca | Common | Native |
Gadwall | Anas strepera | Occasional | Native |
Gambel’s white-crowned sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii | Common | Native |
Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Uncommon | Native |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | Regulus satrapa | Abundant | Native |
Golden-crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia atricapilla | Common | Native |
Grasshopper Sparrow | Ammodramus savannarum | Rare | Native |
gray catbird | Dumetella carolinensis | Occasional | Non-native |
gray flycatcher | Empidonax wrightii | Occasional | Native |
gray-crowned rosy finch | Leucosticte tephrocotis | Common | Native |
gray-headed junco | Junco hyemalis caniceps | Occasional | Unknown |
Great Blue Heron | Ardea herodias | Uncommon | Native |
great egret | Ardea alba | Occasional | Native |
great gray owl | Strix nebulosa | Rare | Native |
Great Horned Owl | Bubo virginianus | Common | Native |
Greater Roadrunner | Geococcyx californianus | Rare | Native |
greater sage-grouse | Centrocercus urophasianus | Occasional | Native |
Greater Yellowlegs | Tringa melanoleuca | Occasional | Native |
Great-tailed Grackle | Quiscalus mexicanus | Occasional | Native |
green heron | Butorides virescens | Occasional | Unknown |
Green-tailed Towhee | Pipilo chlorurus | Uncommon | Native |
green-winged teal | Anas crecca | Rare | Native |
Hairy Woodpecker | Picoides villosus | Common | Native |
Hammond’s Flycatcher | Empidonax hammondii | Common | Native |
Harlequin Duck | Histrionicus histrionicus | Rare | Native |
Harris’s sparrow | Zonotrichia querula | Occasional | Non-native |
Hermit Thrush | Catharus guttatus | Common | Native |
hermit warbler | Setophaga occidentalis | Common | Native |
Hooded Merganser | Lophodytes cucullatus | Rare | Native |
hooded warbler | Setophaga citrina | Occasional | Non-native |
Horned Grebe | Podiceps auritus | Occasional | Native |
Horned Lark | Eremophila alpestris | Uncommon | Native |
house finch | Haemorhous mexicanus | Common | Native |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | Common | Non-native |
House Wren | Troglodytes aedon | Common | Native |
Hutton’s Vireo | Vireo huttoni | Uncommon | Native |
Indigo Bunting | Passerina cyanea | Occasional | Non-native |
Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | Rare | Native |
Lark Sparrow | Chondestes grammacus | Rare | Native |
Lawrence’s goldfinch | Spinus lawrencei | Rare | Native |
Lazuli Bunting | Passerina amoena | Uncommon | Native |
Least Sandpiper | Calidris minutilla | Occasional | Native |
lesser goldfinch | Spinus psaltria | Common | Native |
Lesser Scaup | Aythya affinis | Occasional | Native |
Lewis’s woodpecker | Melanerpes lewis | Rare | Native |
Lincoln’s Sparrow | Melospiza lincolnii | Uncommon | Native |
Loggerhead Shrike | Lanius ludovicianus | Rare | Native |
Long-eared Owl | Asio otus | Rare | Native |
MacGillivray’s warbler | Geothlypis tolmiei | Uncommon | Native |
magnolia warbler | Setophaga magnolia | Rare | Native |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | Uncommon | Native |
Marsh Wren | Cistothorus palustris | Rare | Native |
Merlin | Falco columbarius | Rare | Native |
Mountain Bluebird | Sialia currucoides | Uncommon | Native |
mountain chickadee | Poecile gambeli | Abundant | Native |
Mountain Quail | Oreortyx pictus | Common | Native |
mountain white-crowned sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha | Common | Native |
Mourning Dove | Zenaida macroura | Uncommon | Native |
myrtle warbler (yellow-rumped) | Setophaga coronata coronata | Occasional | Native |
Nashville warbler | Oreothlypis ruficapilla | Common | Native |
Northern Flicker | Colaptes auratus | Common | Native |
Northern Goshawk | Accipiter gentilis | Uncommon | Native |
Northern Harrier | Circus cyaneus | Rare | Native |
Northern Mockingbird | Mimus polyglottos | Rare | Native |
northern parula | Setophaga americana | Occasional | Non-native |
Northern Pintail | Anas acuta | Occasional | Native |
northern pygmy owl | Glaucidium gnoma | Uncommon | Native |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Stelgidopteryx serripennis | Uncommon | Native |
Northern Saw-whet Owl | Aegolius acadicus | Rare | Native |
Northern Shoveler | Anas clypeata | Occasional | Native |
northern shrike | Lanius excubitor | Occasional | Native |
Nuttall’s Woodpecker | Picoides nuttallii | Common | Native |
oak titmouse | Baeolophus inornatus | Common | Native |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | Contopus cooperi | Common | Native |
orange-crowned warbler | Oreothlypis celata | Common | Native |
Oregon junco | Junco hyemalis oreganus | Abundant | Native |
osprey | Pandion haliaetus | Rare | Native |
ovenbird | Seiurus aurocapilla | Occasional | Unknown |
Pacific loon | Gavia pacifica | Occasional | Native |
Pacific wren | Troglodytes pacificus | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific-slope flycatcher | Empidonax difficilis | Uncommon | Native |
painted redstart | Myioborus pictus | Occasional | Non-native |
palm warbler | Setophaga palmarum | Occasional | Unknown |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | Rare | Native |
Phainopepla | Phainopepla nitens | Occasional | Native |
Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps | Rare | Native |
Pileated Woodpecker | Dryocopus pileatus | Uncommon | Native |
Pine Grosbeak | Pinicola enucleator | Uncommon | Native |
pine siskin | Spinus pinus | Common | Native |
Pinyon Jay | Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus | Occasional | Native |
Prairie Falcon | Falco mexicanus | Rare | Native |
purple finch | Haemorhous purpureus | Common | Native |
Pygmy Nuthatch | Sitta pygmaea | Uncommon | Native |
Red Crossbill | Loxia curvirostra | Uncommon | Native |
red phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius | Occasional | Native |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Sitta canadensis | Common | Native |
Red-breasted Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus ruber | Common | Native |
Red-eyed Vireo | Vireo olivaceus | Occasional | Non-native |
Red-naped Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus nuchalis | Rare | Native |
red-necked phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus | Rare | Native |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Buteo lineatus | Uncommon | Native |
Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis | Common | Native |
Red-winged Blackbird | Agelaius phoeniceus | Common | Native |
Ring-billed Gull | Larus delawarensis | Rare | Native |
ring-necked duck | Aythya collaris | Uncommon | Native |
rock pigeon | Columba livia | Rare | Non-native |
Rock Wren | Salpinctes obsoletus | Uncommon | Native |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Pheucticus ludovicianus | Occasional | Native |
rough-legged hawk | Buteo lagopus | Rare | Native |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | Regulus calendula | Abundant | Native |
Ruddy Duck | Oxyura jamaicensis | Occasional | Native |
Rufous Hummingbird | Selasphorus rufus | Uncommon | Native |
Rufous-crowned Sparrow | Aimophila ruficeps | Uncommon | Native |
sage sparrow | Artemisiospiza belli | Uncommon | Native |
Sage Thrasher | Oreoscoptes montanus | Occasional | Native |
sandhill crane | Grus canadensis | Rare | Native |
Savannah Sparrow | Passerculus sandwichensis | Uncommon | Native |
Say’s Phoebe | Sayornis saya | Rare | Native |
Scott’s oriole | Icterus parisorum | Uncommon | Native |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | Accipiter striatus | Rare | Native |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | Rare | Unknown |
slate-colored junco | Junco hyemalis hyemalis | Uncommon | Native |
snow goose | Chen caerulescens | Occasional | Native |
Snowy Egret | Egretta thula | Occasional | Native |
Solitary Sandpiper | Tringa solitaria | Occasional | Native |
Song Sparrow | Melospiza melodia | Abundant | Native |
sooty grouse | Dendragapus fuliginosus | Uncommon | Native |
Sora | Porzana carolina | Occasional | Native |
spotted owl | Strix occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
spotted sandpiper | Actitis macularius | Uncommon | Native |
spotted towhee | Pipilo maculatus | Common | Native |
Steller’s Jay | Cyanocitta stelleri | Abundant | Native |
Swainson’s Hawk | Buteo swainsoni | Occasional | Native |
Swainson’s Thrush | Catharus ustulatus | Uncommon | Native |
Tennessee warbler | Oreothlypis peregrina | Occasional | Native |
Townsend’s Solitaire | Myadestes townsendi | Uncommon | Native |
Townsend’s warbler | Setophaga townsendi | Uncommon | Native |
Tree Swallow | Tachycineta bicolor | Uncommon | Native |
Tundra Swan | Cygnus columbianus | Occasional | Native |
Turkey Vulture | Cathartes aura | Rare | Native |
Varied Thrush | Ixoreus naevius | Uncommon | Native |
Vaux’s Swift | Chaetura vauxi | Rare | Native |
Vermilion Flycatcher | Pyrocephalus rubinus | Occasional | Non-native |
Vesper Sparrow | Pooecetes gramineus | Occasional | Native |
Violet-green Swallow | Tachycineta thalassina | Common | Native |
Virginia Rail | Rallus limicola | Rare | Native |
Virginia’s warbler | Oreothlypis virginiae | Occasional | Native |
Warbling Vireo | Vireo gilvus | Common | Native |
Western Bluebird | Sialia mexicana | Common | Native |
Western Grebe | Aechmophorus occidentalis | Occasional | Native |
Western Kingbird | Tyrannus verticalis | Rare | Native |
Western Meadowlark | Sturnella neglecta | Uncommon | Native |
western screech-owl | Megascops kennicottii | Common | Native |
western scrub-jay | Aphelocoma californica | Abundant | Native |
Western Tanager | Piranga ludoviciana | Common | Native |
western wood-pewee | Contopus sordidulus | Common | Native |
White-breasted Nuthatch | Sitta carolinensis | Common | Native |
white-faced ibis | Plegadis chihi | Occasional | Native |
White-headed Woodpecker | Picoides albolarvatus | Common | Native |
white-tailed kite | Elanus leucurus | Occasional | Native |
White-tailed Ptarmigan | Lagopus leucura | Uncommon | Non-native |
White-throated Sparrow | Zonotrichia albicollis | Occasional | Native |
White-throated Swift | Aeronautes saxatalis | Common | Native |
Wild Turkey | Meleagris gallopavo | Rare | Non-native |
willet | Tringa semipalmata | Occasional | Native |
Williamson’s Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus thyroideus | Uncommon | Native |
Willow Flycatcher | Empidonax traillii | Rare | Native |
Wilson’s Phalarope | Phalaropus tricolor | Occasional | Native |
Wilson’s snipe | Gallinago delicata | Rare | Native |
Wilson’s warbler | Cardellina pusilla | Uncommon | Native |
Wood Duck | Aix sponsa | Rare | Native |
Wrentit | Chamaea fasciata | Common | Native |
Yellow Rail | Coturnicops noveboracensis | Occasional | Native |
yellow warbler | Setophaga petechia | Common | Native |
Yellow-billed Magpie | Pica nuttalli | Occasional | Native |
Yellow-breasted Chat | Icteria virens | Occasional | Native |
Yellow-headed Blackbird | Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus | Rare | Native |


Fish Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Brook Trout | Salvelinus fontinalis | Unknown | Non-native |
Brown Trout | Salmo trutta | Common | Non-native |
California Golden Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita | Unknown | Non-native |
Hardhead | Mylopharodon conocephalus | Uncommon | Native |
Lahontan Cutthroat Trout | Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi | Rare | Non-native |
Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Unknown | Non-native |
Riffle Sculpin | Cottus gulosus | Uncommon | Native |
Sacramento Pikeminnow | Ptychocheilus grandis | Unknown | Non-native |
Sacramento Sucker | Catostomus occidentalis | Abundant | Native |
Smallmouth Bass | Micropterus dolomieu | Unknown | Non-native |


Mammal Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
Allen’s Chipmunk, Shadow Chipmunk | Tamias senex | Uncommon | Native |
Alpine Chipmunk | Tamias alpinus | Uncommon | Native |
American Marten, marten | Martes americana | Uncommon | Native |
American mink | Neovison vison | Rare | Native |
badger | Taxidea taxus | Rare | Native |
beaver | Castor canadensis | Rare | Non-native |
Belding’s ground squirrel | Urocitellus beldingi | Common | Native |
big brown bat | Eptesicus fuscus | Common | Native |
big-eared woodrat | Neotoma macrotis streatori | Common | Native |
black bear | Ursus americanus | Common | Native |
black rat | Rattus rattus | Rare | Non-native |
Bobcat | Lynx rufus | Uncommon | Native |
Botta’s Pocket Gopher | Thomomys bottae | Common | Native |
Broad-footed Mole | Scapanus latimanus | Common | Native |
Brush Deermouse, Brush Mouse | Peromyscus boylii | Common | Native |
Brush Rabbit | Sylvilagus bachmani | Rare | Native |
Bushy-tailed Woodrat | Neotoma cinerea | Uncommon | Native |
California ground squirrel | Otospermophilus beecheyi | Common | Native |
California meadow mouse | Microtus californicus | Common | Native |
California mouse | Peromyscus californicus | Uncommon | Native |
California myotis | Myotis californicus | Common | Native |
California pocket mouse | Chaetodipus californicus | Uncommon | Native |
canyon bat | Parastrellus hesperus | Uncommon | Native |
chickaree | Tamiasciurus douglasii | Common | Native |
Coyote | Canis latrans | Uncommon | Native |
Deer Mouse, North American Deermouse | Peromyscus maniculatus | Abundant | Native |
Ermine | Mustela erminea | Uncommon | Native |
fisher | Pekania pennanti | Uncommon | Native |
fringed myotis, Fringed Myotis | Myotis thysanodes | Uncommon | Native |
golden-mantled ground squirrel | Callospermophilus lateralis | Common | Native |
gray fox | Urocyon cinereoargenteus | Common | Native |
Heather Vole, Western Heather Vole | Phenacomys intermedius | Rare | Native |
hoary bat, Hoary Bat | Lasiurus cinereus | Uncommon | Native |
House Mouse | Mus musculus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Inyo chipmunk | Tamias umbrinus | Unknown | Native |
Inyo shrew | Sorex tenellus | Uncommon | Native |
least chipmunk | Tamias minimus | Occasional | Native |
little brown myotis | Myotis lucifugus | Uncommon | Native |
Lodgepole Chipmunk | Tamias speciosus | Common | Native |
Long-eared Chipmunk | Tamias quadrimaculatus | Uncommon | Native |
long-eared myotis, Long-eared Myotis | Myotis evotis | Uncommon | Native |
long-legged myotis, Long-legged Myotis | Myotis volans | Uncommon | Native |
long-tailed vole | Microtus longicaudus | Common | Native |
Long-tailed Weasel | Mustela frenata | Uncommon | Native |
Merriam’s chipmunk | Tamias merriami | Uncommon | Native |
Mexican free-tailed bat | Tadarida brasiliensis | Common | Native |
montane shrew | Sorex monticolus | Common | Native |
Montane Vole | Microtus montanus | Common | Native |
Mount Lyell shrew | Sorex lyelli | Rare | Native |
mountain lion | Puma concolor | Uncommon | Native |
Mountain Pocket Gopher | Thomomys monticola | Common | Native |
mule deer, Mule Deer | Odocoileus hemionus | Common | Native |
Northern Flying Squirrel | Glaucomys sabrinus | Common | Native |
pallid bat, Pallid Bat | Antrozous pallidus | Common | Native |
pika | Ochotona princeps | Uncommon | Native |
Piñon Deermouse, piñon mouse, Pinyon Mouse | Peromyscus truei | Uncommon | Native |
porcupine | Erethizon dorsatum | Uncommon | Native |
raccoon | Procyon lotor | Common | Native |
Ringtail | Bassariscus astutus | Common | Native |
river otter | Lontra canadensis | Rare | Unknown |
Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep | Ovis canadensis sierrae | Rare | Native |
Sierra Nevada mountain beaver | Aplodontia rufa californica | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra Nevada red fox | Vulpes vulpes necator | Rare | Native |
Sierra Nevada snowshoe hare | Lepus americanus tahoensis | Uncommon | Native |
silver-haired bat, Silver-haired Bat | Lasionycteris noctivagans | Uncommon | Native |
small-footed myotis | Myotis ciliolabrum | Rare | Native |
spotted bat, Spotted Bat | Euderma maculatum | Uncommon | Native |
spotted skunk | Spilogale putorius | Uncommon | Native |
Striped Skunk | Mephitis mephitis | Common | Native |
Townsend’s big-eared bat | Corynorhinus townsendii | Uncommon | Native |
Trowbridge’s Shrew | Sorex trowbridgii | Rare | Native |
Virginia Opossum | Didelphis virginiana | Rare | Non-native |
water shrew | Sorex palustris | Rare | Native |
Western Gray Squirrel | Sciurus griseus | Common | Native |
Western Harvest Mouse | Reithrodontomys megalotis | Rare | Native |
Western Jumping Mouse | Zapus princeps | Common | Native |
western mastiff bat | Eumops perotis | Uncommon | Native |
western red bat | Lasiurus blossevillii | Uncommon | Native |
western white-tailed jackrabbit | Lepus townsendii townsendii | Uncommon | Native |
Wolverine | Gulo gulo | Rare | Native |
Yellow-bellied Marmot | Marmota flaviventris | Common | Native |
yellow-pine chipmunk | Tamias amoenus | Occasional | Native |
Yuma myotis, Yuma Myotis | Myotis yumanensis | Common | Native |


Reptile Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
California (western) whiptail | Aspidoscelis tigris munda | Uncommon | Native |
California kingsnake | Lampropeltis getula californiae | Uncommon | Native |
California nightsnake | Hypsiglena torquata nuchalata | Uncommon | Native |
California striped racer (whipsnake) | Masticophis lateralis lateralis | Uncommon | Native |
Coast Horned lizard | Phrynosoma coronatum | Unknown | Native |
Gilbert’s Skink | Eumeces gilberti | Uncommon | Native |
Mountain (terrestrial) garter snake | Thamnophis elegans elegans | Common | Native |
northern Pacific rattlesnake | Crotalus oreganus oreganus | Common | Native |
northern rubber boa | Charina bottae | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific (western) pond turtle | Actinemys marmorata | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific gopher snake | Pituophis catenifer catenifer | Uncommon | Native |
Ringneck Snake, Ring-necked Snake | Diadophis punctatus | Rare | Native |
Sagebrush Lizard | Sceloporus graciosus | Common | Native |
San Diego (southern) alligator lizard | Elgaria multicarinata webbii | Common | Native |
Sharp-tailed Snake | Contia tenuis | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra (aquatic) garter snake | Thamnophis couchii | Common | Native |
Sierra (northern) alligator lizard | Elgaria coerulea palmeri | Common | Native |
Sierra mountain kingsnake | Lampropeltis zonata multicincta | Uncommon | Native |
Valley garter snake | Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi | Uncommon | Native |
Western Fence Lizard | Sceloporus occidentalis | Common | Native |
western skink | Eumeces skiltonianus | Uncommon | Native |
western yellow-bellied racer | Coluber mormon | Uncommon | Native |


Plant Name | Scientific Name | Abundance | Nativeness |
[Common Name Unknown] | Abies magnifica var. magnifica | Abundant | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Abies magnifica var. shastensis | Abundant | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Antirrhinum leptaleum | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Arctostaphylos patula | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Arenaria kingii var. glabrescens | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Arnica diversifolia | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aster alpigenus var. andersonii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aster breweri | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aster foliaceus var. lyallii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Aster oregonensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Berberis aquifolium var. dictyota | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bidens cernua var. cernua | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Botrychium yaaxudakeit | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bromus carinatus var. carinatus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bromus madritensis ssp. madritensis | Rare | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Callitriche verna | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Caltha leptosepala var. biflora | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calycadenia multiglandulosa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calyptridium monospermum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Calyptridium umbellatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Campanula prenanthoides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Carex breweri var. breweri | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Carex deweyana ssp. leptopoda | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Carex filifolia var. filifolia | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Carex scirpoidea var. pseudoscirpoidea | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Castilleja lineariloba | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cephalanthus occidentalis var. californicus | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cerastium beeringianum var. capillare | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chamomilla suaveolens | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. albicaulis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. bernardinus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. monocephalus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cuscuta subinclusa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Cymopterus terebinthinus var. californicus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Danthonia californica var. americana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Descurainia incisa ssp. incisa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dianthus barbatus ssp. barbatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Draba oligosperma var. oligosperma | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Dugaldia hoopesii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eleocharis acicularis var. bella | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eleocharis obtusa var. engelmannii | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Eleocharis pauciflora | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Erysimum capitatum ssp. capitatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Erysimum capitatum ssp. perenne | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Festuca pratensis | Rare | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Galium boreale ssp. septentrionale | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Galium mexicanum var. asperulum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Galium trifidum var. pacificum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Galium trifidum var. pusillum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gnaphalium californicum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gnaphalium canescens ssp. beneolens | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gnaphalium canescens ssp. thermale | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gnaphalium luteoalbum | Rare | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Gnaphalium stramineum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Holodiscus microphyllus var. microphyllus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum | Common | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Hypericum formosum var. scouleri | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Isopyrum occidentale | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Kalmia polifolia ssp. microphylla | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Keckiella breviflora var. breviflora | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Keckiella breviflora var. glabrisepala | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lactuca tatarica ssp. pulchella | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lathyrus nevadensis var. nevadensis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lessingia filaginifolia var. filaginifolia | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lonicera cauriana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lotus purshianus var. purshianus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus argenteus var. heteranthus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus latifolius var. columbianus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus lepidus var. confertus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus lepidus var. ramosus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus lepidus var. sellulus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Lupinus polyphyllus var. burkei | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Mentha spicata var. spicata | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Mimulus primuloides ssp. primuloides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Osmorhiza chilensis | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Panicum acuminatum var. acuminatum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Parvisedum pumilum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pellaea mucronata var. californica | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Pellaea mucronata var. mucronata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Penstemon laetus var. laetus | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Penstemon newberryi var. newberryi | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Phacelia hastata ssp. compacta | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Platanthera yosemitensis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Plectritis brachystemon | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Poa secunda ssp. secunda | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Polemonium pulcherrimum var. pulcherrimum | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Potamogeton alpinus ssp. tenuifolius | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Potamogeton epihydrus ssp. nuttallii | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Potamogeton pusillus var. pusillus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Potentilla anserina ssp. anserina | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Potentilla gracilis var. elmeri | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Quercus vaccinifolia | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ranunculus aquatilis var. capillaceus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ranunculus aquatilis var. hispidulus | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Rhamnus tomentella ssp. cuspidata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Ribes cereum var. inebrians | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Rumex salicifolius var. triangulivalvis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sambucus melanocarpa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Scirpus acutus var. occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Scirpus clementis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Scirpus subterminalis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Sedum rosea ssp. integrifolium | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Senecio cymbalarioides | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Smilacina racemosa | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Smilacina stellata | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Solidago canadensis ssp. elongata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Spiraea densiflora | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Spiranthes stellata | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Stachys ajugoides var. rigida | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Swertia radiata | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Tofieldia occidentalis ssp. occidentalis | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trifolium albopurpureum var. albopurpureum | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trifolium longipes var. nevadense | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trifolium monanthum var. monanthum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Triglochin palustris | Rare | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Trimorpha lonchophylla | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Utricularia vulgaris | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vaccinium caespitosum | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vaccinium uliginosum ssp. occidentale | Common | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vicia americana var. americana | Uncommon | Native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vulpia myuros var. hirsuta | Uncommon | Non-native |
[Common Name Unknown] | Vulpia myuros var. myuros | Uncommon | Non-native |
a holboell rock-cress, second rockcress | Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta | Uncommon | Native |
abruptbeak sedge | Carex abrupta | Common | Native |
Alaska bog orchid, Alaska rein orchid, Alaskan rein-orchid, slender-spire orchid | Piperia unalascensis | Uncommon | Native |
Alaska oniongrass | Melica subulata | Uncommon | Native |
Aleutian maidenhair, Aleutian maidenhair-fern, five-finger fern | Adiantum aleuticum | Uncommon | Native |
alfalfa | Medicago sativa | Uncommon | Non-native |
alfilaree, alfilaria, California filaree, cutleaf filaree, filaree, redstem filaree, redstem stork’s bill, stork’s bill | Erodium cicutarium | Uncommon | Non-native |
alkali muhly, scratchgrass | Muhlenbergia asperifolia | Rare | Native |
alpine bentgrass, mountain bent grass | Agrostis humilis | Rare | Native |
alpine bitterroot, alpine lewisia, pigmy bitterroot | Lewisia pygmaea | Common | Native |
alpine brook saxifrage, pygmy saxifrage, weak saxifrage | Saxifraga rivularis | Uncommon | Native |
alpine fescue | Festuca brachyphylla ssp. breviculmis | Uncommon | Native |
alpine gooseberry | Ribes lasianthum | Uncommon | Native |
alpine groundsel | Senecio pauciflorus | Uncommon | Native |
alpine hemlock, black hemlock, hemlock spruce, mountain hemlock | Tsuga mertensiana | Abundant | Native |
alpine hulsea, Pacific hulsea | Hulsea algida | Common | Native |
alpine ladyfern | Athyrium alpestre var. americanum | Common | Native |
alpine mountainbalm, mountain monardella | Monardella odoratissima ssp. pallida | Common | Native |
alpine mountainsorrel, mountain sorrel | Oxyria digyna | Common | Native |
alpine pearlwort, arctic pearlwort | Sagina saginoides | Uncommon | Native |
alpine prickly currant, gooseberry currant, mountain gooseberry | Ribes montigenum | Uncommon | Native |
alpine sandwort, twinflower sandwort | Minuartia obtusiloba | Rare | Native |
alpine saxifrage, Tolmie’s saxifrage | Saxifraga tolmiei | Uncommon | Native |
alpine sheep sorrel, fewleaved dock, meadow dock | Rumex paucifolius | Common | Native |
alpine shootingstar | Dodecatheon alpinum | Common | Native |
alpine spicywintergreen, western wintergreen | Gaultheria humifusa | Uncommon | Native |
alpine spikemoss, Watson’s spikemoss | Selaginella watsonii | Common | Native |
alpine springbeauty | Claytonia megarhiza | Rare | Native |
alpine timothy | Phleum alpinum | Common | Native |
alpine willowherb, alpine willowweed, pimpernel willowherb | Epilobium anagallidifolium | Common | Native |
alpinebog swertia, felwort, star gentian | Swertia perennis | Uncommon | Native |
alpineflames | Pyrrocoma apargioides | Common | Native |
Alta fescue, coarse fescue, reed fescue, tall fescue | Festuca arundinacea | Rare | Non-native |
American alpine speedwell | Veronica wormskjoldii | Uncommon | Native |
American awlwort, American waterawlwort | Subularia aquatica var. americana | Uncommon | Native |
American bistort | Polygonum bistortoides | Common | Native |
American black nightshade, common purple nightshade, smallflower nightshade | Solanum americanum | Uncommon | Native |
American dwarf mistletoe, lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium americanum | Uncommon | Native |
American rockbrake | Cryptogramma acrostichoides | Common | Native |
American speedwell, brooklime | Veronica americana | Uncommon | Native |
American trailplant | Adenocaulon bicolor | Common | Native |
American watermilfoil, shortspike watermilfoil, Siberian water-milfoil | Myriophyllum sibiricum | Uncommon | Native |
American waterplantain, European water plantain | Alisma plantago-aquatica | Uncommon | Native |
American wild carrot, rattlesnake carrot, rattlesnake weed, southwest wild carrot | Daucus pusillus | Uncommon | Native |
American yellowrocket, erectpod wintercress, wintercress | Barbarea orthoceras | Common | Native |
analogue sedge, shortbeak sedge | Carex simulata | Rare | Native |
Anderson’s thistle, rose thistle | Cirsium andersonii | Common | Native |
annual agoseris, annual goatsbeard, mountain dandelion | Agoseris heterophylla | Common | Native |
annual blue grass, annual bluegrass, walkgrass | Poa annua | Common | Non-native |
annual fleabane, eastern daisy fleabane | Erigeron annuus | Uncommon | Non-native |
annual hairgrass | Deschampsia danthonioides | Common | Native |
annual honesty | Lunaria annua | Unknown | Non-native |
annual Indian paintbrush, lesser Indian paintbrush | Castilleja minor ssp. spiralis | Rare | Native |
annual lupine, sky lupine | Lupinus nanus | Common | Native |
annual muhly | Muhlenbergia minutissima | Uncommon | Native |
annual pearlwort | Sagina apetala | Uncommon | Native |
annual rabbitsfoot grass, annual rabbit’s-foot grass, rabbitfoot beardgrass, rabbitfoot grass, rabbitfoot polypogon, rabbitfootgrass, rabbit’sfootgrass | Polypogon monspeliensis | Rare | Non-native |
annual ryegrass, Italian ryegrass | Lolium multiflorum | Uncommon | Non-native |
annual sandwort, dwarf sandwort | Minuartia pusilla | Rare | Native |
annual smartweed, marshpepper knotweed, mild water-pepper | Polygonum hydropiper | Rare | Non-native |
annual sowthistle, common sowthistle, common sow-thistle, pualele, sow thistle, sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | Uncommon | Non-native |
annual sunflower, common sunflower, sunflower, wild sunflower | Helianthus annuus | Uncommon | Native |
annual water minerslettuce, Fountain miner’s lettuce | Montia fontana | Uncommon | Native |
annual witchgrass, common panic grass, common witchgrass, panicgrass, ticklegrass, tumble panic, tumbleweed grass, witches hair, witchgrass | Panicum capillare | Uncommon | Native |
Arc Dome draba, slender draba | Draba albertina | Common | Native |
arctic goldenrod, manyray goldenrod, mountain goldenrod, Rocky Mountain goldenrod | Solidago multiradiata | Common | Native |
arctic sedge, capitate sedge | Carex capitata | Rare | Native |
arctic willow | Salix arctica | Common | Native |
Arizona mountain dandelion, false agoseris | Agoseris glauca var. laciniata | Uncommon | Native |
arrow-grass, seaside arrowgrass | Triglochin maritima | Rare | Native |
arrowleaf balsamroot | Balsamorhiza sagittata | Uncommon | Native |
arrowleaf groundsel, arrowleaf ragwort | Senecio triangularis | Common | Native |
arroyo willow | Salix lasiolepis | Uncommon | Native |
arumleaf arrowhead, arum-leaf arrowhead, nothern arrowhead, wapato | Sagittaria cuneata | Rare | Native |
attenuate Indian paintbrush, Indian paintbrush | Castilleja attenuata | Uncommon | Native |
Australian brome | Bromus arenarius | Rare | Non-native |
autumn dwarf gentian, autumn dwarfgentian, autumn dwarf-gentian | Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta | Common | Native |
autumn willowherb, autumn willowweed, tall annual willowherb | Epilobium brachycarpum | Uncommon | Native |
awl-leaf lilaea, flowering quillwort | Lilaea scilloides | Uncommon | Native |
awned flat sedge, bearded flatsedge, bearded nutgrass | Cyperus squarrosus | Uncommon | Native |
azure penstemon | Penstemon azureus var. angustissimus | Rare | Native |
baby blue eyes | Nemophila menziesii var. menziesii | Uncommon | Native |
bachelor’s button, cornflower, garden cornflower | Centaurea cyanus | Uncommon | Non-native |
balloonpod milkvetch, Whitney’s milkvetch | Astragalus whitneyi var. whitneyi | Uncommon | Native |
balsam fir, Colorado fir, concolor fir, silver fir, white balsam, white fir | Abies concolor | Abundant | Native |
balsam poplar, black cottonwood | Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa | Common | Native |
Baltic rush | Juncus balticus | Uncommon | Native |
barnyard grass, barnyardgrass, cockspur, Japanese millet, large barnyard grass, watergrass | Echinochloa crus-galli | Rare | Non-native |
barren bromegrass, poverty brome, sterile brome | Bromus sterilis | Rare | Non-native |
basin big sagebrush, big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata | Unknown | Native |
basin cryptantha, Wickes cryptantha, Wilkes cryptantha | Cryptantha ambigua | Common | Native |
bastard toadflax, California bastard toadflax | Comandra umbellata ssp. californica | Common | Native |
bastardsage | Eriogonum wrightii var. subscaposum | Common | Native |
bastardsage, shrubby buckwheat | Eriogonum wrightii var. trachygonum | Unknown | Native |
beaked beardtongue, beakflower penstemon, Bridges’ penstemon | Penstemon rostriflorus | Uncommon | Native |
bearbrush | Garrya fremontii | Uncommon | Native |
bearded fescue, nodding fescue | Festuca subulata | Uncommon | Native |
bearded lousewort, pinewoods lousewort | Pedicularis semibarbata | Uncommon | Native |
bearded melicgrass, bearded oniongrass | Melica aristata | Uncommon | Native |
bearded wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass, slender wild rye | Elymus trachycaulus ssp. subsecundus | Uncommon | Native |
beardless lyme grass, beardless wildrye, creeping wildrye | Leymus triticoides | Uncommon | Native |
beautiful sandwort, boreal stitchwort | Minuartia rubella | Uncommon | Native |
beaver monolepis, beaver povertyweed | Monolepis spathulata | Uncommon | Native |
bedstraw, catchweed bedstraw, cleavers, cleaverwort, goose grass, scarthgrass, stickywilly, sticky-willy, white hedge | Galium aparine | Uncommon | Native |
Bermudagrass, chiendent pied-de-poule, common bermudagrass, devilgrass, grama-seda, manienie, motie molulu | Cynodon dactylon | Rare | Non-native |
bicolor lupine, miniature lupine | Lupinus bicolor | Common | Native |
big chickweed, common mouse-ear chickweed | Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare | Uncommon | Non-native |
big deervetch | Lotus crassifolius var. crassifolius | Common | Native |
big sagebrush | Artemisia spiciformis | Uncommon | Native |
big sagebrush, mountain big sagebrush | Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana | Uncommon | Native |
big squirreltail, big wild rye | Elymus multisetus | Uncommon | Native |
big taper, common mullein, flannel mullein, flannel plant, great mullein, mullein, velvet dock, velvet plant, woolly mullein | Verbascum thapsus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Bigelow’s sneezeweed | Helenium bigelovii | Common | Native |
bigflower agoseris, shortbeak agoseris | Agoseris grandiflora | Uncommon | Native |
bighead goldenbush, singlehead goldenbush, single-head heath-goldenrod | Ericameria suffruticosa | Uncommon | Native |
bigleaf maple | Acer macrophyllum | Common | Native |
bigleaf periwinkle, greater periwinkle, periwinkle | Vinca major | Uncommon | Non-native |
bigleaf sedge | Carex amplifolia | Uncommon | Native |
bigseed pepperweed | Lepidium densiflorum var. macrocarpum | Uncommon | Native |
birch-leaf mountain-mahogany | Cercocarpus betuloides var. betuloides | Uncommon | Native |
bird-eye speedwell, birdseye speedwell, Persian speedwell, winter speedwell | Veronica persica | Rare | Non-native |
bird’s rape, birdsrape mustard, field mustard, rape, rape mustard, turnip rape, wild mustard, wild rutabaga, wild turnip | Brassica rapa | Uncommon | Non-native |
bird’s-eye gilia | Gilia tricolor ssp. tricolor | Uncommon | Native |
Bishop’s lotus, strigose bird’s-foot trefoil, strigose bird’s-foot-trefoil | Lotus strigosus | Uncommon | Native |
bitter cherry, bittercherry | Prunus emarginata | Common | Native |
bitter gooseberry | Ribes amarum | Uncommon | Native |
bitterroot, flytrap dogbane, spreading dogbane | Apocynum androsaemifolium | Common | Native |
black alpine sedge | Carex nigricans | Common | Native |
black bent, redtop, water bentgrass | Agrostis gigantea | Common | Non-native |
black bindweed, black-bindweed, climbing buckwheat, climbing knotweed, cornbind, dullseed cornbind, pink smartweed, wild buckwheat | Polygonum convolvulus | Uncommon | Non-native |
black medic, black medic clover, black medick, hop clover, hop medic, nonesuch, yellow trefoil | Medicago lupulina | Uncommon | Non-native |
black mustard, shortpod mustard | Brassica nigra | Uncommon | Non-native |
black pine, Jeffrey pine, Jeffrey’s pine | Pinus jeffreyi | Abundant | Native |
black sedge, nearlyblack sedge | Carex subnigricans | Uncommon | Native |
blackandwhite sedge, black-and-white sedge | Carex albonigra | Rare | Native |
blackeyed Susan, pinewoods coneflower | Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima | Uncommon | Non-native |
blackfoot groundsmoke, black-foot groundsmoke | Gayophytum racemosum | Common | Native |
blackjack pine, bull pine, ponderosa pine, rock pine, western yellow pine | Pinus ponderosa | Abundant | Native |
blackseeded proso millet, broomcorn millet, broomcorn panic, hog millet, panic millet, panicum, proso, proso millet, wild millet, wild proso millet | Panicum miliaceum | Rare | Non-native |
bladder campion, bladder-campion, evening lychnis, white campion, white cockle | Silene latifolia ssp. alba | Uncommon | Non-native |
blessed thistle, blessed-thistle | Cnicus benedictus | Uncommon | Non-native |
blister sedge, lesser bladder sedge | Carex vesicaria var. vesicaria | Common | Native |
bloodwort, carpenter’s weed, common yarrow, hierba de las cortaduras, milenrama, milfoil, plumajillo, western yarrow, yarrow | Achillea millefolium | Common | Native |
Bloomer’s goldenbush, rabbitbush | Ericameria bloomeri | Common | Native |
blowball, common dandelion, dandelion, faceclock | Taraxacum officinale | Common | Non-native |
blue fiestaflower | Pholistoma auritum var. auritum | Uncommon | Native |
blue monardella, gray monardella, pale monardella | Monardella glauca | Uncommon | Native |
blue oak | Quercus douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
blue verbena, blue vervain, Simpler’s-joy, swamp verbena | Verbena hastata | Rare | Native |
blue violet, hook violet, hookedspur violet | Viola adunca | Common | Native |
blue wild rye, blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. glaucus | Uncommon | Native |
blueberry willow, Booth’s willow | Salix boothii | Rare | Native |
bluedick, bluedicks | Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum | Uncommon | Native |
blue-eyed Mary, littleflower collinsia, maiden blue eyed Mary, smallflower blue eyed Mary, small-flower blue-eyed Mary | Collinsia parviflora | Common | Native |
bluejoint, bluejoint reedgrass | Calamagrostis canadensis | Common | Native |
bluntleaf yellowcress, blunt-leaf yellowcress | Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes | Uncommon | Native |
bog bluegrass | Poa leptocoma ssp. leptocoma | Rare | Native |
bog orchid, Sierra bog orchid | Platanthera leucostachys | Uncommon | Native |
bog stitchwort | Minuartia stricta | Uncommon | Native |
bog wintergreen, liverleaf wintergreen | Pyrola asarifolia ssp. asarifolia | Uncommon | Native |
bog-bean, buckbean, buck-bean, common bogbean | Menyanthes trifoliata | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander sedge, Bolander’s sedge, wood sedge | Carex bolanderi | Common | Native |
Bolander’s bedstraw | Galium bolanderi | Common | Native |
Bolander’s bluegrass | Poa bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s madia | Madia bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s milkvetch | Astragalus bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s mock dandelion | Phalacroseris bolanderi | Rare | Native |
Bolander’s monkeyflower | Mimulus bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s quillwort | Isoetes bolanderi | Common | Native |
Bolander’s silver sagebrush, silver sagebrush | Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s spikerush | Eleocharis bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
Bolander’s woodland-star | Lithophragma bolanderi | Common | Native |
Bolander’s woodreed | Cinna bolanderi | Rare | Native |
Bolander’s yampah | Perideridia bolanderi ssp. bolanderi | Common | Native |
boreal sagebrush | Artemisia norvegica ssp. saxatilis | Uncommon | Native |
bottle grass, green bristle grass, green bristlegrass, green foxtail, pigeongrass, wild millet | Setaria viridis | Uncommon | Non-native |
bouncing bet, bouncingbet, bouncingbet soapweed, soapwort, sweet Betty | Saponaria officinalis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Bourgeau’s pepperweed | Lepidium ramosissimum var. bourgeauanum | Unknown | Native |
box saxifrage, Oregon saxifrage | Saxifraga oregana | Rare | Native |
bractless hedgehyssop | Gratiola ebracteata | Rare | Native |
Brainerd’s sedge | Carex brainerdii | Uncommon | Native |
branching phacelia | Phacelia ramosissima var. ramosissima | Uncommon | Native |
Brewer’s angelica | Angelica breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s bittercress | Cardamine breweri var. breweri | Uncommon | Native |
Brewer’s cinquefoil, Drummond’s cinquefoil | Potentilla drummondii ssp. breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s cliffbrake | Pellaea breweri | Uncommon | Native |
Brewer’s daisy, Brewer’s fleabane | Erigeron breweri var. breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s lupine | Lupinus breweri var. breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s miterwort | Mitella breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s monkeyflower | Mimulus breweri | Common | Native |
Brewer’s mountain heather, purple mountainheath, red mountainheather | Phyllodoce breweri | Common | Native |
bride’s bonnet | Clintonia uniflora | Rare | Native |
Bridges’ catchfly | Silene bridgesii | Uncommon | Native |
Bridges’ cliffbrake | Pellaea bridgesii | Common | Native |
Bridges’ gilia | Gilia leptalea ssp. bicolor | Uncommon | Native |
Bridges’ gilia | Gilia leptalea ssp. leptalea | Common | Native |
brightblue speedwell, thyme-leaf speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia ssp. humifusa | Common | Native |
bristly dogstail grass | Cynosurus echinatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
bristly hairy goldaster | Heterotheca villosa var. hispida | Rare | Native |
bristlyleaf linanthus, whiskerbrush | Linanthus ciliatus | Common | Native |
bristlyleaf rockcress | Arabis rectissima var. rectissima | Uncommon | Native |
brittle bladder fern, brittle bladderfern, fragile fern | Cystopteris fragilis | Common | Native |
brittle sandwort | Minuartia nuttallii ssp. gracilis | Uncommon | Native |
broad pod anelsonia, daggerpod | Anelsonia eurycarpa | Rare | Native |
broadleaf arnica | Arnica latifolia | Uncommon | Native |
broadleaf arrowhead, common arrowhead, duck-potato, wapato | Sagittaria latifolia | Rare | Native |
broadleaf cattail, cattail, common cattail | Typha latifolia | Rare | Native |
broadleaf clarkia, diamond clarkia, diamond fairyfan | Clarkia rhomboidea | Common | Native |
broadleaf grapefern, leather grapefern, leathery grapefern, leathery grape-fern | Botrychium multifidum | Uncommon | Native |
broadleaf helleborine | Epipactis helleborine | Rare | Non-native |
broadleaf knotweed, dwarf knotweed, zigzag knotweed | Polygonum minimum | Common | Native |
broadleaf plantain, buckhorn plantain, common plantain, great plantain, rippleseed plantain | Plantago major | Common | Non-native |
broadleaf pondweed, floating pondweed, floatingleaf pondweed | Potamogeton natans | Uncommon | Native |
broadleaf starflower, western starflower | Trientalis latifolia | Rare | Native |
broadleaf stonecrop | Sedum spathulifolium | Uncommon | Native |
broadleaf twayblade, broad-lip twayblade, broadlipped listera, broadlipped twayblade | Listera convallarioides | Uncommon | Native |
broadleaf willowweed, milkflower willowherb, white-flower willowherb | Epilobium lactiflorum | Common | Native |
broadlobe phacelia | Phacelia platyloba | Rare | Native |
brome fescue, brome six-weeks grass, desert fescue | Vulpia bromoides | Uncommon | Non-native |
bromegrass, cheat, chess, chess brome, rye brome, ryebrome | Bromus secalinus | Uncommon | Non-native |
brook saxifrage, streambank saxifrage | Saxifraga odontoloma | Uncommon | Native |
broomsedge, broomsedge bluestem | Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus | Rare | Non-native |
brown bog sedge, Buxbaum sedge, Buxbaum’s sedge | Carex buxbaumii | Rare | Native |
brown everlasting, umber pussytoes | Antennaria umbrinella | Uncommon | Native |
brown fritillary | Fritillaria micrantha | Uncommon | Native |
brown sedge | Carex subfusca | Uncommon | Native |
brownies | Mimulus douglasii | Rare | Native |
buckbrush | Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneatus | Uncommon | Native |
buckhorn plantain, English plantain, lanceleaf Indianwheat, lanceleaf plantain, narrowleaf plantain, ribgrass, ribwort | Plantago lanceolata | Common | Non-native |
bud saxifrage | Saxifraga bryophora | Uncommon | Native |
bugleweed, northern bugleweed, northern water-horehound, oneflower bugleweed | Lycopus uniflorus | Rare | Native |
bulbous blue grass, bulbous bluegrass | Poa bulbosa | Common | Non-native |
bulbous oniongrass, oniongrass | Melica bulbosa | Uncommon | Native |
bulbous woodland-star, smooth woodland-star | Lithophragma glabrum | Uncommon | Native |
bull elephant’s-head, elephanthead lousewort | Pedicularis groenlandica | Uncommon | Native |
bull mallow | Malva nicaeensis | Rare | Non-native |
bull pine, California foothill pine, digger pine, gray pine | Pinus sabiniana | Common | Native |
bull thistle, common thistle, spear thistle | Cirsium vulgare | Common | Non-native |
bullhead, caltrop, goathead, Mexican sandbur, puncture vine, Texas sandbur | Tribulus terrestris | Rare | Non-native |
bulrush, woolgrass | Scirpus cyperinus | Rare | Non-native |
bur chervil, burr chervil | Anthriscus caucalis | Uncommon | Non-native |
bur clover, bur medick, burclover, California burclover, toothed medick | Medicago polymorpha | Uncommon | Non-native |
burning nettle, dwarf nettle | Urtica urens | Rare | Non-native |
bush chinquapin, Sierra chinkapin | Chrysolepis sempervirens | Common | Native |
bush cinquefoil, golden hardhack, shrubby cinquefoil, widdy | Potentilla fruticosa | Uncommon | Native |
bushy blazingstar, Nevada blazingstar, scattered blazingstar | Mentzelia dispersa | Uncommon | Native |
bushy knotweed, tall knotweed, yellow knotweed, yellow-flower knotweed | Polygonum ramosissimum | Uncommon | Non-native |
butterfly mariposa lily | Calochortus venustus | Common | Native |
button parsley, woollyhead parsnip | Sphenosciadium capitellatum | Common | Native |
California ash, two-petal ash | Fraxinus dipetala | Uncommon | Native |
California azalea, Sonoma azalea, western azalea | Rhododendron occidentale | Common | Native |
California balsamroot, silvery balsamroot | Balsamorhiza macrolepis | Rare | Native |
California barley | Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum | Unknown | Native |
California black oak | Quercus kelloggii | Common | Native |
California blackberry | Rubus ursinus | Uncommon | Native |
California bog asphodel | Narthecium californicum | Rare | Native |
California brickellbush, Jepson’s brickellbush | Brickellia californica | Common | Native |
California buckeye | Aesculus californica | Uncommon | Native |
California buttercup | Ranunculus californicus | Uncommon | Native |
California compassplant | Wyethia angustifolia | Uncommon | Native |
California coneflower | Rudbeckia californica var. californica | Uncommon | Native |
California cranesbill | Geranium californicum | Uncommon | Native |
California creamcups, creamcups | Platystemon californicus | Unknown | Native |
California dock, toothed willow dock | Rumex salicifolius var. denticulatus | Uncommon | Native |
California dodder, chaparral dodder | Cuscuta californica var. californica | Uncommon | Native |
California dodder, chaparral dodder, western dodder | Cuscuta californica var. breviflora | Uncommon | Native |
California false hellebore, California falsehellebore | Veratrum californicum var. californicum | Common | Native |
California goldenpoppy, California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Uncommon | Native |
California goldenrod | Solidago californica | Uncommon | Native |
California goldfields, goldfields | Lasthenia californica | Common | Native |
California grape, California wild grape | Vitis californica | Uncommon | Native |
California grass of Parnassus, California grass-of-Parnassus | Parnassia californica | Uncommon | Native |
California hazel, California hazelnut | Corylus cornuta var. californica | Common | Native |
California hesperochiron | Hesperochiron californicus | Uncommon | Native |
California knotweed | Polygonum californicum | Uncommon | Native |
California lacefern | Aspidotis californica | Uncommon | Native |
California laurel | Umbellularia californica | Uncommon | Native |
California maidenhair, California maidenhair fern | Adiantum jordanii | Uncommon | Native |
California manroot, valley manroot | Marah fabaceus | Uncommon | Native |
California melicgrass | Melica californica | Rare | Native |
California mountain-ash | Sorbus californica | Uncommon | Native |
California needlegrass | Achnatherum occidentale ssp. californicum | Common | Native |
California nutmeg, California torreya | Torreya californica | Uncommon | Native |
California pea | Lathyrus jepsonii var. californicus | Uncommon | Native |
California polypody | Polypodium californicum | Uncommon | Native |
California rayless daisy, California rayless fleabane | Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus | Rare | Native |
California redbud | Cercis occidentalis | Common | Native |
California sandwort | Minuartia californica | Uncommon | Native |
California saxifrage | Saxifraga californica | Uncommon | Native |
California spicebush, California-allspice, western sweetshrub | Calycanthus occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
California spikenard | Aralia californica | Rare | Native |
California sugar pine, sugar pine | Pinus lambertiana | Abundant | Native |
California sunflower | Helianthus californicus | Rare | Native |
California sweetcicely, California sweet-cicely | Osmorhiza brachypoda | Common | Native |
California valerian | Valeriana californica | Uncommon | Native |
California white oak, valley oak | Quercus lobata | Uncommon | Native |
California wild oatgrass | Danthonia californica var. californica | Uncommon | Native |
California wildrose | Rosa californica | Uncommon | Native |
California willowherb, leafy willowherb | Epilobium foliosum | Uncommon | Native |
California yerba santa | Eriodictyon californicum | Common | Native |
Canada bluegrass, flat-stem blue grass | Poa compressa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Canada horseweed, Canadian horseweed, horseweed, horseweed fleabane, mares tail, marestail | Conyza canadensis | Common | Native |
Canadian rockcress, Drummond rockcress, Drummond’s rockcress | Arabis drummondii | Uncommon | Native |
candelabrum monkeyflower | Mimulus pulsiferae | Rare | Native |
candy grass, lovegrass, stink grass, stinkgrass, strongscented lovegrass | Eragrostis cilianensis | Rare | Non-native |
canyon bog orchid, sparse-flowered bog orchid | Platanthera sparsiflora | Uncommon | Native |
canyon live oak | Quercus chrysolepis | Abundant | Native |
canyon liveforever | Dudleya cymosa ssp. cymosa | Common | Native |
canyon sedge, cleft sedge | Carex fissuricola | Rare | Native |
Carolina crane’s-bill, Carolina geranium | Geranium carolinianum | Uncommon | Native |
carpet bentgrass, creeping bent, creeping bentgrass, redtop, redtop bent, seaside bentgrass, spreading bent | Agrostis stolonifera | Common | Non-native |
carpetweed, carpet-weed, green carpetweed, green carpet-weed, Indian chickweed | Mollugo verticillata | Uncommon | Non-native |
Cascade mountain-ash, Greene’s mountain-ash | Sorbus scopulina var. scopulina | Uncommon | Native |
catchfly, sleepy campion, sleepy catchfly, sleepy silene | Silene antirrhina | Uncommon | Native |
caterpillar phacelia | Phacelia cicutaria var. cicutaria | Uncommon | Native |
cattail grass, yellow bristle grass, yellow bristlegrass | Setaria pumila | Uncommon | Non-native |
chamise | Adenostoma fasciculatum | Uncommon | Native |
Chamisso arnica | Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa | Uncommon | Native |
chamisso sedge, thickhead sedge | Carex pachystachya | Uncommon | Native |
chamomile, dog fennel, dogfennel, mayweed, mayweed chamomile, mayweed dogfennel, stinking chamomile, stinkweed | Anthemis cotula | Uncommon | Non-native |
changeable phacelia | Phacelia mutabilis | Uncommon | Native |
chaparral honeysuckle | Lonicera interrupta | Uncommon | Native |
chaparral nightshade, purple nightshade | Solanum xanti | Uncommon | Native |
chaparral whitethorn | Ceanothus leucodermis | Common | Native |
chaparral willowherb, minute willowweed | Epilobium minutum | Uncommon | Native |
charlock, charlock mustard, corn mustard, corn-mustard, wild mustard | Sinapis arvensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
charming centaury | Centaurium venustum | Common | Native |
cheat grass, cheatgrass, downy brome, early chess, military grass, wild oats | Bromus tectorum | Uncommon | Non-native |
cheeseweed, cheeseweed mallow, small-whorl mallow | Malva parviflora | Uncommon | Non-native |
chia | Salvia columbariae | Uncommon | Native |
chickweed, common chickweed, nodding chickweed | Stellaria media | Common | Non-native |
chickweed, longstalk starwort | Stellaria longipes var. longipes | Uncommon | Native |
Child’s blue eyed Mary | Collinsia childii | Rare | Native |
Chile aster | Aster ascendens | Uncommon | Native |
China lettuce, prickly lettuce, wild lettuce | Lactuca serriola | Uncommon | Non-native |
Chinese caps, Chinesecaps | Euphorbia crenulata | Uncommon | Native |
Chinook brome, woodland brome | Bromus laevipes | Uncommon | Native |
clammy clover | Trifolium obtusiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
Clark’s ragwort | Senecio clarkianus | Rare | Native |
claspbract sedge | Carex amplectens | Rare | Native |
clasping arnica, streambank arnica | Arnica amplexicaulis | Uncommon | Native |
cleftleaf groundsel | Senecio streptanthifolius | Uncommon | Native |
cliff goldenbush | Ericameria cuneata var. cuneata | Uncommon | Native |
Clokey’s daisy, Clokey’s fleabane | Erigeron clokeyi | Rare | Native |
cloud sedge, Hayden sedge, Hayden’s sedge | Carex haydeniana | Rare | Native |
clubmoss ivesia, clubmoss mousetail | Ivesia lycopodioides ssp. lycopodioides | Uncommon | Native |
clubmoss mousetail | Ivesia lycopodioides ssp. megalopetala | Uncommon | Native |
cluster tarweed, mountain tarplant, mountain tarweed | Madia glomerata | Uncommon | Native |
clustered broomrape, clustered broom-rape, purple broomrape, tufted broomrape | Orobanche fasciculata | Uncommon | Native |
clustered dock, sharp dock | Rumex conglomeratus | Common | Non-native |
clustered field sedge, slim sedge | Carex praegracilis | Rare | Native |
coast buckthorn, coast fiddleneck, common fiddleneck, intermediate fiddleneck | Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia | Common | Native |
coast Douglas-fir, Douglas-fir | Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii | Abundant | Native |
coast willowweed, fringed willowherb | Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum | Common | Native |
coastal lipfern | Cheilanthes intertexta | Uncommon | Native |
coastal sand sedge | Carex incurviformis var. danaensis | Rare | Native |
coastal woodfern | Dryopteris arguta | Common | Native |
cobwebby thistle | Cirsium occidentale var. californicum | Common | Native |
cocksfoot, orchard grass, orchardgrass | Dactylis glomerata | Common | Non-native |
coffee cliffbrake | Pellaea andromedifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Coleman’s piperia | Piperia colemanii | Rare | Native |
colonial bent, colonial bentgrass | Agrostis capillaris | Rare | Non-native |
Colorado rush | Juncus confusus | Uncommon | Native |
colored smartweed, devil’s shoestring, longroot smartweed, swamp smartweed, tanweed | Polygonum amphibium var. emersum | Rare | Native |
Columbia groundsel, Columbia ragwort | Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus | Common | Native |
Columbia needlegrass, Dore’s needlegrass | Achnatherum nelsonii ssp. dorei | Uncommon | Native |
Columbia River wormwood, mountain sagewort, white sagebrush | Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta | Common | Native |
Columbian monkshood | Aconitum columbianum | Uncommon | Native |
common bluecup | Githopsis specularioides | Uncommon | Native |
common catchfly, windmill catchfly | Silene gallica | Uncommon | Non-native |
common cat’s-ear, false dandelion, frogbit, gosmore, hairy cat’s ear, hairy catsear, spotted catsear | Hypochaeris radicata | Uncommon | Non-native |
common cowparsnip, cow parsnip | Heracleum lanatum | Common | Native |
common cryptantha, quill cryptantha | Cryptantha affinis | Common | Native |
common deerweed | Lotus scoparius var. scoparius | Uncommon | Native |
common dogbane, dogbane, hemp dogbane, Indian hemp, Indian-hemp, prairie dogbane | Apocynum cannabinum | Common | Native |
common groundsel, old-man-in-the-spring | Senecio vulgaris | Uncommon | Non-native |
common henbit, giraffehead, henbit, henbit deadnettle | Lamium amplexicaule | Uncommon | Non-native |
common horsetail, field horsetail, scouringrush, western horsetail | Equisetum arvense | Common | Native |
common juniper, dwarf juniper | Juniperus communis | Rare | Native |
common knotweed, doorweed, matweed, ovalleaf knotweed, oval-leaf knotweed, prostrate knotweed | Polygonum arenastrum | Uncommon | Non-native |
common lambsquarters, lambsquarters, lambsquarters goosefoot, white goosefoot | Chenopodium album | Uncommon | Non-native |
common lomatium | Lomatium utriculatum | Uncommon | Native |
common madia | Madia elegans ssp. elegans | Common | Native |
common mare’s tail, common mare’s-tail | Hippuris vulgaris | Uncommon | Native |
common meadow sedge, widefruit sedge | Carex angustata | Rare | Native |
common monkeyflower, seep monkeyflower | Mimulus guttatus | Common | Native |
common pearlyeverlasting, pearly everlasting, pearly-everlasting, western pearly everlasting, western pearlyeverlasting | Anaphalis margaritacea | Common | Native |
common prickly gilia, granite gilia, granite prickly gilia, granite prickly phlox | Leptodactylon pungens | Uncommon | Native |
common salsify, goat’s beard, goatsbeard, meadow goat’s-beard, salsifis majeur, salsify, western goat’s beard, western salsify, wild oysterplant, yellow goat’s beard, yellow salsify | Tragopogon dubius | Uncommon | Non-native |
common sandweed, dwarf anthysanus | Athysanus pusillus | Uncommon | Native |
common sheep sorrel, field sorrel, red sorrel, sheep sorrel | Rumex acetosella | Common | Non-native |
common snowberry | Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus | Uncommon | Native |
common speedwell, corn speedwell, rock speedwell, wall speedwell | Veronica arvensis | Rare | Non-native |
common St. John’s wort, common St. Johnswort, Klamath weed, Klamathweed, St. John’s wort, St. Johnswort | Hypericum perforatum | Uncommon | Non-native |
common threadplant | Nemacladus capillaris | Uncommon | Native |
common timothy, timothy | Phleum pratense | Common | Non-native |
common velvetgrass, velvetgrass, Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
common wheat, wheat | Triticum aestivum | Rare | Non-native |
common woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum lanatum var. croceum | Uncommon | Native |
common woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
common woolly sunflower, wholeleaf eriophyllum | Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium | Common | Native |
conespur bladderpod, humped bladderwort | Utricularia gibba | Uncommon | Native |
confusing fescue | Vulpia microstachys var. confusa | Uncommon | Native |
Congdon’s bulrush | Scirpus congdonii | Uncommon | Native |
Congdon’s lewisia | Lewisia congdonii | Rare | Native |
Congdon’s milkvetch | Astragalus congdonii | Uncommon | Native |
Congdon’s monkeyflower | Mimulus congdonii | Rare | Native |
Congdon’s phacelia | Phacelia congdonii | Uncommon | Native |
Congdon’s sedge | Carex congdonii | Rare | Native |
Congdon’s woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum congdonii | Rare | Native |
contorted suncup, plains evening primrose, plains eveningprimrose, plains evening-primrose | Camissonia contorta | Uncommon | Native |
cornilla real, field melilot, ribbed melilot, yellow sweetclover, yellow sweet-clover | Melilotus officinalis | Uncommon | Non-native |
Coulter’s fleabane, large mountain fleabane, whiteray daisy | Erigeron coulteri | Common | Native |
Coulter’s Matilija poppy | Romneya coulteri | Uncommon | Native |
Coville’s groundsmoke | Gayophytum eriospermum | Uncommon | Native |
Coville’s lip fern, Coville’s lipfern | Cheilanthes covillei | Uncommon | Native |
Coville’s rush | Juncus covillei var. obtusatus | Uncommon | Native |
cow clover, cows clover, Sierra clover | Trifolium wormskioldii | Uncommon | Native |
coyote tabacco, coyote tobacco | Nicotiana attenuata | Rare | Native |
coyotebrush | Baccharis pilularis | Uncommon | Native |
crabgrass, hairy crab grass, hairy crabgrass, large crabgrass, purple crabgrass, redhair crabgrass | Digitaria sanguinalis | Uncommon | Non-native |
craterlike sedge, mountain sedge | Carex scopulorum var. bracteosa | Uncommon | Native |
creambush, creambush oceanspray, hillside oceanspray, oceanspray | Holodiscus discolor | Common | Native |
creamflower rockcress, hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta var. pycnocarpa | Rare | Native |
creamy ladies’-tresses, creamy lady’s tresses, western lady’s tresses | Spiranthes porrifolia | Rare | Native |
creeping charlie, gill-over-the-ground, ground ivy, groundivy, haymaids | Glechoma hederacea | Uncommon | Non-native |
creeping jenny, European bindweed, field bindweed, perennial morningglory, smallflowered morningglory | Convolvulus arvensis | Common | Non-native |
creeping oxalis, creeping woodsorrel, ‘ihi, yellow oxalis, yellow wood sorrel | Oxalis corniculata | Uncommon | Non-native |
creeping sibbaldia, creeping-glow-wort, prostrate sibbaldia | Sibbaldia procumbens | Uncommon | Native |
creeping snowberry | Symphoricarpos mollis | Common | Native |
creeping St. Johnswort, tinker’s penny, tinker’s-penny | Hypericum anagalloides | Common | Native |
creeping wirelettuce, lettuce wirelettuce | Stephanomeria lactucina | Uncommon | Native |
crevice alumroot | Heuchera micrantha | Common | Native |
crimson columbine, western columbine | Aquilegia formosa | Common | Native |
crimson monkeyflower, scarlet monkeyflower, scarlet monkey-flower | Mimulus cardinalis | Uncommon | Native |
crisp starwort, crispleaved chickweed, curled starwort | Stellaria crispa | Uncommon | Native |
cudweed, lowland cudweed, marsh everlasting, western marsh cudweed | Gnaphalium palustre | Uncommon | Native |
cultivated radish, garden radish, radish, wild radish | Raphanus sativus | Uncommon | Non-native |
cup clover | Trifolium cyathiferum | Rare | Native |
curltop ladysthumb, curlytop knotweed, curlytop smartweed, dock-leaf smartweed, nodding smartweed, pale smartweed | Polygonum lapathifolium | Rare | Native |
curly dock, narrowleaf dock, sour dock, yellow dock | Rumex crispus | Common | Non-native |
curvepod yellowcress | Rorippa curvisiliqua | Uncommon | Native |
cushion buckwheat | Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale | Common | Native |
cushion draba | Draba breweri | Uncommon | Native |
cushion phlox, powder phlox | Phlox pulvinata | Uncommon | Native |
Cusick’s bluegrass | Poa cusickii ssp. epilis | Uncommon | Native |
Cusick’s sedge | Carex cusickii | Rare | Native |
Cusick’s speedwell | Veronica cusickii | Rare | Native |
cutleaf blackberry, cut-leaved blackberry | Rubus laciniatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
cutleaf daisy, dwarf mountain fleabane, fernleaf fleabane | Erigeron compositus | Common | Native |
cutleaf geranium | Geranium dissectum | Uncommon | Non-native |
cutleaf Indian paintbrush | Castilleja lacera | Common | Native |
cutleaf monkeyflower | Mimulus laciniatus | Rare | Native |
daisy fleabane, prairie fleabane, rough fleabane | Erigeron strigosus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Dane’s dwarf gentian, Dane’s dwarfgentian | Gentianella tenella ssp. tenella | Rare | Native |
Danny’s skullcap | Scutellaria tuberosa | Uncommon | Native |
dark goosefoot, pinyon goosefoot | Chenopodium atrovirens | Uncommon | Native |
darnel, Darnel ryegrass, poison darnel | Lolium temulentum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Davidson’s fritillary, pinewoods fritillary | Fritillaria pinetorum | Rare | Native |
Davidson’s penstemon | Penstemon davidsonii var. davidsonii | Uncommon | Native |
Davidson’s rockcress | Arabis davidsonii | Uncommon | Native |
Davy’s sedge | Carex davyi | Rare | Native |
deceptive groundsmoke | Gayophytum decipiens | Common | Native |
decumbent spikerush | Eleocharis decumbens | Rare | Native |
deer muhly, deergrass | Muhlenbergia rigens | Uncommon | Native |
deerbrush, deerbrush ceanothus | Ceanothus integerrimus | Common | Native |
delicate buttercup, downy-fruit buttercup | Ranunculus hebecarpus | Uncommon | Native |
deltoid balsamroot | Balsamorhiza deltoidea | Uncommon | Native |
dense false gilia, dense false gilyflower | Allophyllum gilioides ssp. gilioides | Common | Native |
dense false gilia, dense false gilyflower | Allophyllum gilioides ssp. violaceum | Common | Native |
dense mistletoe | Phoradendron densum | Uncommon | Native |
dense sedge | Carex densa | Uncommon | Native |
denseflower Indian paintbrush | Castilleja densiflora ssp. densiflora | Rare | Native |
dense-flower spike-primrose, denseflower willowherb, denseflower willowweed | Epilobium densiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
denseleaf draba | Draba densifolia | Uncommon | Native |
densetuft hairsedge, threadleaf beakseed | Bulbostylis capillaris | Rare | Native |
desert arrow-grass | Triglochin concinna var. debilis | Rare | Native |
desert deervetch | Lotus micranthus | Uncommon | Native |
desert rockpurslane, fringed redmaids, redmaids | Calandrinia ciliata | Uncommon | Native |
desert saltgrass, inland saltgrass, marsh spikegrass, saltgrass, seashore saltgrass | Distichlis spicata | Rare | Native |
desert yellow fleabane, linearleaf daisy | Erigeron linearis | Rare | Native |
diamondleaf willow, tealeaf willow | Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia | Common | Native |
different nerve sedge, different-nerve sedge | Carex heteroneura var. heteroneura | Uncommon | Native |
different nerve sedge, different-nerve sedge, nerve sedge | Carex heteroneura var. epapillosa | Uncommon | Native |
digger pine dwarf mistletoe, gray pine dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium occidentale | Uncommon | Native |
digynum flax, northwestern yellowflax | Sclerolinon digynum | Uncommon | Native |
divaricate navarretia | Navarretia divaricata ssp. divaricata | Uncommon | Native |
dobie pod | Tropidocarpum gracile | Uncommon | Native |
Donner woodrush | Luzula subcongesta | Uncommon | Native |
Douglas’ dustymaiden, dusty-maiden | Chaenactis douglasii var. douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
Douglas’ groundsel, Douglas’ ragwort, Douglas’ senecio | Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
Douglas’ knotweed | Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasii | Common | Native |
Douglas’ mugwort, Douglas’ sagewort | Artemisia douglasiana | Common | Native |
Douglas sedge, Douglas’ sedge | Carex douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
Douglas’ stitchwort | Minuartia douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
Douglas’ waterhemlock, water hemlock, western water hemlock | Cicuta douglasii | Uncommon | Native |
doveweed, turkey mullein | Eremocarpus setigerus | Uncommon | Native |
Drew’s silky lupine | Lupinus adsurgens | Uncommon | Native |
drops of gold | Disporum hookeri | Uncommon | Native |
dropseed rockcress | Arabis holboellii var. pendulocarpa | Rare | Native |
Drummond rush, Drummond’s rush | Juncus drummondii | Uncommon | Native |
Drummond’s anemone | Anemone drummondii | Rare | Native |
Drummond’s cinquefoil | Potentilla drummondii ssp. bruceae | Common | Native |
Drummond’s cinquefoil | Potentilla drummondii ssp. drummondii | Common | Native |
dubius rush, Mariposa rush, questionable rush | Juncus dubius | Common | Native |
Dudley’s clarkia | Clarkia dudleyana | Common | Native |
dunehead sedge, dunhead sedge | Carex phaeocephala | Uncommon | Native |
Durango root | Datisca glomerata | Uncommon | Native |
dusky onion, Sierra onion | Allium campanulatum | Common | Native |
dusky willow | Salix melanopsis | Uncommon | Native |
Dutch clover, ladino clover, white clover, white Dutch clover | Trifolium repens | Uncommon | Non-native |
dwarf alpine hawksbeard, small hawksbeard, tiny hawksbeard | Crepis nana | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf alpine Indian paintbrush, dwarf alpine paintbrush | Castilleja nana | Rare | Native |
dwarf bulrush, smallflower halfchaff sedge, small-flower halfchaff sedge, smallflower hemicarpha | Lipocarpha micrantha | Rare | Native |
dwarf checkerbloom | Sidalcea malviflora ssp. asprella | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf daisy, pygmy fleabane | Erigeron pygmaeus | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf fireweed | Epilobium latifolium | Rare | Native |
dwarf groundsmoke, low groundsmoke | Gayophytum humile | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf hesperochiron | Hesperochiron pumilus | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf mountain ragwort, western groundsel | Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
dwarf phlox | Phlox condensata | Rare | Native |
dwarf rose | Rosa gymnocarpa | Uncommon | Native |
eagle fern, hairy brackenfern, western bracken, western brackenfern | Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens | Common | Native |
early sedge | Carex praeceptorium | Uncommon | Native |
Eastwood’s willow, mountain willow | Salix eastwoodiae | Common | Native |
Eaton’s fleabane | Erigeron eatonii var. sonnei | Rare | Native |
Eisen’s phacelia | Phacelia eisenii | Uncommon | Native |
Eldorado larkspur | Delphinium hansenii ssp. hansenii | Uncommon | Native |
elegant clarkia | Clarkia unguiculata | Uncommon | Native |
elegant rockcress | Arabis sparsiflora var. arcuata | Common | Native |
Elmer’s blueeyed grass, Elmer’s blue-eyed grass, Elmer’s blue-eyed-grass | Sisyrinchium elmeri | Rare | Native |
Elmer’s erigeron | Erigeron elmeri | Uncommon | Native |
Elmer’s needlegrass, pubescent western needlegrass | Achnatherum occidentale ssp. pubescens | Uncommon | Native |
Eschscholtz’s buttercup | Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. oxynotus | Common | Native |
European field pansy, field violet, wild pansy | Viola arvensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
European red elderberry | Sambucus racemosa var. microbotrys | Uncommon | Native |
evening snow, eveningsnow | Linanthus dichotomus | Common | Native |
everlasting peavine, everlasting-pea, perennial pea, perennial peavine, perennial sweetpea | Lathyrus latifolius | Uncommon | Non-native |
exserted Indian paintbrush, owl clover | Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta | Uncommon | Native |
facelia, fiddleneck, lacy phacelia, lacy scorpion-weed | Phacelia tanacetifolia | Rare | Native |
false carrot, false hedge-parsley, falsecarrot | Yabea microcarpa | Uncommon | Native |
false monkeyflower | Mimulus pilosus | Rare | Native |
false pimpernel, yellowseed false pimpernel, yellow-seed false pimpernel | Lindernia dubia var. anagallidea | Rare | Native |
false tarragon, green sagewort, silky wormwood, tarragon, wormwood | Artemisia dracunculus | Common | Native |
falsegold groundsel | Senecio pseudaureus var. pseudaureus | Rare | Native |
fanleaf cinquefoil, slender cinquefoil | Potentilla gracilis var. flabelliformis | Uncommon | Native |
Fendler’s meadowrue, Fendler’s meadow-rue | Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri | Common | Native |
Fendler’s meadow-rue, manyfruit meadowrue | Thalictrum fendleri var. polycarpum | Uncommon | Native |
fernleaf biscuitroot | Lomatium dissectum var. dissectum | Rare | Native |
feverfew | Tanacetum parthenium | Unknown | Non-native |
fewflower clover | Trifolium oliganthum | Uncommon | Native |
fewflower meadowrue, fewflower meadow-rue | Thalictrum sparsiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
fewflower woolstar, Great Basin woollystar | Eriastrum sparsiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
fewrib sedge, lakeshore sedge | Carex lenticularis var. impressa | Uncommon | Native |
fiddle dock | Rumex pulcher | Rare | Non-native |
field burrweed, field soliva | Soliva sessilis | Uncommon | Non-native |
field chickweed, field mouse-ear chickweed, starry chickweed | Cerastium arvense | Common | Native |
field mint, wild mint | Mentha arvensis | Uncommon | Native |
filiform pondweed, fineleaf pondweed, threadleaf pondweed | Potamogeton filiformis | Uncommon | Native |
fir dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium abietinum | Common | Native |
fir mistletoe | Phoradendron pauciflorum | Uncommon | Native |
fireweed | Epilobium angustifolium ssp. circumvagum | Common | Native |
firewheel, Indian blanket, Indianblanket, rosering gaillardia | Gaillardia pulchella | Uncommon | Non-native |
fivespot | Nemophila maculata | Uncommon | Native |
fivestamen miterwort | Mitella pentandra | Rare | Native |
flatleaf bladderwort, flat-leaf bladderwort, mountain bladderwort | Utricularia intermedia | Rare | Native |
flattop pussytoes, flat-top pussytoes, meadow everlasting | Antennaria corymbosa | Uncommon | Native |
flaxgrass, oatgrass, wheat oats, wild oat, wild oats | Avena fatua | Common | Non-native |
floriferous monkeyflower, manyflowered monkeyflower, purplestem monkeyflower | Mimulus floribundus | Uncommon | Native |
foothill clover | Trifolium ciliolatum | Uncommon | Native |
foothill gilia | Gilia capitata ssp. mediomontana | Uncommon | Native |
foothill meadowfoam | Limnanthes striata | Uncommon | Native |
forest blue grass, wood bluegrass | Poa nemoralis | Rare | Non-native |
forest clover | Trifolium breweri | Common | Native |
forget-me-not popcornflower | Plagiobothrys myosotoides | Rare | Native |
forked woodrush | Luzula divaricata | Uncommon | Native |
Fort Miller clarkia | Clarkia williamsonii | Uncommon | Native |
foul odor monkeyflower, foul-odor monkeyflower | Mimulus mephiticus | Common | Native |
fourleaf manyseed | Polycarpon tetraphyllum | Uncommon | Non-native |
fowl manna grass, fowl mannagrass | Glyceria striata | Rare | Native |
foxtail muhly | Muhlenbergia andina | Uncommon | Native |
fragile sheath sedge | Carex fracta | Common | Native |
fragrant bedstraw, sweet bedstraw, sweetscented bedstraw | Galium triflorum | Uncommon | Native |
freckled milkvetch, homely milkvetch | Astragalus lentiginosus var. ineptus | Uncommon | Native |
Fremont’s birdsfoot trefoil | Lotus argophyllus var. fremontii | Uncommon | Native |
Fremont’s cottonwood | Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii | Uncommon | Native |
Fresno mat | Ceanothus fresnensis | Rare | Native |
fringed brome | Bromus ciliatus | Uncommon | Native |
fringed cottongrass | Eriophorum crinigerum | Uncommon | Native |
fringed pinesap, sierra sap | Pleuricospora fimbriolata | Uncommon | Native |
fringed willowherb, glandular willowherb, glandular willowweed | Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum | Common | Native |
frosted buckwheat | Eriogonum incanum | Common | Native |
Geyer’s willow | Salix geyeriana | Uncommon | Native |
giant bird’s nest, giant pinedrops, woodland pinedrops | Pterospora andromedea | Common | Native |
giant chain fern, giant chainfern | Woodwardia fimbriata | Uncommon | Native |
giant deathcamas | Zigadenus exaltatus | Rare | Native |
giant helleborine, stream orchid | Epipactis gigantea | Rare | Native |
giant red Indian paintbrush | Castilleja miniata ssp. miniata | Common | Native |
giant redwood, giant sequoia, Sierra redwood | Sequoiadendron giganteum | Rare | Native |
glandular Labrador tea, western Labrador tea | Ledum glandulosum | Common | Native |
glandular willowherb, Hall’s willowweed | Epilobium halleanum | Uncommon | Native |
glassy onion | Allium hyalinum | Rare | Native |
glaucus willowherb, smooth willowweed | Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. fastigiatum | Uncommon | Native |
glaucus willowherb, smooth willowweed | Epilobium glaberrimum ssp. glaberrimum | Common | Native |
goldback fern, goldfern, western goldfern | Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis | Common | Native |
golden eardrops | Dicentra chrysantha | Uncommon | Native |
golden sedge, golden-fruit sedge | Carex aurea | Uncommon | Native |
goldenfleece | Ericameria arborescens | Uncommon | Native |
golden-tongue owl-clover, yellow owlclover, yellow owl’s-clover | Orthocarpus luteus | Rare | Non-native |
golden-yarrow | Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum | Common | Native |
goosefoot violet | Viola purpurea ssp. integrifolia | Uncommon | Native |
goosefoot violet | Viola purpurea ssp. purpurea | Common | Native |
goosefoot violet | Viola purpurea ssp. quercetorum | Rare | Native |
goosefoot violet, goosefoot yellow violet | Viola purpurea ssp. venosa | Rare | Native |
goosefoot yellow violet | Viola pinetorum ssp. pinetorum | Common | Native |
Gordon’s ivesia | Ivesia gordonii | Uncommon | Native |
graceful bedstraw | Galium porrigens var. tenue | Uncommon | Native |
grand collomia, largeflowered collomia | Collomia grandiflora | Common | Native |
granite draba, Lemmon’s draba | Draba lemmonii var. lemmonii | Uncommon | Native |
granite mousetail | Ivesia muirii | Uncommon | Native |
grassleaf speedwell, grass-leaf speedwell, marsh speedwell, skullcap speedwell | Veronica scutellata | Uncommon | Native |
grassy pondweed, variableleaf pondweed | Potamogeton gramineus | Uncommon | Native |
grassy tarweed, slender tarweed | Madia gracilis | Common | Native |
gray chickensage, gray tansey | Sphaeromeria cana | Rare | Native |
gray hawksbeard, limestone hawksbeard | Crepis intermedia | Uncommon | Native |
gray low sagebrush, little sagebrush | Artemisia arbuscula ssp. arbuscula | Uncommon | Native |
gray springparsley | Cymopterus cinerarius | Uncommon | Native |
grayleaf skullcap | Scutellaria siphocampyloides | Uncommon | Native |
Gray’s broomrape | Orobanche californica ssp. grayana | Uncommon | Native |
Gray’s cinquefoil | Potentilla grayi | Uncommon | Native |
Gray’s licoriceroot, Gray’s licorice-root | Ligusticum grayi | Common | Native |
Gray’s lupine, Sierra lupine | Lupinus grayi | Common | Native |
Great Valley gumweed | Grindelia camporum var. camporum | Common | Native |
greater creeping spearwort, spearwort buttercup | Ranunculus flammula | Uncommon | Native |
green slender lupine | Lupinus gracilentus | Rare | Native |
Greene’s rockcress | Arabis repanda var. greenei | Rare | Native |
greenhead rush | Juncus chlorocephalus | Uncommon | Native |
greenleaf silvermat, stem raillardella | Raillardella scaposa | Uncommon | Native |
greensheath sedge | Carex feta | Common | Native |
greenstipule lupine | Lupinus fulcratus | Uncommon | Native |
groovelover, smallflower nemophila | Nemophila parviflora var. austiniae | Rare | Native |
hairy arnica, wooly arnica | Arnica mollis | Uncommon | Native |
hairy Indian paintbrush, slender paintbrush | Castilleja tenuis | Uncommon | Native |
hairy paintbrush, parrothead Indian paintbrush | Castilleja pilosa | Uncommon | Native |
hairy pepperweed | Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens | Uncommon | Native |
hairy pepperwort, hairy waterclover | Marsilea vestita ssp. vestita | Rare | Native |
hairy purslane speedwell, neckweed | Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis | Uncommon | Native |
hairy rupturewort | Herniaria hirsuta ssp. cinerea | Uncommon | Non-native |
hairy rupturewort | Herniaria hirsuta ssp. hirsuta | Uncommon | Non-native |
hairyflower buckwheat | Eriogonum hirtiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
hairypod hedgemustard, hedge mustard, hedge tumblemustard, hedgemustard, hedge-mustard, hedgeweed, wild mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | Uncommon | Non-native |
hairystem dwarf rush | Juncus capillaris | Rare | Native |
Hall’s mule-ears | Wyethia elata | Rare | Native |
Hansen’s cinquefoil | Potentilla glandulosa ssp. hansenii | Uncommon | Native |
Hansen’s spikemoss | Selaginella hansenii | Common | Native |
hare sedge, Sierra hare sedge, Sierrahare sedge | Carex leporinella | Uncommon | Native |
Harford’s oniongrass | Melica harfordii | Uncommon | Native |
Harkness’ flaxflower, threeseed linanthus | Linanthus harknessii | Uncommon | Native |
harlequin annual lupine | Lupinus stiversii | Uncommon | Native |
Hartweg’s fleabane | Erigeron foliosus var. hartwegii | Uncommon | Native |
Hartweg’s iris, rainbow iris | Iris hartwegii ssp. hartwegii | Uncommon | Native |
Hartweg’s wildginger | Asarum hartwegii | Uncommon | Native |
harvest brodiaea | Brodiaea elegans ssp. elegans | Common | Native |
heartleaf arnica, heart-leaf leopardbane | Arnica cordifolia | Uncommon | Native |
heartleaf milkweed, purple milkweed | Asclepias cordifolia | Common | Native |
hedgehog cryptantha, prickly cryptantha | Cryptantha echinella | Uncommon | Native |
Heller’s sedge, Sierra sedge | Carex helleri | Uncommon | Native |
herbaceous penstemon | Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis | Common | Native |
Herman’s dwarf rush | Juncus hemiendytus var. abjectus | Rare | Native |
Herman’s dwarf rush | Juncus hemiendytus var. hemiendytus | Uncommon | Native |
Hetch Hetchy monkey-flower, slenderstem monkeyflower | Mimulus filicaulis | Rare | Native |
hierba de chivo, old-man’s-beard, virgins bower, virginsbower, virgin’s-bower, western white clematis | Clematis ligusticifolia | Uncommon | Native |
high mountain cinquefoil, Mount Rainier cinquefoil | Potentilla flabellifolia | Common | Native |
hillside woodland-star | Lithophragma heterophyllum | Uncommon | Native |
Himalaya blackberry, Himalayan blackberry | Rubus discolor | Uncommon | Non-native |
hoary groundsel | Senecio werneriifolius | Common | Native |
hoary stinging nettle, slim nettle, stinging nettle | Urtica dioica ssp. holosericea | Rare | Native |
hoary tansyaster | Machaeranthera canescens var. canescens | Uncommon | Native |
Holboell’s rockcress | Arabis holboellii var. pinetorum | Uncommon | Native |
hollyleaf redberry | Rhamnus ilicifolia | Uncommon | Native |
hood sedge, Hood’s sedge | Carex hoodii | Common | Native |
hooded coralroot, striped coralroot | Corallorrhiza striata | Uncommon | Native |
hooded ladiestresses, hooded ladies’-tresses, hooded lady’s tresses | Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Common | Native |
hooked buttercup, woodland buttercup | Ranunculus uncinatus | Uncommon | Native |
Hooker’s evening primrose, Hooker’s eveningprimrose, Hooker’s evening-primrose | Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima | Uncommon | Native |
hop clover, smallhop clover, suckling clover | Trifolium dubium | Uncommon | Non-native |
horehound, white horehound | Marrubium vulgare | Uncommon | Non-native |
Hornemann’s willowherb | Epilobium hornemannii ssp. hornemannii | Uncommon | Native |
horsemint giant hyssop, nettleleaf giant hyssop | Agastache urticifolia | Common | Native |
horsetail, smooth horsetail, smooth scouringrush, smooth scouring-rush | Equisetum laevigatum | Common | Native |
houndstongue hawkweed, Scouler’s woollyweed, woolyweed | Hieracium scouleri | Rare | Native |
Howell’s pioneer rockcress | Arabis platysperma var. howellii | Uncommon | Native |
Howell’s quillwort | Isoetes howellii | Uncommon | Native |
Howell’s yampah | Perideridia howellii | Uncommon | Native |
hummingbird trumpet | Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium | Uncommon | Native |
hyssop loosestrife | Lythrum hyssopifolia | Rare | Non-native |
Idaho bentgrass, Idaho redtop | Agrostis idahoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Idaho bittercress, little western bittercress | Cardamine oligosperma | Uncommon | Native |
Idaho blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium idahoense var. occidentale | Common | Native |
Idaho fescue | Festuca idahoensis | Uncommon | Native |
Idaho gumweed | Grindelia nana | Common | Native |
Idaho white pine, mountain white pine, silver pine, western white pine | Pinus monticola | Abundant | Native |
imbricate phacelia | Phacelia imbricata ssp. imbricata | Uncommon | Native |
incense cedar | Calocedrus decurrens | Abundant | Native |
incense cedar mistletoe | Phoradendron libocedri | Common | Native |
incense cedar mistletoe, juniper mistletoe | Phoradendron juniperinum | Uncommon | Native |
Indian lovegrass | Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa | Rare | Native |
Indian pink | Silene californica | Uncommon | Native |
Indian rhubarb | Darmera peltata | Uncommon | Native |
Indian’s dream, pod fern | Aspidotis densa | Common | Native |
inflated duckweed, swollen duckweed | Lemna gibba | Uncommon | Native |
interior live oak | Quercus wislizeni var. wislizeni | Common | Native |
Inyo Meadow lupine | Lupinus pratensis var. pratensis | Rare | Native |
Inyo rockcress | Arabis inyoensis | Rare | Native |
irisleaf rush | Juncus xiphioides | Uncommon | Native |
Italian ryegrass, perennial rye grass, perennial ryegrass | Lolium perenne | Uncommon | Non-native |
Japanese brome, Japanese bromegrass, Japanese chess | Bromus japonicus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Jepson’s blue wildrye | Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii | Unknown | Native |
Jepson’s willow | Salix jepsonii | Common | Native |
Jerusalem oak, Jerusalem oak goosefoot, Jerusalem-oak | Chenopodium botrys | Uncommon | Non-native |
Jessica sticktight, meadow stickseed | Hackelia micrantha | Uncommon | Native |
Jim Hill mustard, tall hedge-mustard, tall mustard, tall tumblemustard, tumble mustard, tumblemustard, tumbleweed mustard | Sisymbrium altissimum | Uncommon | Non-native |
Johnston’s knotweed | Polygonum douglasii ssp. johnstonii | Common | Native |
Jones sedge, Jones’ sedge | Carex jonesii | Common | Native |
junegrass, prairie Junegrass | Koeleria macrantha | Uncommon | Native |
Kaweah River phacelia, Kaweah river scorpion-weed | Phacelia egena | Uncommon | Native |
Keck’s bluegrass | Poa keckii | Uncommon | Native |
Kellogg sedge, Kellogg’s sedge | Carex lenticularis var. lipocarpa | Uncommon | Native |
Kellogg’s knotweed | Polygonum polygaloides ssp. kelloggii | Uncommon | Native |
Kellogg’s lewisia | Lewisia kelloggii | Uncommon | Native |
Kellogg’s monkeyflower | Mimulus kelloggii | Rare | Native |
Kentucky bluegrass | Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis | Common | Non-native |
Klamath plum | Prunus subcordata | Uncommon | Native |
knobcone pine | Pinus attenuata | Uncommon | Native |
knotted hedgeparsley, knotted hedge-parsley | Torilis nodosa | Uncommon | Non-native |
Kruckeberg’s hollyfern | Polystichum kruckebergii | Rare | Native |
lace lipfern | Cheilanthes gracillima | Common | Native |
lacepod mustard, sand fringepod, sand lacepod | Thysanocarpus curvipes | Uncommon | Native |
ladysthumb, lady’s-thumb, ladysthumb smartweed, spotted knotweed, spotted ladysthumb, spotted smartweed | Polygonum persicaria | Common | Non-native |
Lake Tahoe lupine | Lupinus argenteus var. meionanthus | Uncommon | Native |
lambstongue groundsel, lambstongue ragwort | Senecio integerrimus var. major | Common | Native |
lamp rush, small rush | Juncus effusus var. exiguus | Common | Native |
lanceleaf springbeauty | Claytonia lanceolata | Uncommon | Native |
lanceleaf stonecrop, lance-leaf stonecrop, spearleaf stonecrop | Sedum lanceolatum | Uncommon | Native |
large boykinia | Boykinia major | Uncommon | Native |
large leather-root | Hoita macrostachya | Uncommon | Native |
largeflower hawksbeard, large-flower hawk’s-beard, western hawksbeard | Crepis occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
largeleaf avens, large-leaf avens | Geum macrophyllum | Uncommon | Native |
Layne’s monkeyflower | Mimulus layneae | Common | Native |
leafy pondweed | Potamogeton foliosus var. foliosus | Uncommon | Native |
leafy tussock sedge, water sedge | Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis | Rare | Native |
least duckweed | Lemna minuta | Uncommon | Native |
least monkeyflower, slender monkeyflower | Mimulus leptaleus | Uncommon | Native |
least moonwort, little grapefern | Botrychium simplex | Common | Native |
least tarweed, oppositeleaved tarweed | Madia minima | Common | Native |
Leichtlin’s mariposa lily, smokey mariposa | Calochortus leichtlinii | Uncommon | Native |
Lemmon’s catchfly | Silene lemmonii | Common | Native |
Lemmon’s Indian paintbrush, Lemmon’s paintbrush | Castilleja lemmonii | Common | Native |
Lemmon’s needlegrass | Achnatherum lemmonii | Common | Native |
Lemmon’s rockcress | Arabis lemmonii var. lemmonii | Uncommon | Native |
Lemmon’s sedge | Carex lemmonii | Uncommon | Native |
Lemmon’s wildginger | Asarum lemmonii | Rare | Native |
Lemmon’s willow | Salix lemmonii | Uncommon | Native |
Lemmon’s yampah | Perideridia lemmonii | Uncommon | Native |
leopard lily, spotted fritillary, spotted missionbells | Fritillaria atropurpurea | Uncommon | Native |
lepor barley, leporinum barley | Hordeum murinum ssp. leporinum | Rare | Non-native |
lesser wintergreen, snowline wintergreen | Pyrola minor | Uncommon | Native |
lesser wirelettuce, narrowleaf wirelettuce, Uinta wirelettuce, Wright’s wirelettuce | Stephanomeria tenuifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Letterman needlegrass, Letterman’s needlegrass | Achnatherum lettermanii | Uncommon | Native |
Lewis’ flax, prairie flax | Linum lewisii var. lewisii | Common | Native |
Lewis’ mock orange | Philadelphus lewisii | Uncommon | Native |
Lewis’ monkeyflower, purple monkeyflower | Mimulus lewisii | Common | Native |
Lindley’s silverpuffs | Uropappus lindleyi | Uncommon | Native |
little combseed, purple prairieclover | Pectocarya pusilla | Rare | Native |
little elephantshead | Pedicularis attollens | Common | Native |
little quakinggrass | Briza minor | Rare | Non-native |
littlefoot blue-eyes, littlefoot nemophila | Nemophila pedunculata | Uncommon | Native |
littlehead clover, smallhead clover, small-head clover | Trifolium microcephalum | Common | Native |
littleleaf ceanothus | Ceanothus parvifolius | Uncommon | Native |
littleleaf minerslettuce | Montia parvifolia | Common | Native |
littleleaf sedge | Carex luzulifolia | Common | Native |
Lobb’s buckwheat | Eriogonum lobbii var. lobbii | Uncommon | Native |
longanther rush | Juncus macrandrus | Uncommon | Native |
longbeak stork’s bill | Erodium botrys | Uncommon | Non-native |
longhorn steer’s-head, steershead | Dicentra uniflora | Uncommon | Native |
longleaf arnica, spearleaf arnica | Arnica longifolia | Uncommon | Native |
longleaf hawksbeard, long-leaf hawksbeard, tapertip hawksbeard | Crepis acuminata | Uncommon | Native |
longspur lupine, spurred lupine | Lupinus arbustus | Uncommon | Native |
long-style rush, long-styled rush | Juncus longistylis | Uncommon | Native |
loose daisy, rambling fleabane | Erigeron vagus | Rare | Native |
low larkspur, Nuttall’s larkspur, twolobe larkspur, two-lobe larkspur | Delphinium nuttallianum | Common | Native |
low phacelia | Phacelia humilis var. humilis | Uncommon | Native |
lowland rotala, lowland toothcup, rotala | Rotala ramosior | Uncommon | Native |
Lyall’s rockcress | Arabis lyallii var. lyallii | Rare | Native |
Lyall’s rockcress | Arabis lyallii var. nubigena | Uncommon | Native |
MacKenzie’s willow | Salix prolixa | Uncommon | Native |
Macloskey’s violet, small white violet | Viola macloskeyi | Common | Native |
Malta starthistle, Maltese star thistle, Maltese star-thistle, Napa thistle, spotted knapweed, tocalote | Centaurea melitensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
manyflower tobacco | Nicotiana acuminata var. multiflora | Rare | Non-native |
manyrib sedge | Carex multicostata | Common | Native |
manystem sedge | Carex multicaulis | Common | Native |
Mariposa manzanita | Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. mariposa | Common | Native |
Mariposa phacelia | Phacelia vallicola | Uncommon | Native |
Mariposa sedge | Carex mariposana | Uncommon | Native |
marsh larkspur, mountain marsh larkspur | Delphinium polycladon | Common | Native |
marsh primrose-willow, marsh seedbox | Ludwigia palustris | Rare | Native |
marumleaf buckwheat | Eriogonum marifolium | Uncommon | Native |
mat amaranth, prostrate amaranth, prostrate pigweed | Amaranthus blitoides | Unknown | Native |
mat muhly, soft-leaf muhly | Muhlenbergia richardsonis | Common | Native |
matted lupine | Lupinus breweri var. bryoides | Uncommon | Native |
matted lupine | Lupinus breweri var. grandiflorus | Uncommon | Native |
meadow barley | Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum | Common | Native |
meadow deathcamas | Zigadenus venenosus var. venenosus | Uncommon | Native |
meadow sedge, northern meadow sedge | Carex praticola | Rare | Native |
meadow thistle | Cirsium scariosum | Common | Native |
Mediterranean rabbitsfoot grass | Polypogon maritimus | Rare | Non-native |
Menzies’ campion, white catchfly | Silene menziesii | Uncommon | Native |
Menzies’ fiddleneck, rigid fiddleneck | Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii | Uncommon | Native |
Menzies’ tansymustard | Descurainia pinnata ssp. menziesii | Common | Native |
Mertens’ rush | Juncus mertensianus | Uncommon | Native |
Merten’s saxifrage, wood saxifrage, woodland saxifrage | Saxifraga mertensiana | Rare | Native |
Mexican elder | Sambucus mexicana | Uncommon | Native |
Mexican lovegrass | Eragrostis mexicana ssp. virescens | Uncommon | Native |
Mexican rush | Juncus mexicanus | Uncommon | Native |
Mexican whorled milkweed, narrowleaf milkweed, narrow-leaved milkweed | Asclepias fascicularis | Uncommon | Native |
milk kelloggia, milky kelloggia | Kelloggia galioides | Common | Native |
milkmaids | Cardamine californica var. californica | Uncommon | Native |
millet woodrush, smallflower woodrush, smallflowered woodrush | Luzula parviflora | Common | Native |
miner’s lettuce | Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata | Common | Native |
Mingan Island grapefern, Mingan moonwort | Botrychium minganense | Rare | Native |
miniature gilia, smoothleaf gilia | Gilia capillaris | Uncommon | Native |
miniature monkey-flower, Suksdorf’s monkeyflower | Mimulus suksdorfii | Uncommon | Native |
mock leopardbane | Whitneya dealbata | Rare | Native |
mointain monkeyflower, mountain monkeyflower | Mimulus montioides | Rare | Native |
Mono Hot Springs evening primrose, Mono Hot Springs evening-primrose | Camissonia sierrae ssp. alticola | Rare | Native |
mosquito bills | Dodecatheon hendersonii | Uncommon | Native |
moth mullein, white moth mullein | Verbascum blattaria | Rare | Non-native |
Mount Rose buckwheat, rosy buckwheat | Eriogonum rosense | Uncommon | Native |
mountain alder, speckled alder, thinleaf alder | Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia | Rare | Native |
mountain bentgrass, mountain redtop | Agrostis variabilis | Uncommon | Native |
mountain bluebells, shortstyle bluebells, tall fringe bluebells, tall fringed bluebells | Mertensia ciliata | Uncommon | Native |
mountain bog gentian, Rainier pleated gentian | Gentiana calycosa | Rare | Native |
mountain brickellbush, tasselflower brickellbush, tasselflower brickellia | Brickellia grandiflora | Uncommon | Native |
mountain clarkia | Clarkia heterandra | Uncommon | Native |
mountain dodder | Cuscuta suksdorfii | Rare | Native |
mountain false gilia, white false gilyflower | Allophyllum integrifolium | Uncommon | Native |
mountain Indian paintbrush | Castilleja parviflora | Uncommon | Native |
mountain lady’s slipper, mountain ladyslipper | Cypripedium montanum | Rare | Native |
mountain larkspur, Sierra larkspur, tower larkspur | Delphinium glaucum | Uncommon | Native |
mountain lice, poke knotweed | Polygonum phytolaccifolium | Common | Native |
mountain meadowfoam | Limnanthes montana | Uncommon | Native |
mountain misery | Chamaebatia foliolosa | Common | Native |
mountain muhly | Muhlenbergia montana | Common | Native |
mountain-meadow cinquefoil, varileaf cinquefoil | Potentilla diversifolia var. diversifolia | Uncommon | Native |
mouseear cress, mouse-ear cress | Arabidopsis thaliana | Uncommon | Non-native |
moving polemonium | Polemonium californicum | Uncommon | Native |
muchbranched groundsmoke, pinyon groundsmoke | Gayophytum ramosissimum | Uncommon | Native |
mud sedge | Carex limosa | Rare | Native |
musk monkeyflower, muskflower | Mimulus moschatus | Common | Native |
mustang clover | Linanthus montanus | Uncommon | Native |
mustang mint, mustang monardella, mustang mountainbalm | Monardella lanceolata | Common | Native |
muttongrass | Poa fendleriana ssp. longiligula | Uncommon | Native |
naked broomrape, naked broom-rape, oneflowered broomrape | Orobanche uniflora | Uncommon | Native |
naked buckwheat | Eriogonum nudum var. deductum | Common | Native |
naked buckwheat | Eriogonum nudum var. nudum | Common | Native |
naked buckwheat | Eriogonum nudum var. scapigerum | Rare | Native |
naked sedge | Carex nudata | Uncommon | Native |
narrowfruit sedge | Carex specifica | Common | Native |
narrowleaf blue eyed Mary | Collinsia linearis | Rare | Native |
narrowleaf burr reed, narrowleaf burreed, narrowleaf bur-reed | Sparganium angustifolium | Uncommon | Native |
narrowleaf cottonrose | Filago gallica | Common | Non-native |
narrowleaf Indianlettuce, narrowleaf minerslettuce | Montia linearis | Uncommon | Native |
narrowleaf mountaintrumpet, narrow-leaf mountain-trumpet, slenderleaf collomia, tiny trumpet | Collomia linearis | Uncommon | Native |
narrowleaf onion | Allium amplectens | Uncommon | Native |
narrowleaf swordfern | Polystichum imbricans ssp. imbricans | Common | Native |
narrowleaf willowweed, Torrey’s willowherb | Epilobium torreyi | Uncommon | Native |
narrow-leaved willow | Salix exigua | Rare | Native |
narrowpetal wakerobin | Trillium angustipetalum | Rare | Native |
native sedge, spring sedge | Carex vernacula | Common | Native |
Nebraska sedge | Carex nebrascensis | Common | Native |
needle and thread, needleandthread | Hesperostipa comata ssp. comata | Uncommon | Native |
needle spikerush, needle spike-rush | Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis | Common | Native |
needleleaf navarretia | Navarretia intertexta ssp. intertexta | Uncommon | Native |
nerved sedge, Sierra sedge | Carex nervina | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada arnica | Arnica nevadensis | Common | Native |
Nevada bird’s-foot trefoil, Nevada trefoil | Lotus nevadensis var. nevadensis | Common | Native |
Nevada bitterroot, Nevada bitter-root, Nevada lewisia | Lewisia nevadensis | Common | Native |
Nevada buckwheat, sulphur-flower buckwheat | Eriogonum umbellatum var. nevadense | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada cinquefoil | Potentilla glandulosa ssp. nevadensis | Common | Native |
Nevada City buckwheat | Eriogonum prattenianum var. prattenianum | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada helianthella | Helianthella californica var. nevadensis | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada needlegrass | Achnatherum nevadense | Rare | Native |
Nevada pea | Lathyrus lanszwertii var. aridus | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada podistera | Podistera nevadensis | Rare | Native |
Nevada rush, Sierra rush | Juncus nevadensis | Uncommon | Native |
Nevada rush, Tiehm’s rush | Juncus tiehmii | Rare | Native |
nimblewill, nimblewill muhly | Muhlenbergia schreberi | Common | Non-native |
nodding microseris, nodding silverpuffs | Microseris nutans | Uncommon | Native |
northern chickweed, northern starwort | Stellaria calycantha | Rare | Native |
northern mannagrass, small floating manna grass, small floating mannagrass | Glyceria borealis | Rare | Native |
northern reedgrass, slim-stem reed grass | Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa | Uncommon | Native |
northern sanicle, Sierra sanicle | Sanicula graveolens | Uncommon | Native |
northwest cinquefoil, Nuttall’s cinquefoil, slender cinquefoil | Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata | Common | Native |
Northwest Territory sedge | Carex utriculata | Common | Native |
nut pine, one-leaf pine, singleleaf pinyon | Pinus monophylla | Uncommon | Native |
Nuttall alkaligrass, Nuttall’s alkaligrass | Puccinellia nuttalliana | Rare | Native |
Nuttall’s deserttrumpets, Nuttall’s linanthus | Linanthus nuttallii ssp. pubescens | Uncommon | Native |
Nuttall’s monolepis, Nuttall’s povertyweed, Nuttall’s poverty-weed, patata, patota | Monolepis nuttalliana | Uncommon | Native |
Nuttall’s quillwort | Isoetes nuttallii | Uncommon | Native |
oblong bluecurls | Trichostema oblongum | Uncommon | Native |
oneflower fringed gentian, oneflower gentian | Gentianopsis simplex | Uncommon | Native |
one-sided wintergreen, sidebells wintergreen | Orthilia secunda | Uncommon | Native |
onespike danthonia, onespike oatgrass | Danthonia unispicata | Uncommon | Native |
orange agoseris, orange-flowered false-dandelion | Agoseris aurantiaca | Uncommon | Native |
Orcutt brome, Orcutt’s brome | Bromus orcuttianus | Common | Native |
Oregon ash | Fraxinus latifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Oregon cliff fern, Oregon woodsia, western cliff fern | Woodsia oregana | Uncommon | Native |
Oregon white oak | Quercus garryana var. breweri | Uncommon | Native |
Oregon willowherb, Oregon willowweed | Epilobium oregonense | Uncommon | Native |
ovalhead sedge, smallwing sedge | Carex microptera | Common | Native |
owlfruit sedge | Carex stipata var. stipata | Rare | Native |
Owyhee mudwort | Limosella acaulis | Uncommon | Native |
oxeye daisy, ox-eye daisy, oxeyedaisy, oxeye-daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | Uncommon | Non-native |
Pacific bleeding heart | Dicentra formosa | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific dogwood | Cornus nuttallii | Common | Native |
Pacific fescue | Vulpia microstachys var. pauciflora | Common | Native |
Pacific hound’s tongue | Cynoglossum grande | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific mistletoe | Phoradendron villosum | Common | Native |
Pacific ninebark | Physocarpus capitatus | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific onion, swamp onion | Allium validum | Common | Native |
Pacific poison oak | Toxicodendron diversilobum | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific rush | Juncus effusus var. pacificus | Common | Native |
Pacific willow | Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra | Uncommon | Native |
Pacific woodrush | Luzula comosa | Common | Native |
pale agoseris | Agoseris glauca var. monticola | Uncommon | Native |
pale false mannagrass | Torreyochloa pallida var. pauciflora | Uncommon | Native |
pale silverback fern | Pentagramma pallida | Uncommon | Native |
pale spikerush | Eleocharis macrostachya | Uncommon | Native |
Palmer’s campion, Palmer’s catchfly | Silene bernardina | Uncommon | Native |
panicled bulrush, red-tinge bulrush, smallfruit bulrush | Scirpus microcarpus | Common | Native |
parasol clover | Trifolium bolanderi | Rare | Native |
Parish spikerush, Parish’s spikerush | Eleocharis parishii | Uncommon | Native |
Parish wheatgrass | Elymus stebbinsii | Uncommon | Native |
Parish’s nightshade | Solanum parishii | Rare | Native |
Parish’s yampah | Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia | Common | Native |
Parry rush, Parry’s rush | Juncus parryi | Uncommon | Native |
Parry’s aster | Aster foliaceus var. parryi | Uncommon | Native |
peak saxifrage | Saxifraga nidifica var. nidifica | Uncommon | Native |
phantom orchid | Cephalanthera austiniae | Uncommon | Native |
pigweed, pigweed amaranth, prostrate pigweed, tumble pigweed, tumbleweed, white pigweed | Amaranthus albus | Uncommon | Non-native |
pimpernel, scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | Uncommon | Non-native |
pincushion beardtongue, pincushion penstemon | Penstemon procerus var. formosus | Uncommon | Native |
pine cryptantha, pinewoods cryptantha | Cryptantha simulans | Uncommon | Native |
pine forest larkspur | Delphinium gracilentum | Uncommon | Native |
pine needlegrass, pine-forest needle grass, pinewoods needlegrass | Achnatherum pinetorum | Uncommon | Native |
pine rose | Rosa pinetorum | Uncommon | Native |
pine violet | Viola lobata ssp. integrifolia | Uncommon | Native |
pine violet | Viola lobata ssp. lobata | Common | Native |
pinemat | Ceanothus diversifolius | Uncommon | Native |
pinemat manzanita | Arctostaphylos nevadensis | Common | Native |
pink alumroot | Heuchera rubescens var. alpicola | Uncommon | Native |
pink alumroot | Heuchera rubescens var. rydbergiana | Uncommon | Native |
pink spineflower | Chorizanthe membranacea | Uncommon | Native |
pink stickseed | Hackelia mundula | Uncommon | Native |
pinpoint clover | Trifolium gracilentum var. gracilentum | Uncommon | Native |
pioneer rockcress | Arabis platysperma var. platysperma | Common | Native |
pioneer violet | Viola glabella | Common | Native |
pipestem clematis | Clematis lasiantha | Uncommon | Native |
pipsissewa, prince’s pine | Chimaphila umbellata | Uncommon | Native |
plain mariposa lily | Calochortus invenustus | Uncommon | Native |
plantainleaf buttercup | Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismellus | Common | Native |
plantainleaf buttercup | Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius | Uncommon | Native |
pointed catseye, pointed cryptantha, prickly cryptantha | Cryptantha muricata | Uncommon | Native |
pointed rush | Juncus oxymeris | Uncommon | Native |
poison angelica, Sierra angelica | Angelica lineariloba | Uncommon | Native |
poorman’s-pepperwort, Virginia pepperweed | Lepidium virginicum var. virginicum | Uncommon | Non-native |
poverty threeawn | Aristida divaricata | Rare | Native |
prairie flax | Linum lewisii var. alpicola | Uncommon | Native |
Presl’s sedge | Carex preslii | Uncommon | Native |
prettyface | Triteleia ixioides ssp. anilina | Common | Native |
prettyface | Triteleia ixioides ssp. scabra | Common | Native |
prickly hawkweed, shaggy hawkweed | Hieracium horridum | Common | Native |
prickly sandwort, spiny sandwort | Arenaria aculeata | Uncommon | Native |
Pringle’s bluegrass | Poa pringlei | Uncommon | Native |
pullup muhly | Muhlenbergia filiformis | Common | Native |
Purdy’s penstemon | Penstemon heterophyllus var. purdyi | Rare | Native |
purple Chinese houses | Collinsia heterophylla | Uncommon | Native |
purple false gilyflower | Allophyllum divaricatum | Uncommon | Native |
purple foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | Uncommon | Non-native |
purple reedgrass | Calamagrostis purpurascens | Uncommon | Native |
purple sandspurry, red sandspurry | Spergularia rubra | Uncommon | Non-native |
purple sanicle | Sanicula bipinnatifida | Uncommon | Native |
purple vetch, reddish tufted vetch | Vicia benghalensis | Rare | Non-native |
purpleflower honeysuckle | Lonicera conjugialis | Uncommon | Native |
pygmy rose | Rosa bridgesii | Uncommon | Native |
pygmyflower rockjasmine | Androsace septentrionalis ssp. subumbellata | Uncommon | Native |
q-tips | Micropus californicus var. californicus | Uncommon | Native |
quaking aspen | Populus tremuloides | Common | Native |
Quick’s phacelia | Phacelia quickii | Uncommon | Native |
racemose phacelia | Phacelia racemosa | Uncommon | Native |
rareflower heterocodon, western pearlflower | Heterocodon rariflorum | Uncommon | Native |
rattlesnake plantain, western rattlesnake plantain | Goodyera oblongifolia | Uncommon | Native |
ravine fescue, red fescue | Festuca rubra | Uncommon | Native |
rayless arnica | Arnica discoidea | Uncommon | Native |
rayless ragwort | Senecio aronicoides | Uncommon | Native |
Raynolds sedge, Raynold’s sedge, Raynolds’ sedge | Carex raynoldsii | Uncommon | Native |
red baneberry, western baneberry | Actaea rubra | Uncommon | Native |
red buckthorn | Rhamnus rubra | Uncommon | Native |
red clover | Trifolium pratense | Uncommon | Non-native |
red huckleberry | Vaccinium parvifolium | Rare | Native |
red larkspur | Delphinium nudicaule | Rare | Native |
red Sierra onion | Allium obtusum var. conspicuum | Uncommon | Native |
red Sierra onion, red Sierran onion | Allium obtusum var. obtusum | Uncommon | Native |
red willow | Salix laevigata | Uncommon | Native |
Redding buckwheat | Eriogonum spergulinum var. reddingianum | Common | Native |
redosier dogwood, Siberian dogwood, Tatarian dogwood | Cornus sericea ssp. sericea | Common | Native |
redray alpinegold, redray hulsea | Hulsea heterochroma | Rare | Native |
redtop panicgrass, redtop panicum | Panicum rigidulum var. rigidulum | Rare | Non-native |
reed canary grass, reed canarygrass | Phalaris arundinacea | Uncommon | Native |
rescue brome, rescue grass, rescuegras, rescuegrass | Bromus catharticus | Rare | Non-native |
rhombie leaf alder, white alder | Alnus rhombifolia | Uncommon | Native |
Richardson’s geranium | Geranium richardsonii | Common | Native |
ripgut brome | Bromus diandrus | Uncommon | Non-native |
Robbins pondweed, Robbins’ pondweed | Potamogeton robbinsii | Rare | Native |
Robert’s geranium | Geranium robertianum | Uncommon | Non-native |
rock cress, tower rockcress | Arabis glabra var. glabra | Uncommon | Native |
rock melicgrass, rock oniongrass | Melica stricta | Uncommon | Native |
rockfringe, rose willowweed | Epilobium obcordatum | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain buttercup | Ranunculus cymbalaria var. saximontanus | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain cliff fern, Rocky Mountain woodsia | Woodsia scopulina | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain cowlily, Rocky Mountain pondlily, Rocky Mountain pond-lily, yellow pond-lily | Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain iris, western blue flag, wild iris, wildiris | Iris missouriensis | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain pussytoes | Antennaria media | Uncommon | Native |
Rocky Mountain rush | Juncus saximontanus | Uncommon | Native |
Roezl’s gooseberry, Sierra gooseberry | Ribes roezlii var. roezlii | Common | Native |
Roezl’s penstemon | Penstemon roezlii | Rare | Native |
rose campion | Lychnis coronaria | Uncommon | Non-native |
Ross sedge, Ross’ sedge, Ross’s sedge, shortstemmed sedge | Carex rossii | Common | Native |
rosy pussytoes | Antennaria rosea ssp. confinis | Unknown | Native |
rough bent, rough bentgrass, ticklegrass | Agrostis scabra | Uncommon | Native |
roundleaf snowberry | Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. rotundifolius | Uncommon | Native |
roundleaf sundew | Drosera rotundifolia | Rare | Native |
roundtooth snakelily | Dichelostemma multiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
royal rein orchid | Piperia transversa | Uncommon | Native |
rusty popcornflower | Plagiobothrys nothofulvus | Uncommon | Native |
sacred datura, sacred thornapple, sacred thorn-apple | Datura wrightii | Uncommon | Native |
San Diego raspberry | Rubus glaucifolius | Uncommon | Native |
San Francisco woodland-star | Lithophragma affine | Uncommon | Native |
Santa Lucia suncup | Camissonia luciae | Uncommon | Native |
Sargent’s campion, Sargent’s catchfly | Silene sargentii | Uncommon | Native |
scarlet gilia | Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. bridgesii | Uncommon | Native |
scarlet gilia, scarlet skyrocket, skyrocket gilia | Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. formosissima | Uncommon | Native |
Schreber’s watershield, watershield | Brasenia schreberi | Uncommon | Native |
Scouler’s willow | Salix scouleriana | Uncommon | Native |
scouringrush horsetail | Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine | Common | Native |
Scribner’s grass | Scribneria bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
scrub pine, white pine, whitebark pine | Pinus albicaulis | Abundant | Native |
seashore bentgrass | Agrostis pallens | Uncommon | Native |
Sequoia bedstraw | Galium sparsiflorum ssp. sparsiflorum | Uncommon | Native |
serpentine bittercress | Cardamine pachystigma var. pachystigma | Uncommon | Native |
serpentine sunflower | Helianthus bolanderi | Uncommon | Native |
sessileflower false goldenaster | Heterotheca sessiliflora ssp. echioides | Rare | Native |
shaggy lupine | Lupinus covillei | Common | Native |
Shasta knotweed | Polygonum shastense | Uncommon | Native |
Shasta sedge | Carex straminiformis | Uncommon | Native |
sheep sedge, smallhead sedge | Carex illota | Uncommon | Native |
Shelton’s monardella | Monardella sheltonii | Uncommon | Native |
Shelton’s violet | Viola sheltonii | Rare | Native |
shepherdspurse, shepherd’s-purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | Uncommon | Non-native |
shieldplant | Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus | Common | Native |
shieldplant | Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus | Common | Native |
shining fleabane | Erigeron barbellulatus | Rare | Native |
shiny chickweed, shiny starwort | Stellaria nitens | Uncommon | Native |
short foxtail, shortawn foxtail, short-awn meadow-foxtail | Alopecurus aequalis | Uncommon | Native |
short woollyheads | Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus | Rare | Native |
shortfruit stork’s bill | Erodium brachycarpum | Uncommon | Non-native |
shorthair reedgrass | Calamagrostis breweri | Uncommon | Native |
shorthair sedge | Carex filifolia var. erostrata | Common | Native |
shorthorn steer’s-head | Dicentra pauciflora | Rare | Native |
shortleaf alpinegold | Hulsea brevifolia | Rare | Native |
shortpod mustard | Hirschfeldia incana | Uncommon | Non-native |
showy milkweed | Asclepias speciosa | Common | Native |
showy sedge | Carex spectabilis | Uncommon | Native |
sicklekeel lupine | Lupinus albicaulis | Common | Native |
Sierra baby blue eyes, Sierra blue-eyes | Nemophila spatulata | Common | Native |
Sierra bayberry, Sierra sweet-bay | Myrica hartwegii | Rare | Native |
Sierra beardtongue | Penstemon heterodoxus var. heterodoxus | Common | Native |
Sierra biscuitroot | Lomatium torreyi | Common | Native |
Sierra bladdernut | Staphylea bolanderi | Rare | Native |
Sierra blazingstar | Mentzelia crocea | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra calicoflower | Downingia montana | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra checkerbloom | Sidalcea reptans | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra columbine | Aquilegia pubescens | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra cryptantha | Cryptantha nubigena | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra currant | Ribes nevadense | Common | Native |
Sierra daisy, stalked fleabane | Erigeron algidus | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra false bindweed | Calystegia malacophylla ssp. malacophylla | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra false coolwort | Bolandra californica | Rare | Native |
Sierra false needlegrass | Ptilagrostis kingii | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra fringed gentian, Sierra gentian | Gentianopsis holopetala | Common | Native |
Sierra groundsel, Sierra ragwort | Senecio scorzonella | Common | Native |
Sierra laurel | Leucothoe davisiae | Rare | Native |
Sierra lessingia | Lessingia leptoclada | Common | Native |
Sierra lewisia | Lewisia glandulosa | Common | Native |
Sierra lodgepole pine, tamarack pine | Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana | Abundant | Native |
Sierra manroot | Marah horridus | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra mariposa lily | Calochortus minimus | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra mint | Pycnanthemum californicum | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra mousetail | Ivesia santolinoides | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra needlegrass | Achnatherum latiglume | Rare | Native |
Sierra pincushion, southern Sierra pincushion | Chaenactis alpigena | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra primrose | Primula suffrutescens | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra saxifrage | Saxifraga aprica | Common | Native |
Sierra shootingstar | Dodecatheon subalpinum | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra skullcap | Scutellaria bolanderi ssp. bolanderi | Rare | Native |
Sierra springbeauty | Claytonia nevadensis | Rare | Native |
Sierra starwort | Pseudostellaria sierrae | Rare | Native |
Sierra stickseed, Sierran stickseed | Hackelia nervosa | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra stonecrop, Sierran stonecrop | Sedum obtusatum ssp. obtusatum | Common | Native |
Sierra suncup | Camissonia sierrae ssp. sierrae | Rare | Native |
Sierra tansymustard, Sierran tansy mustard, Sierran tansymustard | Descurainia californica | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra threadplant | Nemacladus interior | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra tidytips | Layia pentachaeta ssp. pentachaeta | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra tiger lily, Sierra tigerlily | Lilium parvum | Common | Native |
Sierra triteleia | Triteleia montana | Common | Native |
Sierra wildrye | Elymus sierrae | Uncommon | Native |
Sierra willow | Salix orestera | Common | Native |
Sierra woodrush | Luzula orestera | Uncommon | Native |
Sierran milkvetch, woollypod milkvetch | Astragalus purshii var. lectulus | Uncommon | Native |
Sierrra shootingstar | Dodecatheon jeffreyi | Common | Native |
silky cinquefoil | Potentilla pseudosericea | Uncommon | Native |
silky raillardella, silvermat | Raillardella argentea | Uncommon | Native |
silver hairgrass | Aira caryophyllea | Common | Non-native |
silver lupine | Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons | Uncommon | Native |
silver pussytoes, silvery pussytoes | Antennaria argentea | Uncommon | Native |
silver sedge, silvery sedge | Carex canescens | Rare | Native |
Sitka starwort | Stellaria borealis ssp. sitchana | Uncommon | Native |
skunkbush sumac | Rhus trilobata | Uncommon | Native |
skypilot | Polemonium eximium | Uncommon | Native |
sleeping popcornflower | Plagiobothrys hispidulus | Uncommon | Native |
slender bird’s beak, slender bird’sbeak | Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. tenuis | Common | Native |
slender cottongrass, slender cotton-grass, slender cottonsedge | Eriophorum gracile | Rare | Native |
slender daisy, slender fleabane | Erigeron tener | Rare | Native |
slender hairgrass | Deschampsia elongata | Uncommon | Native |
slender hawkweed | Hieracium gracile | Common | Native |
slender oat, slender oats, slender wildoat | Avena barbata | Common | Non-native |
slender phlox | Phlox gracilis | Common | Native |
slender wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus | Uncommon | Native |
slender woollyheads | Psilocarphus tenellus var. tenellus | Uncommon | Native |
slenderbeak sedge, slender-beak sedge | Carex athrostachya | Common | Native |
slim larkspur, wand larkspur | Delphinium depauperatum | Common | Native |
small baby blue eyes | Nemophila heterophylla | Common | Native |
small bur-reed | Sparganium natans | Rare | Native |
small camas | Camassia quamash ssp. quamash | Common | Native |
small crabgrass, smooth crab grass, smooth crabgrass | Digitaria ischaemum | Uncommon | Non-native |
small enchanter nightshade, small enchanter’s nightshade | Circaea alpina ssp. pacifica | Uncommon | Native |
small pondweed | Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus | Rare | Native |
small tarweed | Madia exigua | Common | Native |
small Venus’ looking-glass | Triodanis biflora | Uncommon | Native |
smallflower fescue, small-flower fescue | Festuca minutiflora | Rare | Native |
smallflower horkelia | Horkelia fusca ssp. parviflora | Common | Native |
smallflower melicgrass | Melica imperfecta | Uncommon | Native |
smallflower monkeyflower | Mimulus inconspicuus | Rare | Native |
smallflower woodland-star | Lithophragma parviflorum | Uncommon | Native |
Small’s southern clarkia | Clarkia australis | Rare | Native |
smooth barley | Hordeum murinum ssp. glaucum | Rare | Non-native |
smooth brome | Bromus inermis ssp. inermis | Uncommon | Non-native |
smooth cat’s ear, smooth catsear | Hypochaeris glabra | Uncommon | Non-native |
smooth hawksbeard, smooth hawk’s-beard | Crepis capillaris | Uncommon | Non-native |
smoothbead sedge, smoothbeak sedge | Carex integra | Rare | Native |
snow willow | Salix reticulata ssp. nivalis | Rare | Native |
snowbrush ceanothus | Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus | Uncommon | Native |
snowplant | Sarcodes sanguinea | Common | Native |
snub pea, sulfur pea | Lathyrus sulphureus | Uncommon | Native |
soft brome, soft chess | Bromus hordeaceus | Uncommon | Non-native |
soft western rosinweed | Calycadenia mollis | Uncommon | Native |
soldier rockcress | Arabis lemmonii var. depauperata | Uncommon | Native |
Sonne’s arnica | Arnica parryi ssp. sonnei | Uncommon | Native |
sourclover | Melilotus indica | Uncommon | Non-native |
spearleaf agoseris | Agoseris retrorsa | Uncommon | Native |
spider lupine | Lupinus benthamii | Uncommon | Native |
spike bentgrass | Agrostis exarata | Common | Native |
spike trisetum | Trisetum spicatum | Uncommon | Native |
spiked false mannagrass | Torreyochloa erecta | Uncommon | Native |
spiked woodrush, spiked wood-rush | Luzula spicata | Uncommon | Native |
spiny milkvetch | Astragalus kentrophyta var. danaus | Rare | Native |
spiny sowthistle | Sonchus asper ssp. asper | Uncommon | Non-native |
spinyfruit buttercup | Ranunculus muricatus | Uncommon | Non-native |
spotted coralroot, summer coralroot | Corallorrhiza maculata | Common | Native |
spreading daisy, spreading fleabane | Erigeron divergens | Uncommon | Native |
spreading groundsmoke | Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum | Common | Native |
spreading phlox | Phlox diffusa | Common | Native |
spreading rockcress, spreadingpod rockcress | Arabis X divaricarpa | Uncommon | Native |
spring draba, spring whitlowgrass | Draba verna | Common | Native |
spring madia | Madia elegans ssp. vernalis | Common | Native |
spurry buckwheat | Eriogonum spergulinum var. spergulinum | Common | Native |
squaw-lettuce, western waterleaf | Hydrophyllum occidentale | Common | Native |
squirreltail | Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus | Common | Native |
staining collomia, yellowstain collomia | Collomia tinctoria | Uncommon | Native |
stalked popcornflower | Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus | Uncommon | Native |
star sedge, stellate sedge | Carex echinata ssp. echinata | Rare | Native |
Stebbin’s bluegrass | Poa stebbinsii | Uncommon | Native |
stemless goldenweed, stemless mock goldenweed | Stenotus acaulis | Rare | Native |
sticky chickweed | Cerastium glomeratum | Uncommon | Non-native |
sticky Chinese houses | Collinsia tinctoria | Uncommon | Native |
sticky cinquefoil | Potentilla glandulosa ssp. glandulosa | Uncommon | Native |
sticky cinquefoil | Potentilla glandulosa ssp. reflexa | Uncommon | Native |
sticky currant | Ribes viscosissimum | Uncommon | Native |
sticky monkeyflower | Mimulus viscidus | Uncommon | Native |
sticky starwort, sticky-starwort, tuber starwort | Pseudostellaria jamesiana | Uncommon | Native |
sticky whiteleaf manzanita, whiteleaf manzanita | Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. viscida | Uncommon | Native |
stiffbranch bird’s beak | Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. brevibracteatus | Rare | Native |
stiffbranch bird’s beak | Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. rigidus | Uncommon | Native |
straightbeak buttercup | Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. orthorhynchus | Uncommon | Native |
straightleaf rush | Juncus orthophyllus | Uncommon | Native |
strapleaf willow, strap-leaf willow | Salix ligulifolia | Uncommon | Native |
streambank bird’s-foot trefoil, streambank trefoil | Lotus oblongifolius var. oblongifolius | Common | Native |
streambank springbeauty | Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora | Uncommon | Native |
subalpine fleabane | Erigeron peregrinus var. callianthemus | Common | Native |
subalpine fleabane | Erigeron peregrinus var. hirsutus | Common | Native |
subalpine monkeyflower, subalpine monkey-flower, Tiling’s monkeyflower | Mimulus tilingii | Common | Native |
subarctic ladyfern | Athyrium filix-femina var. cyclosorum | Common | Native |
suffrutescent sandwort | Arenaria congesta var. suffrutescens | Uncommon | Native |
sugar pine dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium californicum | Uncommon | Native |
sugarstick | Allotropa virgata | Rare | Native |
Suksdorf’s brome | Bromus suksdorfii | Uncommon | Native |
sulphur-flower buckwheat | Eriogonum umbellatum var. covillei | Uncommon | Native |
sulphurflower buckwheat, sulphur-flower buckwheat | Eriogonum umbellatum var. furcosum | Uncommon | Native |
summer lupine | Lupinus formosus var. formosus | Uncommon | Native |
swamp carex, swamp sedge | Carex senta | Uncommon | Native |
sweet fennel | Foeniculum vulgare | Rare | Non-native |
sweetanise, western sweetroot | Osmorhiza occidentalis | Common | Native |
swordleaf rush, three-stamened rush | Juncus ensifolius | Uncommon | Native |
Tahoe sedge | Carex tahoensis | Rare | Native |
tall agoseris | Agoseris elata | Uncommon | Native |
tall brome | Bromus grandis | Uncommon | Native |
tall draba | Draba praealta | Rare | Native |
tall flatsedge | Cyperus eragrostis | Uncommon | Native |
tall groundsel, tall ragwort | Senecio serra var. serra | Rare | Native |
tall mannagrass | Glyceria elata | Common | Native |
tall trisetum | Trisetum canescens | Uncommon | Native |
tanoak | Lithocarpus densiflorus var. echinoides | Rare | Native |
telegraph weed, telegraphweed | Heterotheca grandiflora | Uncommon | Native |
Texas Indian paintbrush | Castilleja foliolosa | Rare | Native |
thicket creeper, Virginia creeper, woodbine | Parthenocissus vitacea | Rare | Native |
thickleaved wild strawberry, Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry | Fragaria virginiana | Common | Native |
thickstem aster | Aster integrifolius | Common | Native |
thimbleberry, western thimbleberry | Rubus parviflorus | Uncommon | Native |
Thompkins’ sedge | Carex tompkinsii | Rare | Native |
thread linanthus | Linanthus filipes | Uncommon | Native |
threebract onion | Allium tribracteatum | Rare | Native |
threeleaf bitterroot, threeleaf lewisia | Lewisia triphylla | Common | Native |
threelobe beggarticks, three-lobe beggarticks | Bidens tripartita | Unknown | Non-native |
threetooth horkelia | Horkelia tridentata ssp. tridentata | Uncommon | Native |
threeway sedge | Dulichium arundinaceum | Rare | Native |
Thurber’s bentgrass | Agrostis thurberiana | Uncommon | Native |
thymeleaf sandmat, thyme-leaf sandmat, thymeleaf spurge | Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia | Uncommon | Native |
timber oatgrass | Danthonia intermedia | Common | Native |
timberline bluegrass | Poa glauca ssp. rupicola | Uncommon | Native |
timberline sagebrush | Artemisia rothrockii | Common | Native |
Tioga gentian | Gentiana newberryi var. tiogana | Common | Native |
Tioga Pass sedge | Carex tiogana | Rare | Native |
toad rush | Juncus bufonius var. bufonius | Common | Native |
toad rush | Juncus bufonius var. occidentalis | Common | Native |
toadlily, water Indianlettuce, water miner’s lettuce, water minerslettuce | Montia chamissoi | Common | Native |
tomcat clover | Trifolium willdenovii | Uncommon | Native |
Torrey’s blue eyed Mary, Torrey’s blue-eyed Mary | Collinsia torreyi var. torreyi | Common | Native |
Torrey’s cat’s-eye, Torrey’s cryptantha | Cryptantha torreyana | Uncommon | Native |
Torrey’s maple | Acer glabrum var. torreyi | Uncommon | Native |
Torrey’s monkeyflower | Mimulus torreyi | Uncommon | Native |
Torrey’s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys torreyi var. diffusus | Uncommon | Native |
Torrey’s popcornflower | Plagiobothrys torreyi var. torreyi | Rare | Native |
trianglelobe moonwort, upswept moonwort | Botrychium ascendens | Rare | Native |
Truckee cryptantha | Cryptantha glomeriflora | Rare | Native |
true babystars | Linanthus bicolor | Uncommon | Native |
tufted hairgrass | Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa | Common | Native |
tufted poppy | Eschscholzia caespitosa | Uncommon | Native |
turkey pea | Sanicula tuberosa | Uncommon | Native |
twelfth rush | Juncus uncialis | Uncommon | Native |
twinberry honeysuckle | Lonicera involucrata var. involucrata | Uncommon | Native |
twining snakelily | Dichelostemma volubile | Uncommon | Native |
twinleaf bedstraw, twin-leaf bedstraw | Galium bifolium | Uncommon | Native |
twolobe clarkia | Clarkia biloba ssp. biloba | Uncommon | Native |
typical Washington lily | Lilium washingtonianum ssp. washingtonianum | Uncommon | Native |
umbellate chickweed, umbrella starwort | Stellaria umbellata | Uncommon | Native |
umbrella bulrush | Scirpus diffusus | Uncommon | Native |
Utah serviceberry, Utah shadberry, western serviceberry | Amelanchier utahensis | Common | Native |
variableleaf collomia | Collomia heterophylla | Uncommon | Native |
variableleaf jewelflower, variedleaf twistflower | Streptanthus diversifolius | Uncommon | Native |
varileaf phacelia | Phacelia heterophylla ssp. virgata | Uncommon | Native |
velvet stickseed, velvety stickseed | Hackelia velutina | Common | Native |
vinegarweed | Trichostema lanceolatum | Uncommon | Native |
violet draperia | Draperia systyla | Common | Native |
wall barley | Hordeum murinum ssp. murinum | Rare | Non-native |
wall bedstraw | Galium parisiense | Uncommon | Non-native |
wallflower phoenicaulis | Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides | Rare | Native |
Waltham Creek clarkia | Clarkia modesta | Unknown | Native |
wand buckwheat | Eriogonum roseum | Common | Native |
wand wirelettuce | Stephanomeria virgata ssp. pleurocarpa | Uncommon | Native |
water smartweed | Polygonum amphibium var. stipulaceum | Uncommon | Native |
watercress | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum | Uncommon | Native |
waterfall false buttercup | Kumlienia hystricula | Uncommon | Native |
waterleaf phacelia | Phacelia hydrophylloides | Uncommon | Native |
wavyleaf Indian paintbrush | Castilleja applegatei ssp. disticha | Uncommon | Native |
wavyleaf Indian paintbrush | Castilleja applegatei ssp. pallida | Uncommon | Native |
wavyleaf Indian paintbrush | Castilleja applegatei ssp. pinetorum | Uncommon | Native |
wavyleaf soap plant | Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum | Common | Native |
wax currant, white squaw currant | Ribes cereum var. cereum | Common | Native |
waxy checkerbloom, waxy checkermallow | Sidalcea glaucescens | Uncommon | Native |
weakstem cryptantha | Cryptantha flaccida | Common | Native |
western aster | Aster occidentalis var. occidentalis | Common | Native |
western blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium bellum | Uncommon | Native |
western buttercup | Ranunculus occidentalis | Common | Native |
western chokecherry | Prunus virginiana var. demissa | Uncommon | Native |
western cowbane | Oxypolis occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western dogwood | Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium campylopodum | Common | Native |
western eupatorium, western joepyeweed, western snakeroot | Ageratina occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western fescue | Festuca occidentalis | Common | Native |
western goldenrod, western goldentop | Euthamia occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western halfchaff sedge | Lipocarpha occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western hound’s tongue | Cynoglossum occidentale | Uncommon | Native |
western Jacob’s-ladder, western polemonium | Polemonium occidentale | Rare | Native |
western juniper | Juniperus occidentalis | Common | Native |
western moss heather, white heather | Cassiope mertensiana | Common | Native |
western needle grass, western needlegrass | Achnatherum occidentale ssp. occidentale | Uncommon | Native |
western pearlwort | Sagina decumbens ssp. occidentalis | Uncommon | Native |
western polypody | Polypodium hesperium | Uncommon | Native |
western quillwort | Isoetes occidentalis | Rare | Native |
western raspberry, whitebark raspberry | Rubus leucodermis | Common | Native |
western rush | Juncus occidentalis | Common | Native |
western swordfern | Polystichum munitum | Uncommon | Native |
western vervain | Verbena lasiostachys var. lasiostachys | Uncommon | Native |
Wheeler’s bluegrass | Poa wheeleri | Common | Native |
white beaksedge | Rhynchospora alba | Rare | Native |
white brodiaea, wild hyacinth | Triteleia hyacinthina | Uncommon | Native |
white hawkweed, whiteflower hawkweed | Hieracium albiflorum | Common | Native |
white hedgenettle, whitestem hedgenettle | Stachys albens | Uncommon | Native |
white meadowfoam | Limnanthes alba ssp. alba | Uncommon | Native |
white meadowfoam | Limnanthes alba ssp. versicolor | Uncommon | Native |
white pasqueflower | Anemone occidentalis | Rare | Native |
white sweetclover | Melilotus alba | Uncommon | Non-native |
whitestem goldenbush | Ericameria discoidea | Uncommon | Native |
whitestem gooseberry | Ribes inerme var. inerme | Uncommon | Native |
whitethorn ceanothus | Ceanothus cordulatus | Common | Native |
whitetip clover, white-tip clover | Trifolium variegatum | Uncommon | Native |
white-veined wintergreen | Pyrola picta | Common | Native |
Whitney sedge, Whitney’s sedge | Carex whitneyi | Common | Native |
Whitney’s bristleweed | Hazardia whitneyi var. whitneyi | Uncommon | Native |
wild radish | Raphanus raphanistrum | Uncommon | Non-native |
winecup clarkia | Clarkia purpurea ssp. viminea | Uncommon | Native |
winecup clarkia, winecup fairyfan | Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera | Uncommon | Native |
winged water-starwort | Callitriche marginata | Uncommon | Native |
wireweed | Rigiopappus leptocladus | Uncommon | Native |
wolf trisetum, Wolf’s trisetum | Trisetum wolfii | Uncommon | Native |
woodbalm | Lepechinia calycina | Rare | Native |
woodland pterostegia, woodland threadstem | Pterostegia drymarioides | Uncommon | Native |
woodland strawberry | Fragaria vesca | Common | Native |
Woods’ rose | Rosa woodsii var. ultramontana | Uncommon | Native |
woolly desertdandelion, wooly desert dandelion | Malacothrix floccifera | Uncommon | Native |
woolly groundsel | Senecio canus | Uncommon | Native |
woolly mule-ears, wooly wyethia | Wyethia mollis | Uncommon | Native |
woolly sedge | Carex lanuginosa | Common | Native |
Wright’s blue eyed Mary | Collinsia torreyi var. wrightii | Common | Native |
yellow and white monkeyflower | Mimulus bicolor | Rare | Native |
yellow mariposa | Calochortus superbus | Uncommon | Native |
yellow pincushion | Chaenactis glabriuscula var. heterocarpha | Unknown | Native |
yellow pincushion | Chaenactis glabriuscula var. megacephala | Uncommon | Native |
yellow star thistle, yellow starthistle, yellow star-thistle | Centaurea solstitialis | Uncommon | Non-native |
yellow willow | Salix lutea | Uncommon | Native |
yellowflower tarweed | Holocarpha virgata ssp. virgata | Rare | Native |
yellowlip pansy monkeyflower | Mimulus pulchellus | Rare | Native |
Yosemite aster | Aster occidentalis var. yosemitanus | Common | Native |
Yosemite bitterroot, Yosemite lewisia | Lewisia disepala | Rare | Native |
Yosemite dwarf rush | Juncus triformis | Common | Native |
Yosemite mousetail | Ivesia unguiculata | Rare | Native |
Yosemite onion | Allium yosemitense | Rare | Native |
Yosemite rockcress | Arabis repanda var. repanda | Rare | Native |
Yosemite sedge | Carex sartwelliana | Rare | Native |
Yosemite tarweed | Madia yosemitana | Uncommon | Native |
Yosemite woolly sunflower | Eriophyllum nubigenum | Rare | Native |
Yuba Pass willowherb | Epilobium howellii | Rare | Native |
Note: The wildlife species included in the lists above have been confirmed with the National Park Service to be present in Yosemite National Park. Other species may exist in the park that are currently under review or not yet known.
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- National Park Species List
- Featured Photo Credit: Mirror Lake in Yosemite National Park, California by David Mark